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Printer Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by Printer.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Printer Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified printer name.

Public Methods

Name Description
CancelPrintedJob Cancels the print job with the specified job id.
GetEmbeddedFonts Gets the embedded fonts created by a print job.
GetInfo Gets the PrinterInfo that was used when this Printer was installed.
GetNetworkInitialData Gets the initial raw data set for this specific network printer.
Install Installs the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer to the system.
IsLeadtoolsPrinter Determines whether the specified printer is a LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer.
IsPrinterLocked Determines whether the specified printer is locked.
Lock Locks the specified printer to prevent applications from directly printing to it.
SetNetworkInitialData Sets the initial raw data to be set for network printing mechanism.
ToString Gets the name of the printer.
UnInstall Uninstalls the printer from the system.
UnLock Unlocks the specified printer and enables applications to print directly to it.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Dispose Releases all the resources used by this Printer.

Public Properties

Name Description
EnableInternetPrinting Enables or disables Internet printing.
EnableNetworkPrinting Enables or disables network printing.
PrinterName Gets the name of the printer.
RemoteData Gets the remote data related to the current printed job.
Specifications Gets or sets the printer specifications.
UserDefaultSpecifications Gets or sets the printer default specifications.

Public Events

Name Description
EmfEvent Provides the listening application with EMF data for each print job page received by the Virtual Printer.
JobEvent Provides the listening application with print job information for each print job received by the Virtual Printer.
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Leadtools.Printer Assembly
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