
#include "ltkrn.h"
#include "ltclr.h"

L_LTCLR_API L_INT L_FillICCProfileFromICCFile(pszFileName, pICCProfile)

Fills the ICCPROFILEEXT structure fields with the appropriate ICC data from the specified file.


L_TCHAR * pszFileName

Character string containing the name of the ICC file from which to get the ICC data.


Pointer to an ICCPROFILEEXT structure to be filled with the data.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


This function fills the ICCPROFILEEXT structure directly from an ICC file.

The ICCPROFILEEXT structure must be initialized, by calling L_InitICCProfile, before calling this function.

If the version of the ICC file is v4 or more (i.e. consistent with the ICC specification ICC.1:2004-10), the data inside the ICC file will be extracted into the structure. Otherwise, the ICC will be loaded into a buffer, and a pointer to that buffer will be stored in the pData field of the ICCPROFILEEXT structure, and its size will be in the uDataSize field of the same structure.

To save an ICC Profile to an ICC Profile file call L_GenerateICCFile.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

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