The TwainCountry enumerated type represents the possible values to be used in Startup2
Value | Member | Description |
1 | CountryUsa | TWCY_USA |
2 | CountryCanada | TWCY_CANADA |
3 | CountryMexico | TWCY_MEXICO |
5 | CountryCuba | TWCY_CUBA |
6 | CountryBritain | TWCY_BRITAIN |
7 | CountryRussia | TWCY_RUSSIA |
7 | CountryUssr | TWCY_USSR |
20 | CountryEgypt | TWCY_EGYPT |
27 | CountrySouthAfrica | TWCY_SOUTHAFRICA |
30 | CountryGreece | TWCY_GREECE |
31 | CountryNetherlands | TWCY_NETHERLANDS |
32 | CountryBelgium | TWCY_BELGIUM |
33 | CountryMonaco | TWCY_MONACO |
33 | CountryFrance | TWCY_FRANCE |
33 | CountryAndorra | TWCY_ANDORRA |
34 | CountrySpain | TWCY_SPAIN |
36 | CountryHungary | TWCY_HUNGARY |
38 | CountryYugoslavia | TWCY_YUGOSLAVIA |
39 | CountrySanMarino | TWCY_SANMARINO |
39 | CountryVaticanCity | TWCY_VATICANCITY |
39 | CountryItaly | TWCY_ITALY |
40 | CountryRomania | TWCY_ROMANIA |
41 | CountryLiechtenstein | TWCY_LIECHTENSTEIN |
41 | CountrySwitzerland | TWCY_SWITZERLAND |
42 | CountryCzechoslovakia | TWCY_CZECHOSLOVAKIA |
43 | CountryAustria | TWCY_AUSTRIA |
44 | CountryUnitedKingdom | TWCY_UNITEDKINGDOM |
45 | CountryDenmark | TWCY_DENMARK |
46 | CountrySweden | TWCY_SWEDEN |
47 | CountryNorway | TWCY_NORWAY |
48 | CountryPoland | TWCY_POLAND |
49 | CountryGermany | TWCY_GERMANY |
51 | CountryPeru | TWCY_PERU |
54 | CountryArgentina | TWCY_ARGENTINA |
55 | CountryBrazil | TWCY_BRAZIL |
56 | CountryChile | TWCY_CHILE |
57 | CountryColombia | TWCY_COLOMBIA |
58 | CountryVenezuela | TWCY_VENEZUELA |
60 | CountryMalaysia | TWCY_MALAYSIA |
61 | CountryAustralia | TWCY_AUSTRALIA |
62 | CountryIndonesia | TWCY_INDONESIA |
63 | CountryPhilippines | TWCY_PHILLIPPINES |
64 | CountryNewZealand | TWCY_NEWZEALAND |
65 | CountrySingapore | TWCY_SINGAPORE |
66 | CountryThailand | TWCYTHAILAND |
81 | CountryJapan | TWCY_JAPAN |
82 | CountrySouthKorea | TWCY_SOUTHKOREA |
82 | CountryKorea | TWCY_KOREA |
84 | CountryVietnam | TWCY_VIETNAM |
86 | CountryChina | TWCY_CHINA |
90 | CountryTurkey | TWCYTURKEY |
91 | CountryIndia | TWCY_INDIA |
92 | CountryPakistan | TWCY_PAKISTAN |
94 | CountrySriLanka | TWCY_SRILANKA |
95 | CountryMyanmar | TWCY_MYANMAR |
98 | CountryIran | TWCY_IRAN |
212 | CountryMorocco | TWCY_MOROCCO |
213 | CountryAlgeria | TWCY_ALGERIA |
216 | CountryTunisia | TWCYTUNISIA |
218 | CountryLibya | TWCY_LIBYA |
220 | CountryGambia | TWCY_GAMBIA |
221 | CountrySenegal | TWCY_SENEGAL |
224 | CountryGuinea | TWCY_GUINEA |
225 | CountryIvoryCoast | TWCY_IVORYCOAST |
227 | CountryNiger | TWCY_NIGER |
228 | CountryTogo | TWCYTOGO |
229 | CountryBenin | TWCY_BENIN |
230 | CountryMauritius | TWCY_MAURITIUS |
231 | CountryLiberia | TWCY_LIBERIA |
233 | CountryGhana | TWCY_GHANA |
234 | CountryNigeria | TWCY_NIGERIA |
237 | CountryCameroon | TWCY_CAMAROON |
238 | CountryCapeVerdeIs | TWCY_CAPEVERDEIS |
241 | CountryGabon | TWCY_GABON |
243 | CountryZaire | TWCY_ZAIRE |
246 | CountryDiegoGarcia | TWCY_DIEGOGARCIA |
247 | CountryAscensioni | TWCY_ASCENSIONI |
250 | CountryRwanda | TWCY_RWANDA |
251 | CountryEthiopia | TWCY_ETHIOPIA |
254 | CountryKenya | TWCY_KENYA |
255 | CountryTanzania | TWCYTANZANIA |
256 | CountryUganda | TWCY_UGANDA |
