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Loads an HTML, SVG, or other XML element from a URL.
class lt.ImageLoader()
implements IDisposable
ImageLoader is used across LEADTOOLS to load images in a variety of ways while abstracting out long setup code and covering differences between older and newer browsers. The typical use case for an ImageLoader would be to load a web-safe image file, such as a PNG, with support for callbacks on success and failure.
UrlMode allows for multiple ways of loading an image to best suit your needs. For more information on the differences between each type of image loading, see ImageLoaderUrlMode.
ImageLoader supports images in the typical fashion via image.src
or AJAX for both web-safe image files and SVG images.
For more information on the loading process, see Run.
export class ImageLoaderExample {
// We will show the results of loading a raster web image and SVG in all three supported loading modes.
// Insert URLs to raster (GIF, PNG, JPG) and SVG images below. The images must have CORS properties for AJAX.
private imageRasterUrl: string = "";
private imageSvgUrl: string = "";
constructor() {
lt.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri("", "EVAL", null);
public run = () => {
const targets = [
// Raster images
{ parent: "rasterImageUrl", mode: lt.ImageLoaderUrlMode.imageUrl, url: this.imageRasterUrl },
{ parent: "rasterAjaxDataUrl", mode: lt.ImageLoaderUrlMode.ajaxDataUrl, url: this.imageRasterUrl },
{ parent: "rasterAjaxXml", mode: lt.ImageLoaderUrlMode.ajaxXml, url: this.imageRasterUrl },
// SVG images
{ parent: "svgImageUrl", mode: lt.ImageLoaderUrlMode.imageUrl, url: this.imageSvgUrl },
{ parent: "svgAjaxDataUrl", mode: lt.ImageLoaderUrlMode.ajaxDataUrl, url: this.imageSvgUrl },
{ parent: "svgAjaxXml", mode: lt.ImageLoaderUrlMode.ajaxXml, url: this.imageSvgUrl },
targets.forEach((target) => {
const imageLoader: lt.ImageLoader = new lt.ImageLoader();
imageLoader.urlMode = target.mode;
imageLoader.url = target.url;
// If we're loading with AJAX, attach a header or even change to a POST request (endpoint must have proper CORS properties)
//if (target.mode === lt.ImageLoaderUrlMode.ajaxDataUrl || target.mode === lt.ImageLoaderUrlMode.ajaxXml) {
//imageLoader.ajaxOptions.headers["myKey"] = "myValue";
//imageLoader.ajaxOptions.method = "POST";
//imageLoader.ajaxOptions.headers["contentType"] = "application/json";
//imageLoader.ajaxOptions.postData = JSON.stringify({ key: "value" });
// Add the target ID to the loader so we can use it in our callbacks easily
imageLoader["parent"] = target.parent;;
// Before the imageLoader is run, we can do what we like.
public preRun(imageLoader, preRunEventArgs): void {
// Optional: we can set "abort" to true to make the imageLoader fail.
//preRunEventArgs.cancel = true;
console.log("ImageLoader about to run: " + imageLoader.url);
// When we're done, append the image to our page.
public done(imageLoader): void {
// For this example, we set an extra property as a target ID.
const parent = document.getElementById(imageLoader["parent"]);
const textElement = document.createElement("p");
textElement.innerHTML = (imageLoader.isHTMLImageElement ? "<img>" : "<svg>") + " width: " + imageLoader.width + ", height: " + imageLoader.height;
// If we failed, show the error.
public fail(imageLoader): void {
const parent = document.getElementById(imageLoader["parent"]);
const textElement = document.createElement("p");
textElement.innerHTML = imageLoader.error;
// Do some cleanup, regardless of the result
public always(imageLoader): void {
// Call dispose at the very end