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The members of this structure represent the set of attributes that describe a DICOM waveform annotation.
L_UINT uStructSize; /* Structure Size */
L_TCHAR* pszUnformattedTextValue; /* Unformatted Text Value */
pDICOMCODESEQUENCEITEM pCodedName; /* Pointer to the Concept Name Code Sequence */
pDICOMCODESEQUENCEITEM pCodedValue; /* Pointer to the Concept Code Sequence */
L_DOUBLE* pNumericValue; /* Pointer to the Numeric Value */
L_UINT32 uNumericValueCount; /* Numeric Value Buffer Size */
pDICOMCODESEQUENCEITEM pMeasurementUnits; /* Pointer to the Measurement Units Code Sequence */
L_UINT16 uTemporalRangeType; /* Temporal Range Type */
L_UINT32* pRefSamplePositions; /* Pointer to the Referenced Sample Positions */
L_DOUBLE* pRefTimeOffsets; /* Pointer to the Referenced Time Offsets */
pVALUEDATETIME pRefDatetime; /* Pointer to the Referenced Datetime */
L_UINT32 uTemporalPointCount; /* Buffer Sizes */
L_UINT16* puAnnGroupNumber; /* Pointer to the Annotation Group Number */
The size of the structure (use sizeof (DICOMWAVEFORMANNOTATION) )
Character string that contains the "Unformatted Text Value" (0070,0006) element. If this member is not NULL, then pCodedName, pCodedValue, pNumericValue and uNumericValueCount will be ignored.
A pointer to a structure of type DICOMCODESEQUENCEITEM which represents the single item that is included under the "Concept Name Code Sequence" (0040,A043) in the "Waveform Annotation Module". Ignored if pszUnformattedTextValue is not NULL.
A pointer to a structure of type DICOMCODESEQUENCEITEM which represents the single item that is included under the "Concept Code Sequence" (0040,A168) in the "Waveform Annotation Module". Ignored if pszUnformattedTextValue is not NULL.
A pointer to a buffer that represents the values under the "Numeric Value" (0040,A30A) element, the size of this buffer should be the same as uNumericValueCount. Ignored if pszUnformattedTextValue is not NULL.
Size of the pNumericValue buffer. Ignored if pszUnformattedTextValue is not NULL.
A pointer to a structure of type DICOMCODESEQUENCEITEM which represents the single item that is included under the "Measurement Units Code Sequence" (0040,08EA) in the "Waveform Annotation Module".
Value of the "Temporal Range Type" (0040,A130) element. Possible value are:
Value | Meaning |
DICOM_TEMPORAL_RANGE_TYPE_POINT | [0x01] POINT (a single temporal point) |
DICOM_TEMPORAL_RANGE_TYPE_MULTIPOINT | [0x02] MULTIPOINT (multiple temporal points) |
DICOM_TEMPORAL_RANGE_TYPE_SEGMENT | [0x03] SEGMENT (a range between two temporal points) |
DICOM_TEMPORAL_RANGE_TYPE_MULTISEGMENT | [0x04] MULTISEGMENT (multiple segments, each denoted by two temporal points) |
DICOM_TEMPORAL_RANGE_TYPE_BEGIN | [0x05] BEGIN (a range beginning at one temporal point, and extending beyond the end of the acquired data) |
DICOM_TEMPORAL_RANGE_TYPE_END | [0x06] END (a range beginning before the start of the acquired data, and extending to (and including) the identified temporal point). |
Pointer to a buffer that represents the values under the "Referenced Sample Positions" (0040,A132) element, the size of this buffer should be the same as uTemporalPointCount. This parameter is ignored if uTemporalPointCount is 0.
Pointer to a buffer that represents the values under the "Referenced Time Offsets" (0040,A138) element, the size of this buffer should be the same as uTemporalPointCount. This parameter is ignored if uTemporalPointCount is 0 or if pRefSamplePositions is not NULL.
Pointer to an array of type VALUEDATETIME that represents the values under the "Referenced Datetime" (0040,A13A) element, the size of this buffer should be the same as uTemporalPointCount. This parameter is ignored if uTemporalPointCount is 0 or if either pRefSamplePositions or pRefTimeOffsets is not NULL.
Size of the buffers pointed to by pRefSamplePositions, pRefTimeOffsets and pRefDatetime.
Pointer to a value that contains the "Annotation Group Number" (0040,A180) element. To ignore Set to NULL, to ignore.
This data type is based on the attributes of the "Waveform Annotation Module" and is mainly used to support waveform annotations.