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AutoFormsEngine Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AutoFormsEngine.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor AutoFormsEngine Initializes a new AutoFormsEngine class object.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method static  | Shared in VB CreateProcessingOcrEngine Create and startup OCR engine instance suitable for forms processing.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB CreateRecognitionOcrEngine Create and startup OCR engine instance suitable for forms recognition.
Public Method DeleteMasterFormsFromFullTextSearch Delete all the master forms in the repository from the full text search engine database.
Public Method GenerateMasterFormAttributes Generate master Form attributes based on the Object Managers set when this AutoFormsEngine object is constructed.
Public Method GetMinimumRecognizedConfidenceForm Automatically finds the minimum confidence value that is needed to consider an unknown form as recognized and no further Master Form comparison is needed.
Public Method GetMinimumRecognizedConfidencePage Automatically finds the minimum confidence value that is needed to consider an unknown page as recognized and no further Master Form Pages comparison is needed.
Public Method ProcessForm Performs field processing on the recognized form image.
Public Method ProcessPage Performs field processing on the recognized page image.
Public Method RecognizeForm Recognize the Form type.
Public Method RecognizePage Recognize the unknown page type.
Public Method Run Automatically recognizes the unknown form then it processes its fields.
Public Method RunParallelPipesForList Runs the AutoFormsEngine on a list of files.
Public Method RunParallelPipesOnDemand Runs the AutoFormsEngine on demand for RasterImage instances.
Public Method RunParallelPipesOnDemandDynamicObject Runs the AutoFormsEngine on demand for dynamic input (file path / LEADDocument / RasterImage).
Public Method SetFullTextSearchManager Begin full text search manager support.
Public Method UpsertMasterFormsToFullTextSearch Add or updates all the master forms in the repository to the full text search engine database.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose Releases all the resources used by this AutoFormsEngine.
Protected Method Finalize This member overrides System.Object.Finalize.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property EnableQuickPreRecognitionCheck Indicates whether to use the quick-check process to identify the form. If it fails, it will perform the recognition process.
Public Property FilledFormType Default value for PageRecognitionOptions.PageType.
Public Property FIPSCompatibleMode Enables or disables Compatible with FIPS(Federal Information Processing Standards).
Public Property FullTextSearchLanguage Full text search language.
Public Property FullTextSearchManager Full text search manager used set in the engine.
Public Property FullTextSearchMaximumCandidates The maximum number of matches (candidates) to return.
Public Property FullTextSearchMinimumRank Minimum rank value to be considered a match (or candidate).
Public Property FullTextSearchRepositoryName Full text search repository name.
Public Property MasterFormCacheMaximumSize Specifies the maximum number of master forms that can be stored in a cache at any time.
Public Property MasterFormLoadType Specifies how to load in memory the master form data found in the repository.
Public Property MinimumConfidenceKnownForm The minimum confidence value to consider the form as being one of the known types in Master Forms repository.
Public Property MinimumConfidenceRecognized The minimum confidence value to consider the form as being recognized and to stop searching Master Forms.
Public Property ProcessingOcrEngine Gets the OCR engine used for processing.
Public Property RecognitionOcrEngine Gets the OCR engine used for recognition.
Public Property RecognizeFirstPageOnly Gets or sets the method of recognizing unknown forms.
Public Property TradeoffMode Specifies which recognition algorithm trade-off setting to use for forms recognition and processing.
Public Property UseThreadPool Enables or disables the use of a .NET ThreadPool when recognizing and processing forms.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event Progress Optional delegate method used after page processing is finished.

See Also

AutoFormsEngine Class

Leadtools.Forms.Auto Namespace

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