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DICOMServerEventLogRow Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DICOMServerEventLogRow.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method IsClientAETitleNull Gets a value that indicates whether the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.ClientAETitleColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsClientHostAddressNull Gets a value that indicates whether the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.ClientHostAddressColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsClientPortNull Gets a value that indicates whether the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.ClientPortColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsCustomInformationNull Gets a value that indicates whether the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.CustomInformationColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsCustomTypeNull Gets a value that indicates whether the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.CustomTypeColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsDatasetNull Gets a value that indicates whether the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.DatasetColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsDatasetPathNull Gets a value that indicates whether the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.DatasetPathColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsDescriptionNull Gets a value that indicates whether the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.DescriptionColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsEventDateTimeNull Gets a value that indicates whether the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.EventDateTimeColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsServerAETitleNull Gets a value that indicates whether the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.ServerAETitleColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsServerIPAddressNull Gets a value that indicates whether the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.ServerIPAddressColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsServerPortNull Gets a value that indicates whether the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.ServerPortColumn contains a null value.
Public Method SetClientAETitleNull Sets the value of the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.ClientAETitleColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetClientHostAddressNull Sets the value of the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.ClientHostAddressColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetClientPortNull Sets the value of the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.ClientPortColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetCustomInformationNull Sets the value of the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.CustomInformationColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetCustomTypeNull Sets the value of the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.DatasetPathColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetDatasetNull Sets the value of the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.DatasetColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetDatasetPathNull Sets the value of the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.DatasetPathColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetDescriptionNull Sets the value of the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.DescriptionColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetEventDateTimeNull Sets the value of the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.EventDateTimeColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetServerAETitleNull Sets the value of the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.ServerAETitleColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetServerIPAddressNull Sets the value of the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.ServerIPAddressColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetServerPortNull Sets the value of the DicomEventLogDataSet.DICOMServerEventLogDataTable.ServerPortColumn to a null value.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property ClientAETitle Gets or sets the Client AE Title.
Public Property ClientHostAddress Gets or sets the Client Host Address.
Public Property ClientPort Gets or sets the client port.
Public Property Command Gets or sets the DICOM Command.
Public Property CustomInformation Gets or sets the Custom Information.
Public Property CustomType Gets or sets a custom type of the event log.
Public Property Dataset Gets or sets the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet for the event log.
Public Property DatasetPath Gets or sets the path where the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet will be saved.
Public Property Description Gets or sets the Description.
Public Property EventDateTime Gets or sets the event date-time.
Public Property EventID Gets or sets the Event ID.
Public Property MessageDirection Gets or sets the Message Direction.
Public Property ServerAETitle Gets or sets the Server AE Title.
Public Property ServerIPAddress Gets or sets the Server IP Address.
Public Property ServerPort Gets or sets the server port.
Public Property Type Gets or sets the type of the event log.

See Also

DICOMServerEventLogRow Class

Leadtools.Medical.Logging.DataAccessLayer Namespace

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