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WiaExposureMode Enumeration

Indicates the camera's current exposure mode. For more information refer to WIA_DPC_EXPOSURE_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.

public enum WiaExposureMode 
public enum class WiaExposureMode : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable   
class WiaExposureMode(Enum): 
   Manual = 1 
   Auto = 2 
   AperturePriority = 3 
   Shutter_Priority = 4 
   Creative = 5 
   Action = 6 
   Portrait = 7 
1ManualThe shutter speed and aperture are set by the user.
2AutoThe shutter speed and aperture are automatically set by the camera.
3AperturePriorityThe aperture is set by the user, and the camera automatically sets the shutter speed.
4Shutter_PriorityThe shutter speed is set by the user, and the camera automatically sets the aperture.
5CreativeThe shutter speed and aperture are automatically set by the camera, optimized for still subject matter.
6ActionThe shutter speed and aperture are automatically set by the camera, optimized for scenes containing fast motion.
7PortraitThe shutter speed and aperture are automatically set by the camera, optimized for portrait photography.

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See Also


Leadtools.Wia Namespace

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