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SvgDocument Class


For a list of all members of this type, see SvgDocument members

Public Methods

Name Description
AddElementIDs Adds unique IDs to the elements of this SvgDocument.
BeginRenderOptimize Optimizes the document for rendering.
BeginUpdate Begins a process to update the elements (nodes) of an SVG document.
CalculateBounds Calculates the physical (pixel) bounds and resolution of this SvgDocument.
Clone Creates an exact copy of this SvgDocument.
EndRenderOptimize Clears the rendering optimization data.
EndUpdate Ends a process that updates the elements (nodes) of an SVG document.
EnumerateElements Enumerates the elements (nodes) of this SvgDocument with the specified options.
Flat Flattens this SvgDocument.
GetObjectData Populates a specified System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize this object.
HasElement Gets a value that indicates whether this SVG document contains any elements of the specified type.
LoadFromFile Creates an SvgDocument object from an SVG file on disk.
LoadFromMemory Creates an SvgDocument object from data saved in a memory buffer.
LoadFromStream Creates an SvgDocument object from a stream containing SVG data.
MergeWith Merges the content of this SVG document with the element of a source document. Stores the result in this SVG document.
OptimizeView For internal use.
Rasterize Renders this SvgDocument to the surface of a LEADTOOLS Leadtools.RasterImage object.
Render Renders this SvgDocument to an output engine.
Resize Resizes this SVG document by the specified factor.
SaveToFile Saves this SvgDocument to a disk file.
SaveToStream Saves this SvgDocument to a stream.
SetBounds Sets the physical (pixel) bounds of this SvgDocument manually
SetFlat Sets the flat flag of this document.
SortElements Enumerates the elements of this SvgDocument in a sorted manner.
ToFlat Gets a flat version of this SvgDocument.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Dispose Releases all resources used by this SvgDocument.
Finalize This method overrides System.Object.Finalize
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Leadtools.Svg Assembly
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