SVG element types
Value | Member | Description |
0 | Unknown | Unknown element that does not belong to the SVG standard |
1 | Doc | <doc> element |
2 | Svg | <svg> element |
3 | G | <g> element |
4 | Defs | <defs> element |
5 | Desc | <desc> element |
6 | Title | <title> element |
7 | Symbol | <symbol> element |
8 | Use | <use> element |
9 | Image | <image> element |
10 | Switch | <switch> element |
11 | Style | <style> element |
12 | Path | <path> element |
13 | Rect | <rect> element |
14 | Circle | <circle> element |
15 | Ellipse | <ellipse> element |
16 | Line | <line> element |
17 | Polyline | <polyline> element |
18 | Polygon | <polygon> element |
19 | Text | <text> element |
20 | TSpan | <tspan> element |
21 | TRef | <tref> element |
22 | TextPath | <textpath> element |
23 | AltGlyph | <altglyph> element |
24 | AltGlyphDef | <altglyphdef> element |
25 | AltGlyphItem | <altglyphitem> element |
26 | GlyphRef | <glyphref> element |
27 | Marker | <marker> element |
28 | ColorProfile | <colorprofile> element |
29 | LinearGradient | <lineargradient> element |
30 | RadialGradient | <radialgradient> element |
31 | Stop | <stop> element |
32 | Pattern | <pattern> element |
33 | ClipPath | <clippath> element |
34 | Font | <font> element |
35 | Glyph | <glyph> element |
36 | MissingGlyph | <missingglyph> element |
37 | HKern | <hkern> element |
38 | VKern | <vkern> element |
39 | FontFace | <fontface> element |
40 | FontFaceSrc | <fontfacesrc> element |
41 | FontFaceUri | <fontfaceuri> element |
42 | FontFaceFormat | <fontfaceformat> element |
43 | FontFaceName | <fontfacename> element |
44 | DefinitionSrc | <definitionsrc> element |
45 | Anchor | <anchor> element |
For more information, refer to SVG Reference.
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