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GetPropertyGuid Method

Retrieves the Guid structure for any WiaVariableTypes.Clsid property.

public Guid GetPropertyGuid( 
   object item, 
   string propertyIdName, 
   WiaPropertyId propertyId 
Guid GetPropertyGuid(  
   Object^ item, 
   String^ propertyIdName, 
   WiaPropertyId propertyId 
def GetPropertyGuid(self,item,propertyIdName,propertyId): 


Handle to the item which represents the item having the property. You can retrieve this parameter by either calling the GetRootItem method to get the device's root item itself or by enumerating the child items of the device through a call to EnumChildItems method.

This string should contain the equivalent property Id string for the WIA property ID. Use the GetPropertyIdString method to get this string for the property ID.

If you passed null for this parameter, then the WIA toolkit will use the property ID passed through the third parameter,

propertyId; otherwise, this parameter will be used whether or not you passed valid property ID through the propertyId parameter

The property ID for the value being sought. For a list of available property IDs, see WiaPropertyId.

This parameter is required only if the second parameter, propertyIdName, is null; otherwise, you can pass 0 for this parameter.

Return Value

The WIA GUID value.


Any WIA property of type WiaVariableTypes.Clsid (for example, WiaPropertyId.ItemFormat ) returns a Guid structure. In order to retrieve this type of properties you need to call the function GetPropertyGuid.

For more information, refer to Managing WIA Sources.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Wia; 
WiaSession mySession; 
public void GetPropertyGuidExample(IntPtr parent) 
   if (!WiaSession.IsAvailable(WiaVersion.Version2)) 
      Console.WriteLine("WIA version 2.0 not installed."); 
   mySession = new WiaSession(); 
   DialogResult res = mySession.SelectDeviceDlg(parent, WiaDeviceType.Default, WiaSelectSourceFlags.NoDefault); 
   if (res != DialogResult.OK) 
      Console.WriteLine("Error selecting WIA device."); 
   object rootItem = mySession.GetRootItem(null); 
   if (rootItem != null) 
      mySession.EnumItemsEvent += new EventHandler<WiaEnumItemsEventArgs>(wiaSession_EnumItemsEvent3); 
      mySession.EnumItemsEvent -= new EventHandler<WiaEnumItemsEventArgs>(wiaSession_EnumItemsEvent3); 
void wiaSession_EnumItemsEvent3(object sender, WiaEnumItemsEventArgs e) 
   bool found = false; 
   if (e.Item != null) 
      // Read the item category property (this property is only available for WIA 2.0). 
      Guid sessionCategoryGuid = mySession.GetPropertyGuid(e.Item, null, WiaPropertyId.ItemCategory); 
      // Find the related item category for the received Guid. 
      Guid categoryGuid = WiaSession.GetCategoryGuid(WiaCategories.Feeder); 
      if (categoryGuid == sessionCategoryGuid)   // the item is a Feeder. 
         Console.WriteLine("Item category: Feeder"); 
         found = true; 
      if (found == false) 
         categoryGuid = WiaSession.GetCategoryGuid(WiaCategories.FeederBack); 
         if (categoryGuid == sessionCategoryGuid)   // the item is a Feeder. 
            Console.WriteLine("Item category: FeederBack"); 
            found = true; 
      if (found == false) 
         categoryGuid = WiaSession.GetCategoryGuid(WiaCategories.FeederFront); 
         if (categoryGuid == sessionCategoryGuid)   // the item is a Feeder. 
            Console.WriteLine("Item category: FeederFront"); 
            found = true; 
      if (found == false) 
         categoryGuid = WiaSession.GetCategoryGuid(WiaCategories.Film); 
         if (categoryGuid == sessionCategoryGuid)   // the item is a Feeder. 
            Console.WriteLine("Item category: Film"); 
            found = true; 
      if (found == false) 
         categoryGuid = WiaSession.GetCategoryGuid(WiaCategories.FinishedFile); 
         if (categoryGuid == sessionCategoryGuid)   // the item is a Feeder. 
            Console.WriteLine("Item category: FinishedFile"); 
            found = true; 
      if (found == false) 
         categoryGuid = WiaSession.GetCategoryGuid(WiaCategories.Flatbed); 
         if (categoryGuid == sessionCategoryGuid)   // the item is a Feeder. 
            Console.WriteLine("Item category: Flatbed"); 
            found = true; 
      if (found == false) 
         categoryGuid = WiaSession.GetCategoryGuid(WiaCategories.Folder); 
         if (categoryGuid == sessionCategoryGuid)   // the item is a Feeder. 
            Console.WriteLine("Item category: Folder"); 
            found = true; 
      if (found == false) 
         categoryGuid = WiaSession.GetCategoryGuid(WiaCategories.Root); 
         if (categoryGuid == sessionCategoryGuid)   // the item is a Feeder. 
            Console.WriteLine("Item category: Root"); 
            found = true; 

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