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The callback function that always fires if the Viewer.loadFromUri operation succeeds.
document: LEADDocument
): void;
A valid function must be provided. This callback will fire if the loadFromUri operation succeeds.
A LEADDocument object will be passed to the callback. To set the document into the active LEADVIEW viewer, first retrieve the active viewer by calling Viewer.getCurrentDocument.
export class ViewerLoadFromUriExample {
private _viewer: lt.LEADVIEW.Viewer = null;
private _demoUrl = '';
public constructor() {
lt.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri("", "EVAL", null);
public run = (divID: string, setButtonId: string): void => {
const lv = new lt.LEADVIEW.Viewer();
// Builds a new instance of LEADVIEW.
// For the full list of options that can be passed to the run method,
// refer to the settings JSON files that are included in the LEADVIEW demo application.
// Settings files can also be generated from the LEADVIEW application itself., {
'rootDivId': divID,
'showMainMenu': false,
'serviceHost': 'http://localhost:40000', // or wherever your host is
'servicePath': '', // the path to the root of the service, which is nothing for this example
'serviceApiPath': 'api', // Routing occurs at "/api", unless you change the routing in the DocumentsService
this._viewer = lv;
document.getElementById(setButtonId).onclick = this.setCurrentDocument;
private setCurrentDocument = () => {
const loadOptions: lt.LEADVIEW.ILoadFromUriParams = {
url: this._demoUrl,
loadOptions: null,
loadingDialogCallback: null,
successCallback: (document: lt.Document.LEADDocument) => {
alwaysCallback: null,
failCallback: this.errorHandler
private errorHandler = (serviceError: lt.Document.ServiceError) => {
alert(`There was an error loading in the document. ${serviceError.message}`);