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MedicalViewer Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by MedicalViewer.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor MedicalViewer Initializes a new instance of a MedicalViewer object with explicit parameters.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method BeginUpdate Stops the viewer from being refreshed if changes are applied. This is useful to increase the control speed efficiency.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB BurnTag Burns the tag onto the image with the specified parameters .
Public Method EndUpdate Refreshes the control to include all the changes made after using the BeginUpdate method.
Public Method Invalidate Redraws all the cells in the medical viewer.
Public Method LoadLayout Loads the layout from the specified stream.
Public Method Refresh Updates and recalculates the data of all the cells in the medical viewer.
Public Method SaveAnnotations Saves the annotation container(s) of a cell to a file.
Public Method SaveLayout Saves the layout to the specified stream.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose Releases all resources used by the MedicalViewer.
Protected Method Finalize This member overrides Finalize.
Protected Method IsInputKey Overrides Control.IsInputKey.
Protected Method OnCreateControl Overrides the Control.OnCreateControl.
Protected Method OnHandleCreated Overrides Control.OnHandleCreated.
Protected Method OnSizeChanged Overrides Control.OnSizeChanged.
Protected Method WndProc Processes Windows messages. Overrides WndProc.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AlignScrollBarToLeft Gets or sets the value that determines whether to align the medical viewer scrollbar to the left or right.
Public Property AllowMultipleSelection Gets or sets the value that indicates whether multiple cells can be selected at the same time (Using the CTRL key), or through MedicalViewerBaseCell.Selected.
Public Property AutoScroll Enables or disables whether scroll bars automatically appear when the control contents are larger than the visible area.
Public Property BackColor Gets or sets the color of the control area that has not been filled with cells.
Public Property CellMaintenance Enables or disables maintaining the cell size if the user moves a splitter, the vertical or horizontal line that separates.
Public Property Cells Gets the MedicalViewerCellCollection<MedicalViewerBaseCell> assigned to the control.
Public Property Columns Gets or sets the number of columns.
Public Property ColumnSplitters Gets the collection that contains information about the column splitters.
Public Property Cursor Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the medical control.
Public Property CustomSplitterColor Enables or disables painting the splitters with a custom color specified in SplitterColor.
Public Property Exploded Gets or sets the value that determines whether the viewer is in the exploded mode or not.
Public Property FullExplode Gets or sets the value that determines whether to allow the viewer to enter a full explode mode (focus mode) when a cell or sub-cell is double clicked.
Public Property GridMode Gets a value indicating whether the MedicalViewer was created in grid mode.
Public Property LayoutOptions Gets the layout options for the MedicalViewer control.
Public Property LowMemoryUsageEnabled Gets or set whether to enable the low memory usage feature of the medical viewer.
Public Property ResizeBoth Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the intersection between the horizontal and vertical splitters.
Public Property ResizeHorizontalCursor Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the horizontal splitter of the medical control.
Public Property ResizeVerticalCursor Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the vertical splitter of the medical control.
Public Property Rows Gets or sets the number of rows.
Public Property RowSplitters Gets the collection that contains information about the row splitters.
Public Property ShowSelectedReferenceLine Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to show the reference line only of the selected cells.
Public Property SplitterColor Gets or sets the color of the splitter.
Public Property SplitterStyle Gets or sets the enumerated value that indicates the painting the style of the splitter.
Public Property SynchronizationType Gets or sets the synchronization type used to synchronize the cells in this viewer.
Public Property UseExtraSplitters Enables or disables showing the extra splitters at the bottom and the right of the viewer.
Public Property VisibleRow Gets or sets the index of the first visible row in the MedicalViewer.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event DeleteCell Optional delegate method for additional processing.
Public Event SelectedCellsChanged Optional delegate method for additional processing.
Public Event ViewerDragDrop Optional delegate method for additional processing.
Public Event ViewerDragOver Optional delegate method for additional processing.
Public Event ViewerScroll Optional delegate method for additional processing.

See Also

MedicalViewer Class

Leadtools.MedicalViewer Namespace

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Leadtools.MedicalViewer Assembly
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