The Logger interface used by LEADVIEW.
interface lt.LEADVIEW.ILogger()
A custom Logger can be provided to the method. To do so, create your own object that implements the ILogger interface and pass it to RunSettings.
export class RunSettingsExample {
public constructor() {
lt.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri("", "EVAL", null);
public run = (divID: string): void => {
const lv = new lt.LEADVIEW.Viewer();
const runSettings: lt.LEADVIEW.RunSettings = {
logger: this.createLogger(),
author: "Demo Author"
// A quick test to make sure the logger was injected successfully is to change the 'rootDivId' to an invalid ID
// This will throw a LEADVIEW creation error, which will be bubbled up to the logApplicationError Logger method., {
'rootDivId': divID
private createLogger = ():lt.LEADVIEW.ILogger => {
const logger: lt.LEADVIEW.ILogger = {
logApplicationError: (errorType: lt.LEADVIEW.ErrorType, message:string) =>{
alert(`Application Error:\nType:${errorType}\nMessage:${message}`);
logServiceError: (serviceError: lt.Document.ServiceError, defaultMessage?: string) => {
alert(`Service Error:\nType:${serviceError.code}\nMessage:${serviceError.message}`);
return serviceError.message;
return logger;