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DataAccessLoggingChannel Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DataAccessLoggingChannel.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor DataAccessLoggingChannel Initializes a new instance of the DataAccessLoggingChannel
Public Constructor LoggingChannel Initializes a new instance of the LoggingChannel class. (Inherited from LoggingChannel)

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Dispose Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (Inherited from LoggingChannel)
Public Method Format Formats the specified log entry. (Inherited from LoggingChannel)
Public Method WriteLog Overrides the Leadtools.Logging.LoggingChannel.LoggingChannel.WriteLog(Leadtools.Logging.ILogEntry) method.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Enabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Leadtools.Logging.ILoggingChannel is enabled. (Inherited from LoggingChannel)
Public Property LogDataAccessAgent Gets or sets the ILoggingDataAccessAgent object to be used for writing the logs.
Public Property LogDicomCommunication Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an event log that is generated by DICOM communications will be logged or not.
Public Property LogDicomDataSet Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet in the event log will be saved or not.

See Also

DataAccessLoggingChannel Class

Leadtools.Medical.Logging.DataAccessLayer Namespace

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Leadtools.Medical.Logging.DataAccessLayer Assembly
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