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AnnProtractorObject Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnProtractorObject.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor AnnPolyRulerObject Initializes a new AnnPolylineObject class object. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Constructor AnnProtractorObject Initializes a new AnnProtractorObject class object with specified values.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Calibrate Sets a specific ruler's calibration scale. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Method Clone Creates an exact copy of this AnnProtractorObject object.
Public Method Deserialize Loads this object with data from the specified XML.
Public Method GetInvalidateRect Gets a Leadtools.LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnProtractorObject.
Public Method GetRulerLength Gets the calibrated length of this AnnPolyRulerObject. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Method GetRulerLengthAsString Gets the calibrated length of this AnnPolyRulerObject as a string. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Method GetRulerLengthAsStringFromPoints Gets the length of the ruler between two points as a string.
Public Method GetRulerLengthFromPoints Gets the length of the ruler between two points.
Public Method HitTest Performs hit-testing on this AnnPolyRulerObject. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Method Serialize Serializes the object to an XML document.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Create Creates a new instance of AnnObject.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Acute Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to mark the inside (acute) or outside (obtuse) angle for this AnnProtractorObject object.
Public Property AnglePrecision Gets or sets the precision value used for the angle of this AnnProtractorObject.
Public Property AngularUnit Gets or sets the angular unit of the angle of this protractor.
Public Property AngularUnitsAbbreviation Gets or sets a string value that specifies the abbreviation used with the AnnAngularUnit value.
Public Property ArcRadius Gets or sets the arc radius of this AnnProtractorObject.
Public Property CalibrationScale Gets the current calibration scaling factor. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property CenterPoint Gets or sets the value for the center point of this AnnProtractorObject.
Public Property CustomUnitAbbreviation The abbreviation that corresponds to the custom unit of measure. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property CustomUnitPerInch The value in inches of the custom unit. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property DpiX Custom horizontal resolution value to use when calibrating this ruler. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property DpiY Custom vertical resolution value to use when calibrating this ruler. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property FirstPoint Gets or sets the value for the first point of this AnnProtractorObject.
Public Property FriendlyName Gets the friendly name for AnnProtractorObject.
Public Property GaugeLength Gets or sets the length of the gauge (the perpendicular lines at the ends of the ruler) for this AnnPolyRulerObject. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property MeasurementUnit Gets or sets the unit of measure for this AnnPolyRulerObject. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property Precision Gets or sets the precision value used for the length of this AnnPolyRulerObject. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property SecondPoint Gets or sets the value for the second point of this AnnProtractorObject.
Public Property ShowArc Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to view the protractor arc for thisAnnProtractorObject.
Public Property ShowGauge Gets or sets a value indicating whether the gauge (the perpendicular lines at the ends of the ruler) for this AnnPolyRulerObject is visible. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property ShowTickMarks Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tick marks for this AnnPolyRulerObject are visible. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property ShowTickValue Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tick mark values for this AnnPolyRulerObject are visible. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property SupportsBorderStyle Indicates whether AnnProtractorObject supports a border style.
Public Property SupportsFill Indicates if this object supports a fill.
Public Property SupportsLineEndings Indicates whether this AnnPolyRulerObject supports line ending styles. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property TickMarksLength Gets or sets the length of the tick marks for this AnnPolyRulerObject. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property TickMarksStroke Gets or sets the AnnStroke used to draw the tick marks for the AnnPolylineObject. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)
Public Property UnitsAbbreviation Gets or sets a string value that specifies the abbreviation used with the MeasurementUnit value. (Inherited from AnnPolyRulerObject)

See Also

AnnProtractorObject Class

Leadtools.Annotations.Engine Namespace

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