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Gets the generic dictionary of values specific to the file format.
Object.defineProperty(DocumentAttachment.prototype, 'metadata',
get: function()
readonly metadata: {
[key: string]: string;
Generic dictionary of values specific to the file format. The default value is an empty dictionary.
Attachments embedded in a PDF documents will have the file created/modified date of the attachment file as well as the PDF object number in the dictionary.
For more information, refer to Document Attachments.
import { DocumentHelper } from "../../utilities/DocumentHelper";
import { DocumentFactory_CheckCacheInfoExample } from "../Factory/CheckCacheInfo";
export class DocumentAttachment_MainExample {
private el: HTMLElement;
public constructor() {
lt.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri("", "EVAL", null);
private urlToPdfFile = "http://localhost/images/pdf/portfolio/port1.pdf";
public run(buttonID: string) {
document.getElementById(buttonID).onclick = this.onRun;
onRun = () => {
The PDF document can be one of the following:
1. Normal PDF without attachments. Has one or more pages and no attachments.
2. Normal PDF with attachments. Has one or more pages and one or more attachments.
3. PDF Portfolio. Has a placeholder page and one or more attachments.
The value of LoadDocumentOptions.loadAttachmentsMode affects loading the documents as follows:
1. Normal PDF without attachments: Will not be affected.
2. Normal PDF with attachments: Number of pages is not affected.
Number of attachments is:
LoadAttachmentsMode = none then 0
LoadAttachmentsMode = asAttachments then number of attachments found in the document.
3. PDF Portfolio: Number of pages is:
LoadAttachmentsMode = none then 1 (the placeholder page)
LoadAttachmentsMode = asAttachments then 0 (the document has no pages).
Number of attachments is:
LoadAttachmentsMode = none then 0
LoadAttachmentsMode = asAttachments then number of attachments found in the document.
const pdfUrl = this.urlToPdfFile; // URL to a PDF file as an input to this example
// First, load the document without attachments
console.log("Loading with DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.none");
const loadDocumentOptions = new lt.Document.LoadDocumentOptions();
loadDocumentOptions.loadAttachmentsMode = lt.Document.DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.none;
this.loadDocument(pdfUrl, loadDocumentOptions, (doc) => {
console.log("Document has " + doc.pages.count + " pages");
// Find out if the document is portfolio
const isPortfolioValue = doc.metadata[lt.Document.LEADDocument.metadataKey_IsPortfolio];
const isPortfolio = isPortfolioValue && isPortfolioValue.toLowerCase() === "true";
console.log("isPortfolio:" + isPortfolio);
// Check that everything is as expected
// We should have 0 attachments since we did not instruct the toolkit to load these
if (doc.attachments.count != 0) throw new Error("Something went wrong");
// We should have one or more pages regardless of whether the document is PDF portfolio
if (doc.pages.count === 0) throw new Error("Something went wrong");
// Next, load the document with attachments
console.log("Loading with DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.asAttachments");
loadDocumentOptions.loadAttachmentsMode = lt.Document.DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.asAttachments;
this.loadDocument(pdfUrl, loadDocumentOptions, (doc) => {
console.log("Document has " + doc.pages.count + " pages");
// Find out if the document is portfolio
const isPortfolioValue = doc.metadata[lt.Document.LEADDocument.metadataKey_IsPortfolio];
const isPortfolio = isPortfolioValue && isPortfolioValue.toLowerCase() === "true";
console.log("isPortfolio:" + isPortfolio);
// Check that everything is as expected
// We may have 0 or more attachments depending on the file
console.log("Document has " + doc.attachments.count + " attachments");
// We should have one or more pages unless this is PDF portfolio, then it will have 0 pages
