Flags contains current state of the scanner's installed flatbed, document feeder, or duplexer. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_DOCUMENTHANDLING_STATUS property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
Value | Member | Description |
0x00000001 | FeederReady | The flatbed is ready for use. |
0x00000002 | FlatbedReady | The scanner has a document on the flatbed platen. |
0x00000004 | DuplexerReady | The duplexer is enabled and ready to be used. |
0x00000008 | FlatbedCoverUp | The flat bed cover is up. |
0x00000010 | PapaerPathCoverUp | The paper path is covered up and is preventing proper operation. |
0x00000020 | PaperJam | A document is jammed in the document feeder. |
0x00000040 | TpaReady | The transparency adapter is installed and ready for use (supported only in Windows Vista and later). |
0x00000080 | StorageReady | The internal storage device is ready (supported only in Windows Vista and later). |
0x00000100 | StorageFull | The storage is full, no upload operations possible (supported only in Windows Vista and later). |
0x00000200 | MultipleFeeder | A multiple feed condition occurred (usually with a PaperJam) (supported only in Windows Vista and later). |
0x00000400 | DeviceAttention | There is an error that requires user intervention on the device (supported only in Windows Vista and later). |
0x00000800 | LampError | The scanner is not ready due to a lamp problem (supported only in Windows Vista and later). |
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Help Version 19.0.2017.3.21