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PrinterInfo Class


For a list of all members of this type, see PrinterInfo members

Public Properties

Name Description
AboutIcon Gets or sets the icon that will be displayed in the about dialog.
AboutString Gets or sets the description text that will be displayed in the about dialog.
DriverName Gets or sets the name of the driver to be installed or uninstalled.
HelpFile Gets or sets the name of the help file associated with this printer.
MonitorName Gets or sets the name of the monitor.
Password Gets or sets the administration password to be used when locking or unlocking the printer.
PortName Gets or sets the name of the port.
PrinterExe Gets or sets the executable path of the application that will be launched by the printer.
PrinterName Get or sets the name of the printer in the list of locally supported printers.
ProductName Gets or sets the name of product that will be used for message box captions.
RegistryKey Gets or sets the printer registry key that is used to store the current user-specific settings.
RootDir Gets or sets the root folder in which the LEADTOOLS printer version is installed.
Url Gets or sets the url to be displayed in the message box that appears when the user tries to print directly to a locked printer.
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Leadtools.Printer Assembly
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