if (isPortfolio) {
if (doc.pages.count !== 0) throw new Error("Something went wrong");
// Extract all the embedded attachments into the cache
this.extractAttachments(doc, 0, () => {
console.log("Example done");
loadDocument = (url: string, loadDocumentOptions: lt.Document.LoadDocumentOptions, done: (doc: lt.Document.LEADDocument) => void) => {
DocumentHelper.log("Loading document " + url);
lt.Document.DocumentFactory.loadFromUri(url, loadDocumentOptions)
.done((doc) => {
DocumentHelper.log("Document loaded and has cache id: " + doc.documentId);
extractAttachments = (doc: lt.Document.LEADDocument, attachmentIndex: number, done: () => void) => {
if (attachmentIndex >= doc.attachments.count) {
// Show info on this attachment
const attachment = doc.attachments.item(attachmentIndex);
console.log("Attachment number " + attachment.AttachmentNumber + "file name is '" + attachment.fileName +"' and length is " + attachment.fileLength + " bytes");
// Save it into the cache
// Another option is to load it directly using lt.Document.DocumentFactory.loadDocumentAttachment to load it as a LEAD document
const saveAttachmentToCacheOptions = new lt.Document.SaveAttachmentToCacheOptions();
saveAttachmentToCacheOptions.attachmentNumber = attachmentIndex + 1;
lt.Document.DocumentFactory.saveAttachmentToCache(doc, null, saveAttachmentToCacheOptions)
.done((attachmentDocumentId) => {
console.log("attachment " + saveAttachmentToCacheOptions.attachmentNumber + " saved into the cache with document ID = " + attachmentDocumentId);
// The attachment data can be downloaded using lt.Document.DocumentFactory.downloadDocumentData or loaded using DocumentFactory.loadFromCache
this.extractAttachments(doc, attachmentIndex + 1, done);
export class DocumentHelper {
static showServiceError = (jqXHR, statusText, errorThrown) => {
alert("Error returned from service. See the console for details.");
const serviceError = lt.Document.ServiceError.parseError(jqXHR, statusText, errorThrown);
static log = (message: string, data?: any) => {
const outputElement = document.getElementById("output");
if (outputElement) {
const time = (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString();
const textElement = document.createElement("p");
textElement.innerHTML = (outputElement.childElementCount + 1) + " [" + time + "]: " + message;
outputElement.insertBefore(textElement, outputElement.firstChild);
if (!data)
console.log(message, data);
static initFactory = () => {
// To communicate with the DocumentsService, it must be running!
// Change these parameters to match the path to the service.
lt.Document.DocumentFactory.serviceHost = "http://localhost:40000";
lt.Document.DocumentFactory.servicePath = "";
lt.Document.DocumentFactory.serviceApiPath = "api";
import { DocumentHelper } from "../../utilities/DocumentHelper";
import { DocumentFactory_CheckCacheInfoExample } from "../Factory/CheckCacheInfo";
export class DocumentAttachment_MainExample {
constructor() {
lt.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri("", "EVAL", null);
urlToPdfFile = "http://localhost/images/pdf/portfolio/port1.pdf";
run = (buttonID) => {
document.getElementById(buttonID).onclick = this.onRun;
onRun = () => {
The PDF document can be one of the following:
1. Normal PDF without attachments. Has one or more pages and no attachments.
2. Normal PDF with attachments. Has one or more pages and one or more attachments.
3. PDF Portfolio. Has a placeholder page and one or more attachments.
The value of LoadDocumentOptions.loadAttachmentsMode affects loading the documents as follows:
1. Normal PDF without attachments: Will not be affected.
2. Normal PDF with attachments: Number of pages is not affected.
Number of attachments is:
LoadAttachmentsMode = none then 0
LoadAttachmentsMode = asAttachments then number of attachments found in the document.
3. PDF Portfolio: Number of pages is:
LoadAttachmentsMode = none then 1 (the placeholder page)
LoadAttachmentsMode = asAttachments then 0 (the document has no pages).
