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PdfDocumentOptions Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see PdfDocumentOptions members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property annotationsEnabled Indicates whether annotations and comments can be added to the resulting PDF document.
Public Property assemblyEnabled Indicates whether pages can be added or removed from the resulting PDF document.
Public Property author Author value to be used in the resulting PDF document.
Public Property centerWindow Initial view should center the document in the window.
Public Property coloredImageCompression Type of compression to use on colored images when creating a PDF document.
Public Property copyEnabled Indicates whether the resulting PDF document has access rights to copy text.
Public Property displayDocTitle Initial view should display the document title.
Public Property documentType Type of PDF file that will be created using the LEADTOOLS Document Writers.
Public Property editEnabled Indicates whether the resulting PDF document can be edited.
Public Property encryptionMode Indicates which encryption mode to use when creating the PDF document.
Public Property fitWindow Initial view should fit the document in the window.
Public Property fontEmbedMode Font embedding mode used when creating an PDF document.
Public Property hideMenubar Indicates whether the initial view should hide the menu bar
Public Property hideToolbar Indicates whether the initial view should hide the toolbar
Public Property hideWindowUI Indicates whether the initial view should hide the window user interface elements
Public Property highQualityPrintEnabled Indicates whether the resulting PDF document can be printed in high quality.
Public Property imageOverText Indicates whether to use a raster image overlay on top of the resulting PDF document.
Public Property imageOverTextMode Indicates how the document writer converts the overlay image (image over text).
Public Property imageOverTextSize Indicates the resize options for the overlay image (image over text).
Public Property initialPageNumber Initial view page number to use when creating a PDF document.
Public Property isProtected Indicates whether to create a protected PDF document.
Public Property keywords Keywords to be used in the resulting PDF document.
Public Property linearized Indicates whether to create a PDF document that is optimized for fast web viewing.
Public Property oneBitImageCompression One bit compression type used to compress one bit per pixel images when creating a PDF document.
Public Property ownerPassword Owner password value to be used in the resulting PDF document.
Public Property pageFitType Initial view page fit type when creating a PDF document.
Public Property pageLayoutType Initial view page layout type when creating a PDF document.
Public Property pageModeType Initial view page mode type when creating a PDF document.
Public Property printEnabled Indicates whether the resulting PDF document has access rights to allow printing.
Public Property qualityFactor Degree of loss in the compression process. This applies to JPEG compression only.
Public Property subject Subject value to be used in the resulting PDF document.
Public Property title Title value to be used in the resulting PDF document.
Public Property userPassword User password value to be used in the resulting PDF document.
Public Property xCoordinate Initial view X coordinate position of the page to use when creating a PDF document.
Public Property yCoordinate Initial view Y coordinate position of the page to use when creating a PDF document.
Public Property zoomPercent Initial view zoom percentage to use when creating a PDF document.

See Also

PdfDocumentOptions Class

Leadtools.Document Namespace

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