The following return values for LEADTOOLS functions are possible. These are the values in the lterr.h (C API), or L_ERROR.H (C++ Class Library and COM) and LtcWrpEr.h (C++ Class Library) files. The first table lists SUCCESS and FAILURE codes used by various LEADTOOLS functions and the second table lists ERROR codes used by various LEADTOOLS functions.
Code | Value | Description |
SUCCESS_DLG_EXPORTANDEXIT | 104 | Dialog exits successfully after selecting exit and export option, dialog parameters will have the resulting bitmap allocated. |
SUCCESS_DLG_EXIT | 103 | Dialog exits successfully after selecting exit option from menu or by closing the window. |
SUCCESS_DLG_CLOSE | 102 | Close button was pressed, and the dialog exited successfully. |
SUCCESS_DLG_CANCEL | 101 | Cancel button was pressed, and the dialog exited successfully. |
SUCCESS_DLG_OK | 100 | OK button was pressed, and the dialog exited successfully. |
SUCCESS_PARTIAL_FAILURE | 8 | Function called recursively. A least one call was successful, but some failed. |
SUCCESS_IGNORETHISCOPYALL | 7 | Successful. Ignore this marker but copy all remaining markers. |
SUCCESS_IGNOREALLMARKERS | 6 | Successful. Ignore this marker and all remaining markers. |
SUCCESS_IGNOREMARKER | 5 | Successful. Ignore this marker. |
SUCCESS_RETRY | 4 | Function successful. Retry the failed operation. |
SUCCESS_DELETE | 3 | Function successful. Delete file before quiting. |
SUCCESS_ABORT | 2 | Successful. You can quit now. |
ERROR_TWAIN_STOP_ENUMERATION | SUCCESS_ABORT | Successful. You can quit now. |
ERROR_SANE_CANCELLED | SUCCESS_ABORT | Successful. You can quit now. |
SUCCESS | 1 | Success. |
FAILURE | 0 | Function not successful. |
ERROR_NO_MEMORY | -1 | Not enough memory available. |
ERROR_NO_BITMAP | -2 | Invalid image. |
ERROR_MEMORY_TOO_LOW | -3 | Not enough memory available. |
ERROR_FILE_LSEEK | -4 | Error seeking to position. |
ERROR_FILE_WRITE | -5 | Error writing file. |
ERROR_FILE_GONE | -6 | File not present - abort. |
ERROR_FILE_READ | -7 | Error reading file. |
ERROR_INV_FILENAME | -8 | Invalid filename specified. |
ERROR_FILE_FORMAT | -9 | Invalid file format. |
ERROR_FILENOTFOUND | -10 | File not found. |
ERROR_INV_RANGE | -11 | Invalid width or height. |
ERROR_IMAGE_TYPE | -12 | Image format recognized, but sub-type not supported. |
ERROR_INV_PARAMETER | -13 | Invalid parameter passed. |
ERROR_FILE_OPEN | -14 | Not able to open file. |
ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMP | -15 | Unknown compression format. |
ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED | -16 | Feature not supported. Support for the requested feature is unavailable. This could be due to: * The required dll is missing from your system. * The required file filter dll is disabled in this demo (ex. vector formats). * Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. |
ERROR_QFACTOR | -21 | Invalid QFactor specified. |
ERROR_OUTPUTTYPE | -23 | Invalid compression format. |
ERROR_BITPERPIXEL | -27 | Invalid bits per pixel. |
ERROR_WINDOWSIZE | -28 | Invalid window size. |
ERROR_NORMAL_ABORT | -29 | Escape key pressed - or user aborted operation. |
ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED | -30 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_CU_BUSY | -31 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_TABLE_TYPE | -32 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER | -34 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_MISSING_TILE_DATA | -35 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_QVALUE | -36 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALIDDATA | -37 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_COMPRESSED_TYPE | -38 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_COMPONENT_NUM | -39 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_PIXEL_TYPE | -40 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_PIXEL_SAMPLING | -41 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE_DIMS | -44 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_TILE_DIMS | -45 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_PIX_BUFF_DIMS | -46 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_SEGMENT_OVERFLOW | -47 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_SUBSAMPLING | -48 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_Q_VIS_TABLE | -49 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_DC_CODE_TABLE | -50 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_AC_CODE_TABLE | -51 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA | -52 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_MISSING_FUNC_POINTER | -53 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_TOO_MANY_DC_CODE_TABLES | -54 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_TOO_MANY_AC_CODE_TABLES | -55 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_SUBIMAGE | -56 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_INVALID_ABORTION | -57 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_CU_NO_SUPPORT | -58 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_CU_FAILURE | -59 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_BAD_POINTER | -60 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_COMPRESSED_DATA_FAILURE | -62 | Internal error - call LEAD. |
