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ViewContainer Property


Parent container of the view part of the document viewer

public Control ViewContainer { get; set; } 
   property System::Windows::Forms::Control^ ViewContainer 
      System::Windows::Forms::Control^ get() 
      void set(System::Windows::Forms::Control^ value) 

Property Value

The parent container of the view part of the document viewer.


Refer to DocumentViewerCreateOptions for more information.

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using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Controls; 
using Leadtools.Document; 
using Leadtools.Document.Viewer; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Caching; 
using Leadtools.Annotations.Engine; 
using Leadtools.Ocr; 
public void DocumentViewer_Example() 
   // New Form to be used as our application 
   var form = new MyForm(); 
class MyForm : Form 
   public MyForm() 
      this.Size = new Size(800, 800); 
      this.Text = "LEADTOOLS Document Viewer Example"; 
   protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) 
      if (!DesignMode) 
         // Init OCR. This is optional and not required for the PDF document we are loading. 
         // But if image documents are loaded and text functionality is used, then we need OCR 
         _ocrEngine = OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.LEAD); 
         _ocrEngine.Startup(null, null, null, @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Bin\Common\OcrLEADRuntime"); 
   // Our document viewer instance 
   private DocumentViewer _documentViewer; 
   // Optional OCR engine to use in the example 
   private IOcrEngine _ocrEngine; 
   private void Init() 
      // Initialize the user interface 
      // Init the cache. This is optional, but it can speed up viewing of large documents 
      // if not needed, remove this section 
      DocumentFactory.Cache = new FileCache(); 
      // Init the document viewer, pass along the panels 
      var createOptions = new DocumentViewerCreateOptions 
         // The middle panel for the view 
         ViewContainer = this.Controls.Find("middlePanel", false)[0], 
         // The left panel for the thumbnails 
         ThumbnailsContainer = this.Controls.Find("leftPanel", false)[0], 
         // The right panel is for bookmarks 
         BookmarksContainer = this.Controls.Find("rightPanel", false)[0], 
         // Not using annotations for now 
         UseAnnotations = false 
      // Create the document viewer 
      _documentViewer = DocumentViewerFactory.CreateDocumentViewer(createOptions); 
      // We prefer SVG viewing 
      _documentViewer.View.PreferredItemType = DocumentViewerItemType.Svg; 
      // Load a document 
      var fileName = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images\Leadtools.pdf"; 
      var document = DocumentFactory.LoadFromFile( 
         new LoadDocumentOptions { UseCache = DocumentFactory.Cache != null }); 
      _documentViewer.Operation += (sender, e) => 
         if (e.Operation == DocumentViewerOperation.LoadingBookmarks) 
            // Disable the bookmarks when we are loading, enable when we are done 
            var rightPanel = this.Controls.Find("rightPanel", true)[0]; 
            if (rightPanel.InvokeRequired) 
               rightPanel.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { rightPanel.Enabled = e.IsPostOperation; }); 
               rightPanel.Enabled = e.IsPostOperation; 
      // If we have an OCR engine, use it 
      document.Text.OcrEngine = _ocrEngine; 
      // Set it in the viewer 
      // Run pan/zoom 
      var interactiveComboBox = this.Controls.Find("interactiveComboBox", true)[0] as ComboBox; 
      interactiveComboBox.SelectedItem = DocumentViewerCommands.InteractivePanZoom; 
   private void InitUI() 
      // Add a panel on the left for the document viewer thumbnails part 
      var leftPanel = new Panel(); 
      leftPanel.Name = "leftPanel"; 
      leftPanel.Width = 200; 
      leftPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Left; 
      leftPanel.BackColor = Color.Gray; 
      leftPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; 
      // Add a panel to the right, this will work for the bookmarks or annotations part 
      var rightPanel = new Panel(); 
      rightPanel.Name = "rightPanel"; 
      rightPanel.Width = 200; 
      rightPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Right; 
      rightPanel.BackColor = Color.LightBlue; 
      rightPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; 
      // Add a panel to fill the rest, for the document viewer 
      var middlePanel = new Panel(); 
      middlePanel.Name = "middlePanel"; 
      middlePanel.BackColor = Color.DarkGray; 
      middlePanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; 
      middlePanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; 
      // Add a top panel to host our application controls 
      var topPanel = new Panel(); 
      topPanel.Name = "topPanel"; 
      topPanel.Height = 100; 
      topPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; 
      topPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; 
      // Add buttons for the UI 
      // Combo box for interactive modes 
      var interactiveComboBox = new ComboBox(); 
      interactiveComboBox.Name = "interactiveComboBox"; 
      interactiveComboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; 
      // The command names for the items so we can just run them 
      interactiveComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) => 
         var commandName = interactiveComboBox.SelectedItem as string; 
      // Generic label for information used by the examples 
      var infoLabel = new Label(); 
      infoLabel.Name = "infoLabel"; 
      infoLabel.Text = "Info..."; 
      infoLabel.AutoSize = false; 
      infoLabel.Width = 400; 
      infoLabel.Left = interactiveComboBox.Right + 20; 
      var exampleButton = new Button(); 
      exampleButton.Top = interactiveComboBox.Bottom + 2; 
      exampleButton.Name = "exampleButton"; 
      exampleButton.Text = "&Example"; 
      exampleButton.Click += (sender, e) => Example(exampleButton); 
   private void Example(Button exampleButton) 
      // Add the example code here 
      Console.WriteLine(this + " Ready"); 

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Leadtools.Document.Viewer.WinForms Assembly
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