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AutoFormsRecognizeFormResult Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AutoFormsRecognizeFormResult.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor AutoFormsRecognizeFormResult Initializes a new AutoFormsRecognizeFormResult class object.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Alignments Gets a list of Leadtools.Forms.Common.PageAlignment objects that determines the amount of shift and scaling for each page of the form with its corresponding page in the Master Form.
Public Property FormPages return Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormPages that contain fields recognized.
Public Property MasterForm IMasterForm for the Master Form of the type of the recognized form.
Public Property Properties Gets or sets the properties of the Master Form of the type of the recognized form.
Public Property Result Gets the form recognition result.

See Also

AutoFormsRecognizeFormResult Class

Leadtools.Forms.Auto Namespace

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