Number of attachments is:
LoadAttachmentsMode = none then 0
LoadAttachmentsMode = asAttachments then number of attachments found in the document.
const pdfUrl = this.urlToPdfFile; // URL to a PDF file as an input to this example
// First, load the document without attachments
console.log("Loading with DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.none");
const loadDocumentOptions = new lt.Document.LoadDocumentOptions();
loadDocumentOptions.loadAttachmentsMode = lt.Document.DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.none;
this.loadDocument(pdfUrl, loadDocumentOptions, (doc) => {
console.log("Document has " + doc.pages.count + " pages");
// Find out if the document is portfolio
const isPortfolioValue = doc.metadata[lt.Document.LEADDocument.metadataKey_IsPortfolio];
const isPortfolio = isPortfolioValue && isPortfolioValue.toLowerCase() === "true";
console.log("isPortfolio:" + isPortfolio);
// Check that everything is as expected
// We should have 0 attachments since we did not instruct the toolkit to load these
if (doc.attachments.count != 0) throw new Error("Something went wrong");
// We should have one or more pages regardless of whether the document is PDF portfolio
if (doc.pages.count === 0) throw new Error("Something went wrong");
// Next, load the document with attachments
console.log("Loading with DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.asAttachments");
loadDocumentOptions.loadAttachmentsMode = lt.Document.DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.asAttachments;
this.loadDocument(pdfUrl, loadDocumentOptions, (doc) => {
console.log("Document has " + doc.pages.count + " pages");
// Find out if the document is portfolio
const isPortfolioValue = doc.metadata[lt.Document.LEADDocument.metadataKey_IsPortfolio];
const isPortfolio = isPortfolioValue && isPortfolioValue.toLowerCase() === "true";
console.log("isPortfolio:" + isPortfolio);
// Check that everything is as expected
// We may have 0 or more attachments depending on the file
console.log("Document has " + doc.attachments.count + " attachments");
// We should have one or more pages unless this is PDF portfolio, then it will have 0 pages
if (isPortfolio) {
if (doc.pages.count !== 0) throw new Error("Something went wrong");
// Extract all the embedded attachments into the cache
this.extractAttachments(doc, 0, () => {
console.log("Example done");
loadDocument = (url, loadDocumentOptions, done) => {
DocumentHelper.log("Loading document " + url);
lt.Document.DocumentFactory.loadFromUri(url, loadDocumentOptions)
.done((doc) => {
DocumentHelper.log("Document loaded and has cache id: " + doc.documentId);
extractAttachments = (doc, attachmentIndex, done) => {
if (attachmentIndex >= doc.attachments.count) {
// Show info on this attachment
const attachment = doc.attachments.item(attachmentIndex);
console.log("Attachment number " + attachment.AttachmentNumber + "file name is '" + attachment.fileName +"' and length is " + attachment.fileLength + " bytes");
// Save it into the cache
// Another option is to load it directly using lt.Document.DocumentFactory.loadDocumentAttachment to load it as a LEAD document
const saveAttachmentToCacheOptions = new lt.Document.SaveAttachmentToCacheOptions();
saveAttachmentToCacheOptions.attachmentNumber = attachmentIndex + 1;
lt.Document.DocumentFactory.saveAttachmentToCache(doc, null, saveAttachmentToCacheOptions)
.done((attachmentDocumentId) => {
console.log("attachment " + saveAttachmentToCacheOptions.attachmentNumber + " saved into the cache with document ID = " + attachmentDocumentId);
// The attachment data can be downloaded using lt.Document.DocumentFactory.downloadDocumentData or loaded using DocumentFactory.loadFromCache
this.extractAttachments(doc, attachmentIndex + 1, done);
export class DocumentHelper {
static showServiceError = (jqXHR, statusText, errorThrown) => {
alert("Error returned from service. See the console for details.");
const serviceError = lt.Document.ServiceError.parseError(jqXHR, statusText, errorThrown);
static log = (message, data) => {
const outputElement = document.getElementById("output");
if (outputElement) {
const time = (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString();
const textElement = document.createElement("p");
textElement.innerHTML = (outputElement.childElementCount + 1) + " [" + time + "]: " + message;
outputElement.insertBefore(textElement, outputElement.firstChild);
if (!data)
console.log(message, data);
static initFactory = () => {
// To communicate with the DocumentsService, it must be running!
// Change these parameters to match the path to the service.
lt.Document.DocumentFactory.serviceHost = "http://localhost:40000";
lt.Document.DocumentFactory.servicePath = "";
lt.Document.DocumentFactory.serviceApiPath = "api";
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window.onload = () => {
const example = new window.examples.DocumentAttachment.Main();"exampleButton");
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