WiaAcquiredPageFlags |
Flags used through the AcquireEvent and AcquireFileEvent events. |
WiaAcquireFlags |
Flags used with the WiaSession.Acquire, WiaSession.AcquireToFile and WiaSession.AcquireSimple methods. |
WiaAutoDeskewMode |
Turns automatic deskew on or off. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_AUTO_DESKEW property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later. |
WiaCaptureMode |
Sets the image capture mode. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_CAPTURE_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaCategories |
WIA 2.0 available categories. For more information please refer to "WIA 2.0 Item Category GUIDs" topic in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaCompressionMode |
Compression to be used while performing data transfer from WIA source. For more information please refer to WIA_IPA_COMPRESSION property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaDeviceType |
Used with WiaSession.SelectedDeviceType property and WiaSession.SelectDeviceDlg and WiaSession.AcquireSimple methods. For more information please refer to WIA_DIP_DEVTYPE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaDocumentHandlingCapabilitiesFlags |
Flags contains the scanner capabilities. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_DOCUMENTHANDLING_CAPABILITIES property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaDocumentHandlingStatusFlags |
Flags contains current state of the scanner's installed flatbed, document feeder, or duplexer. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_DOCUMENTHANDLING_STATUS property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaEffectMode |
Specifies the special image acquisition mode of the camera. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_EFFECTMODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaEnumCapabilitiesFlags |
Reserved for future use. |
WiaEnumFormatsFlags |
Reserved for future use. |
WiaExceptionCode |
Used as a value for WiaException.Code property. |
WiaExposureMeteringMode |
Specifies the mode the camera uses to automatically adjust the exposure setting. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_EXPOSURE_METERING_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaExposureMode |
Indicates the camera's current exposure mode. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_EXPOSURE_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaFileFormats |
Preferred image format to use when performing data transfer from the WIA source. For more information, please refer to the WIA_IPA_FORMAT property ID in the Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaFilmScanMode |
Enables configuration of the current film scan. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_FILM_SCAN_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later. |
WiaFlashMode |
Defines the current flash mode setting for the camera device. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_FLASH_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaFocusMeteringMode |
Specifies the mode the camera uses to automatically adjust the focus. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_FOCUS_METERING_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaFocusMode |
Defines the current focus mode setting for the camera device. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_FOCUS_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaHorizontalBedRegistrationMode |
Contains the registration, or horizontal alignment, for documents placed on the flatbed. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_HORIZONTAL_BED_REGISTRATION property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later. |
WiaHorizontalSheetFeederRegistrationMode |
Contains the registration, or alignment and edge detection, for documents that are placed on the flatbed. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_SHEETFEEDER_REGISTRATION property ID for WIA 1.0 and WIA_IPS_SHEETFEEDER_REGISTRATION for WIA 2.0 in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaImageDataType |
The data types to be used for the image when performing data transfer from WIA source. For more information, please refer to the WIA_IPA_DATATYPE property ID in the Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaImageType |
Flags used within the WiaProperties structure. |
WiaItemAccessRights |
This flag controls access to the item as well as whether the item is deleted. For more information please refer to WIA_IPA_ACCESS_RIGHTS property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaItemPlanarMode |
Contains image data packing options. For more information, please refer to the WIA_IPA_PLANAR property ID in the Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.This property is not supported in Windows Vista and later. |
WiaItemTypeFlags |
Flags that specify the Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) item type. For more information please refer to WIA_IPA_ITEM_FLAGS property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaOrientation |
Original orientation of a page or image to be acquired. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaPageSizeMode |
Contains the size of the page that is currently selected to be scanned. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE property ID for WIA 1.0 or WIA_IPS_PAGE_SIZE for WIA 2.0 in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaPowerMode |
Defines the current power source for the camera device. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_POWER_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaPreviewControlMode |
Indicates whether an item needs a preview control displayed to the user. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_SHOW_PREVIEW_CONTROL property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later. |
WiaPreviewMode |
Indicates the preview mode for a device. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_PREVIEW property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later. |
WiaPreviewType |
Specifies whether the existing preview image can be updated during an image preview (in response to a change in the WiaPropertyId.ItemDatatype or WiaPropertyId.ItemDepth properties).For more information, please refer to the WIA_IPS_PREVIEWTYPE property ID in the Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later. |
WiaPropertyAttributesFlags |
Flags used within WiaCapability structure. For more information please refer to "Property Attributes" topic in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaPropertyId |
List of all available WIA properties. For more information about each of these properties please refer to Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaScannerItemPhotometricMode |
Contains the current setting for white and black pixels. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERP property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaScannerItemRotation |
How much (if at all) to rotate the image before image data is sent back to the application. For more information, please refer to the WIA_IPS_ROTATION property ID in the Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaScannerItemTransferCapabilitiesMode |
Specifies whether the driver is capable of transferring multiple child items in single transfer call. For more information please refer to WIA_IPSTRANSFER_CAPABILITIES property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later. |
WiaScannerLampMode |
Turns the scanner lamp on or off. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_LAMP property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later. |
WiaScanningModeFlags |
Flags used within the WiaProperties structure. |
WiaSelectSourceFlags |
Flags used with WiaSession.SelectDeviceDlg method |
WiaSuppressPropertyPageMode |
Specifies whether to suppress the general property pages for items on the device. For more information please refer to WIA_IPA_SUPPRESS_PROPERTY_PAGE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaTransferMode |
Transfer mode to be used by the WIA source. |
WiaVariableTypes |
Flags used within WiaCapability structure. For more information please refer to VARENUM in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |
WiaVersion |
Specifies the WIA version to use. Used with the WiaSession.Startup, WiaSession.IsAvailable and WiaSession.AcquireSimple methods. |
WiaVerticalBedRegistrationMode |
Contains the registration, or vertical alignment and edge detection, for documents placed on the flatbed. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_VERTICAL_BED_REGISTRATION property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later. |
WiaWhiteBalanceMode |
Specifies how the digital camera weights color channels. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_WHITE_BALANCE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation. |