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LEADTOOLS PDF (Leadtools.Pdf assembly)

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ParsePages Method

One or more PDFParsePagesOptions enumeration member that specify the types of objects to parse.
1-based index of the first page number to parse. Must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of pages in the document.
1-based index of the last page number to parse. Must be greater than or equal to firstPageNumber and less than or equal to the number of pages in the document. Use the special value of -1 to represent the last page in the document.
Parses the objects such as text items (characters), images, rectangles, annotations, form fields, digital signatures, hyperlinks and fonts from one or more PDF pages
Public Sub ParsePages( _
   ByVal options As PDFParsePagesOptions, _
   ByVal firstPageNumber As Integer, _
   ByVal lastPageNumber As Integer _
Dim instance As PDFDocument
Dim options As PDFParsePagesOptions
Dim firstPageNumber As Integer
Dim lastPageNumber As Integer
instance.ParsePages(options, firstPageNumber, lastPageNumber)
public void parsePages(int pdfParsePagesOptions, int firstPageNumber, int lastPageNumber)


One or more PDFParsePagesOptions enumeration member that specify the types of objects to parse.
1-based index of the first page number to parse. Must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of pages in the document.
1-based index of the last page number to parse. Must be greater than or equal to firstPageNumber and less than or equal to the number of pages in the document. Use the special value of -1 to represent the last page in the document.

When a PDFDocument object is created, the pages of the PDF document are already parsed and populated in the PDFDocument.Pages collection. Each page may contain other objects such as text items (characters), images, rectangles and hyperlinks, annotations, form fields, digital signatures as well as the fonts used in these items. These items are not parsed automatically for performance reasons. Instead, you must call the ParsePages method with the page ranges you are interested in (or all pages) and type of items to parse.

Initially, the values of the PDFDocumentPage.Fonts, PDFDocumentPage.Objects and PDFDocumentPage.HyperlinksPDFDocumentPage.Objects, PDFDocumentPage.Hyperlinks, PDFDocumentPage.Annotations, PDFDocumentPage.FormFields and PDFDocumentPage.Signatures lists of each PDFDocumentPage will be set to null. When the ParsePages method is called, the corresponding list will be populated with the items found in the page.

You can parse any type of item you are interested in, this is done through the options parameter of type PDFParsePagesOptions passed to ParsePages as follows:

A white space character such as a space or a tab are parsed by default and returned as individual objects. This behavior can be stopped by OR'ing the PDFParsePagesOptions.IgnoreWhiteSpaces enumeration member with PDFParsePagesOptions.Objects in the options parameter passed to PDFDocument.ParsePages. Note that you can re-construct the words and lines of text in the page without white characters by using the PDFTextProperties.IsEndOfWord and PDFTextProperties.IsEndOfLine properties. The example of PDFTextProperties shows how to do that.

The values of PDFParsePagesOptions can be OR'ed together.


This example will parse all the objects from a PDF document. Refer to PDFObject for an example on how to draw the objects of a PDF page to an image and PDFTextProperties to show how to write the text of a PDF page to an external file.

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Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Codecs
Imports Leadtools.Controls
Imports Leadtools.Pdf
Imports Leadtools.Svg
Imports Leadtools.WinForms

<TestMethod> _
Public Sub PDFDocumentParsePagesExample()
  Dim pdfFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Leadtools.pdf")
  Dim txtFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "LEAD_pdf.txt")
  ' Open the document
  Using document As PDFDocument = New PDFDocument(pdfFileName)
    ' Parse everything and for all pages
    Dim options As PDFParsePagesOptions = PDFParsePagesOptions.All
    document.ParsePages(options, 1, -1)

    ' Save the results to the text file for examining
    Using writer As StreamWriter = File.CreateText(txtFileName)
       For Each page As PDFDocumentPage In document.Pages
         writer.WriteLine("Page {0}", page.PageNumber)

         Dim fonts As IList(Of PDFFont) = page.Fonts
         ' Note, no need to check if fonts is null since we passed .All
         ' This will either get the fonts or an empty list. Same for all
         ' the other objects
         writer.WriteLine("Fonts: {0}", fonts.Count)
         For Each font As PDFFont In fonts
           writer.WriteLine("  FaceName: {0}", font.FaceName)
           writer.WriteLine("  FontStyle: {0}", font.FontStyle.ToString())
         Next font

         Dim objects As IList(Of PDFObject) = page.Objects
         writer.WriteLine("Objects: {0}", objects.Count)
         For Each obj As PDFObject In objects
           writer.WriteLine("  ObjectType: {0}", obj.ObjectType.ToString())
           writer.WriteLine("  Bounds: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", obj.Bounds.Left, obj.Bounds.Top, obj.Bounds.Right, obj.Bounds.Bottom)
           WriteTextProperties(writer, obj.TextProperties)
           writer.WriteLine("  Code: {0}", obj.Code)
         Next obj