260 | CountryZambia | TWCY_ZAMBIA |
263 | CountryZimbabwe | TWCY_ZIMBABWE |
264 | CountryNamibia | TWCY_NAMIBIA |
265 | CountryMalawi | TWCY_MALAWI |
266 | CountryLesotho | TWCY_LESOTHO |
267 | CountryBotswana | TWCY_BOTSWANA |
268 | CountrySwaziland | TWCY_SWAZILAND |
269 | CountryMayotteIs | TWCY_MAYOTTEIS |
291 | CountryEritrea | TWCY_ERITREA |
297 | CountryAruba | TWCY_ARUBA |
298 | CountryFaeroeIs | TWCY_FAEROEIS |
299 | CountryGreenland | TWCY_GREENLAND |
340 | CountryUsVirginIs | TWCY_USVIRGINIS |
350 | CountryGibraltar | TWCY_GIBRALTER |
351 | CountryPortugal | TWCY_PORTUGAL |
352 | CountryLuxembourg | TWCY_LUXENBOURG |
353 | CountryIreland | TWCY_IRELAND |
354 | CountryIceland | TWCY_ICELAND |
355 | CountryAlbania | TWCY_ALBANIA |
356 | CountryMalta | TWCY_MALTA |
357 | CountryCyprus | TWCY_CYPRUS |
358 | CountryFinland | TWCY_FINLAND |
359 | CountryBulgaria | TWCY_BULGARIA |
370 | CountryLithuania | TWCY_LITHUANIA |
371 | CountryLatvia | TWCY_LATVIA |
372 | CountryEstonia | TWCY_ESTONIA |
373 | CountryMoldova | TWCY_MOLDOVA |
374 | CountryArmenia | TWCY_ARMENIA |
375 | CountryBelarus | TWCY_BELARUS |
380 | CountryUkraine | TWCY_UKRAINE |
381 | CountrySerbia | TWCY_SERBIA |
385 | CountryCroatia | TWCY_CROATIA |
386 | CountrySlovenia | TWCY_SLOVENIA |
387 | CountryBosniaHerzGo | TWCY_BOSNIAHERZGO |
389 | CountryMacedonia | TWCY_MACEDONIA |
420 | CountryCzechRepublic | TWCY_CZECHREPUBLIC |
421 | CountrySlovakia | TWCY_SLOVAKIA |
501 | CountryBelize | TWCY_BELIZE |
502 | CountryGuatemala | TWCY_GUATEMALA |
503 | CountryElSalvador | TWCY_ELSALVADOR |
504 | CountryHonduras | TWCY_HONDURAS |
505 | CountryNicaragua | TWCY_NICARAGUA |
506 | CountryCostaRica | TWCY_COSTARICA |
507 | CountryPanama | TWCY_PANAMA |
508 | CountryStPierre | TWCY_STPIERRE |
508 | CountryMiquelon | TWCY_MIQUELON |
509 | CountryHaiti | TWCY_HAITI |
590 | CountryGuadeloupe | TWCY_GUADELOUPE |
591 | CountryBolivia | TWCY_BOLIVIA |
592 | CountryGuyana | TWCY_GUYANA |
593 | CountryEcuador | TWCY_ECUADOR |
594 | CountryFrGuiana | TWCY_FRGUIANA |
595 | CountryParaguay | TWCY_PARAGUAY |
596 | CountryFrAntilles | TWCY_FRANTILLES |
597 | CountrySuriname | TWCY_SURINAME |
598 | CountryUruguay | TWCY_URUGUAY |
599 | CountryNethAntilles | TWCY_NETHANTILLES |
670 | CountrySaipan | TWCY_SAIPAN |
671 | CountryGuam | TWCY_GUAM |
673 | CountryBrunei | TWCY_BRUNEI |
675 | CountryPNewGuinea | TWCY_PNEWGUINEA |
676 | CountryTongaIs | TWCYTONGAIS |
679 | CountryFijiIslands | TWCY_FIJIISLANDS |
684 | CountryAmericanSamoa | TWCY_AMERICANSAMOA |
687 | CountryNewCaledonia | TWCY_NEWCALEDONIA |
689 | CountryFrPolynesia | TWCY_FRPOLYNEISA |
691 | CountryMicronesia | TWCY_MICRONESIA |
692 | CountryMarshallIs | TWCY_MARSHALLIS |
787 | CountryPuertoRico | TWCY_PUERTORICO |
850 | CountryNorthKorea | TWCY_NORTHKOREA |
852 | CountryHongKong | TWCY_HONGKONG |
853 | CountryMacao | TWCY_MACAO |
855 | CountryCambodia | TWCY_CAMBODIA |
880 | CountryBangladesh | TWCY_BANGLADESH |
886 | CountryTaiwan | TWCYTAIWAN |
960 | CountryMaldives | TWCY_MALDIVES |
962 | CountryJordan | TWCY_JORDAN |
964 | CountryIraq | TWCY_IRAQ |
965 | CountryKuwait | TWCY_KUWAIT |
966 | CountrySaudiArabia | TWCY_SAUDIARABIA |