         Dim hyperlinks As IList(Of PDFHyperlink) = page.Hyperlinks
         writer.WriteLine("Hyperlinks: {0}", hyperlinks.Count)
         For Each hyperlink As PDFHyperlink In hyperlinks
           writer.WriteLine("  Hyperlink: {0}", hyperlink.Hyperlink)
           writer.WriteLine("  Bounds: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", hyperlink.Bounds.Left, hyperlink.Bounds.Top, hyperlink.Bounds.Right, hyperlink.Bounds.Bottom)
           WriteTextProperties(writer, hyperlink.TextProperties)
         Next hyperlink
       Next page
    End Using
  End Using
End Sub

Private Shared Sub WriteTextProperties(ByVal writer As StreamWriter, ByVal textProperties As PDFTextProperties)
  writer.WriteLine("  TextProperties.FontHeight: {0}", textProperties.FontHeight.ToString())
  writer.WriteLine("  TextProperties.FontWidth: {0}", textProperties.FontWidth.ToString())
  writer.WriteLine("  TextProperties.FontIndex: {0}", textProperties.FontIndex.ToString())
  writer.WriteLine("  TextProperties.IsEndOfWord: {0}", textProperties.IsEndOfWord.ToString())
  writer.WriteLine("  TextProperties.IsEndOfLine: {0}", textProperties.IsEndOfLine.ToString())
  writer.WriteLine("  TextProperties.Color: {0}", textProperties.Color.ToString())
End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Controls;
using Leadtools.Pdf;
using Leadtools.Svg;
using Leadtools.WinForms;

public void PDFDocumentParsePagesExample()
   string pdfFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, @"Leadtools.pdf");
   string txtFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, @"LEAD_pdf.txt");
   // Open the document
   using(PDFDocument document = new PDFDocument(pdfFileName))
      // Parse everything and for all pages
      PDFParsePagesOptions options = PDFParsePagesOptions.All;
      document.ParsePages(options, 1, -1);

      // Save the results to the text file for examining
      using(StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(txtFileName))
         foreach(PDFDocumentPage page in document.Pages)
            writer.WriteLine("Page {0}", page.PageNumber);

            IList<PDFFont> fonts = page.Fonts;
            // Note, no need to check if fonts is null since we passed .All
            // This will either get the fonts or an empty list. Same for all
            // the other objects
            writer.WriteLine("Fonts: {0}", fonts.Count);
            foreach(PDFFont font in fonts)
               writer.WriteLine("  FaceName: {0}", font.FaceName);
               writer.WriteLine("  FontStyle: {0}", font.FontStyle.ToString());

            IList<PDFObject> objects = page.Objects;
            writer.WriteLine("Objects: {0}", objects.Count);
            foreach(PDFObject obj in objects)
               writer.WriteLine("  ObjectType: {0}", obj.ObjectType.ToString());
               writer.WriteLine("  Bounds: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", obj.Bounds.Left, obj.Bounds.Top, obj.Bounds.Right, obj.Bounds.Bottom);
               WriteTextProperties(writer, obj.TextProperties);
               writer.WriteLine("  Code: {0}", obj.Code);

            IList<PDFHyperlink> hyperlinks = page.Hyperlinks;
            writer.WriteLine("Hyperlinks: {0}", hyperlinks.Count);
            foreach(PDFHyperlink hyperlink in hyperlinks)
               writer.WriteLine("  Hyperlink: {0}", hyperlink.Hyperlink);
               writer.WriteLine("  Bounds: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", hyperlink.Bounds.Left, hyperlink.Bounds.Top, hyperlink.Bounds.Right, hyperlink.Bounds.Bottom);
               WriteTextProperties(writer, hyperlink.TextProperties);

private static void WriteTextProperties(StreamWriter writer, PDFTextProperties textProperties)
   writer.WriteLine("  TextProperties.FontHeight: {0}", textProperties.FontHeight.ToString());
   writer.WriteLine("  TextProperties.FontWidth: {0}", textProperties.FontWidth.ToString());
   writer.WriteLine("  TextProperties.FontIndex: {0}", textProperties.FontIndex.ToString());
   writer.WriteLine("  TextProperties.IsEndOfWord: {0}", textProperties.IsEndOfWord.ToString());
   writer.WriteLine("  TextProperties.IsEndOfLine: {0}", textProperties.IsEndOfLine.ToString());
   writer.WriteLine("  TextProperties.Color: {0}", textProperties.Color.ToString());

static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";

Target Platforms

See Also


PDFDocument Class
PDFDocument Members

Error processing SSI file
   Leadtools.Pdf requires a PDF Pro, Pro Suite, Document, or Medical license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features