968 | CountryOman | TWCY_OMAN |
971 | CountryUAEmirates | TWCY_UAEMIRATES |
972 | CountryIsrael | TWCY_ISRAEL |
973 | CountryBahrain | TWCY_BAHRAIN |
974 | CountryQatar | TWCY_QATAR |
977 | CountryNepal | TWCY_NEPAL |
994 | CountryAzerbaijan | TWCY_AZERBAIJAN |
995 | CountryGeorgia | TWCY_GEORGIA |
1001 | CountryAfghanistan | TWCY_AFGHANISTAN |
1002 | CountryAngola | TWCY_ANGOLA |
1003 | CountryBhutan | TWCY_BHUTAN |
1004 | CountryBurkinaFaso | TWCY_BURKINAFASO |
1005 | CountryBurma | TWCY_BURMA |
1006 | CountryBurundi | TWCY_BURUNDI |
1007 | CountryCentralAfricaRepublic | TWCY_CENTRALAFREP |
1008 | CountryChad | TWCY_CHAD |
1009 | CountryChristmasIs | TWCY_CHRISTMASIS |
1009 | CountryCocosIs | TWCY_COCOSIS |
1010 | CountryComoros | TWCY_COMOROS |
1011 | CountryCongo | TWCY_CONGO |
1012 | CountryCookIs | TWCY_COOKIS |
1013 | CountryDjibouti | TWCY_DJIBOUTI |
1014 | CountryEasterIs | TWCY_EASTERIS |
1015 | CountryEqQuinea | TWCY_EQGUINEA |
1016 | CountryFalklandIs | TWCY_FALKLANDIS |
1017 | CountryGuineaBissau | TWCY_GUINEABISSAU |
1018 | CountryKiribati | TWCY_KIRIBATI |
1019 | CountryLaos | TWCY_LAOS |
1020 | CountryLebanon | TWCY_LEBANON |
1021 | CountryMadagascar | TWCY_MADAGASCAR |
1022 | CountryMali | TWCY_MALI |
1023 | CountryMauritania | TWCY_MAURITANIA |
1024 | CountryMongolia | TWCY_MONGOLIA |
1025 | CountryMozambique | TWCY_MOZAMBIQUE |
1026 | CountryNauru | TWCY_NAURU |
1027 | CountryNiue | TWCY_NIUE |
1028 | CountryNorfolki | TWCY_NORFOLKI |
1029 | CountryPalau | TWCY_PALAU |
1030 | CountryPitcairnIs | TWCY_PITCAIRNIS |
1031 | CountryReunioni | TWCY_REUNIONI |
1032 | CountryStHelena | TWCY_STHELENA |
1033 | CountrySaotome | TWCY_SAOTOME |
1034 | CountrySeychellesIs | TWCY_SEYCHELLESIS |
1035 | CountrySierraLeone | TWCY_SIERRALEONE |
1036 | CountrySolomonIs | TWCY_SOLOMONIS |
1037 | CountrySomali | TWCY_SOMALI |
1038 | CountrySudan | TWCY_SUDAN |
1039 | CountrySyria | TWCY_SYRIA |
1040 | CountryTuvalu | TWCYTUVALU |
1041 | CountryVanuatu | TWCY_VANUATU |
1042 | CountryWake | TWCY_WAKE |
1043 | CountryWallisIs | TWCY_WALLISIS |
1043 | CountryFutanaIs | TWCY_FUTANAIS |
1044 | CountryWesternSahara | TWCY_WESTERNSAHARA |
1045 | CountryWesternSamoa | TWCY_WESTERNSAMOA |
1046 | CountryYemen | TWCY_YEMEN |
5399 | CountryGuantanamoBay | TWCY_GUANTANAMOBAY |
8010 | CountryJamaica | TWCY_JAMAICA |
8011 | CountryMontserrat | TWCY_MONTSERRAT |
8012 | CountryNevIs | TWCY_NEVIS |
8013 | CountryStKitts | TWCY_STKITTS |
8014 | CountryStLucia | TWCY_STLUCIA |
8015 | CountryGrenadines | TWCY_GRENEDINES |
8015 | CountryStVincent | TWCY_STVINCENT |
8016 | CountryTrinidad | TWCYTRINIDAD |
8016 | CountryTobago | TWCYTOBAGO |
8017 | CountryTurkScaicos | TWCYTURKSCAICOS |
8090 | CountryAnguilla | TWCY_ANGUILLA |
8091 | CountryAntigua | TWCY_ANTIGUA |
8092 | CountryBahamas | TWCY_BAHAMAS |
8093 | CountryBarbados | TWCY_BARBADOS |
8094 | CountryBermuda | TWCY_BERMUDA |
8095 | CountryBritVirginIs | TWCY_BRITVIRGINIS |
8096 | CountryCaymanIs | TWCY_CAYMANIS |
8097 | CountryDominica | TWCY_DOMINICA |
8098 | CountryDominicanRep | TWCY_DOMINCANREP |
8099 | CountryGrenada | TWCY_GRENADA |
![]() |
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