ERROR_NO_STAMP | -65 | Stamp not found. |
ERROR_INTERNAL | -74 | Internal error. |
ERROR_BAD_DECODE_STATE | -77 | Premature end-of-line code. |
ERROR_VERSION_NUMBER | -78 | Bad version number. |
ERROR_TWAIN_BUMMER | -80 | TWAIN Failure due to unknown causes. |
ERROR_TWAIN_LOWMEMORY | -81 | TWAIN Not enough memory to perform operation. |
ERROR_TWAIN_NODS | -82 | TWAIN No Data Source. |
ERROR_TWAIN_MAXCONNECTIONS | -83 | TWAIN DS is connected to max possible apps. |
ERROR_TWAIN_OPERATIONERROR | -84 | TWAIN DS or DSM reported error, app shouldn't (no need for your app to report the error). |
ERROR_TWAIN_BADPROTOCOL | -86 | TWAIN Unrecognized MSG DG DAT combination. |
ERROR_TWAIN_CANCEL | -90 | TWAIN Operation was canceled. |
ERROR_PANWINDOW_NOT_CREATED | -91 | PanWindow creation failed. |
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_IMAGES | -92 | There are not enough images to complete the task. |
ERROR_USER_ABORT | -100 | User has aborted operation. |
ERROR_FPX_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR | -101 | Invalid FlashPix format. |
ERROR_FPX_FILE_WRITE_ERROR | -102 | Error writing file. |
ERROR_FPX_FILE_READ_ERROR | -103 | Error reading file. |
ERROR_FPX_FILE_NOT_FOUND | -104 | File not found. |
ERROR_FPX_COLOR_CONVERSION_ERROR | -105 | Color conversion error. |
ERROR_FPX_SEVER_INIT_ERROR | -106 | Server initialize error. |
ERROR_FPX_LOW_MEMORY_ERROR | -107 | Not enough memory available. |
ERROR_FPX_IMAGE_TOO_BIG_ERROR | -108 | Image too big. |
ERROR_FPX_INVALID_COMPRESSION_ERROR | -109 | Invalid compression. |
ERROR_FPX_INVALID_RESOLUTION | -110 | Invalid resolution. |
ERROR_FPX_INVALID_FPX_HANDLE | -111 | Invalid handle. |
ERROR_FPX_TOO_MANY_LINES | -112 | Too many lines. |
ERROR_FPX_BAD_COORDINATES | -113 | Invalid coordinates. |
ERROR_FPX_FILE_SYSTEM_FULL | -114 | File system full. |
ERROR_FPX_MISSING_TABLE | -115 | The table is missing. |
ERROR_FPX_RETURN_PARAMETER_TOO_LARGE | -116 | Parameter too large. |
ERROR_FPX_NOT_A_VIEW | -117 | Error view. |
ERROR_FPX_VIEW_IS_TRANFORMLESS | -118 | The view is transformless. |
ERROR_FPX_ERROR | -119 | General error. |
ERROR_FPX_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNCTION | -120 | Unimplemented function. |
ERROR_FPX_INVALID_IMAGE_DESC | -121 | Invalid image description. |
ERROR_FPX_INVALID_JPEG_TABLE | -122 | Invalid jpeg table. |
ERROR_FPX_ILLEGAL_JPEG_ID | -123 | Illegal jpeg identifier. |
ERROR_FPX_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED | -124 | Memory allocation failed. |
ERROR_FPX_NO_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT | -125 | No memory management. |
ERROR_FPX_OBJECT_CREATION_FAILED | -126 | Object creation failed. |
ERROR_FPX_EXTENSION_FAILED | -127 | Extension_failed. |
ERROR_FPX_FREE_NULL_PTR | -128 | Free null pointer. |
ERROR_FPX_INVALID_TILE | -129 | Invalid tile. |
ERROR_FPX_FILE_IN_USE | -130 | File in use. |
ERROR_FPX_FILE_CREATE_ERROR | -131 | Error creating file. |
ERROR_FPX_FILE_NOT_OPEN_ERROR | -132 | File not open. |
ERROR_FPX_USER_ABORT | -133 | User abort. |
ERROR_FPX_OLE_FILE_ERROR | -134 | OLE File I/O error. |
ERROR_BAD_TAG | -140 | Bad TIFF tag. |
ERROR_INVALID_STAMP_SIZE | -141 | Stamp size is too big or invalid bits per pixel, etc. |
ERROR_BAD_STAMP | -142 | Stamp is present but data is corrupted. |
ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_ENABLED | -143 | Document capability is required to use this function Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_IMAGE_EMPTY | -144 | Image is empty. |
ERROR_NO_CHANGE | -145 | The image has not changed. |
ERROR_LZW_LOCKED | -146 | The LZW capabilities are locked Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_FPXEXTENSIONS_LOCKED | -147 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_ANN_LOCKED | -148 | One or more annotation objects are still locked. |
ERROR_EXCEPTION | -149 | An unspecified exception occurred - could be memory access violations. |
ERROR_DLG_FAILED | -150 | An error occurred during creation of the common dialog. |
ERROR_DLG_ALREADYINITIATED | -151 | You have already initialized the dialogs. |
ERROR_DLG_NOTINITIATED | -152 | You did not initialize the dialogs. |
ERROR_DLG_COLORNOTINITIALIZED | -153 | You did not initialize the dialogs with DLG_INIT_COLOR. |
ERROR_DLG_COLORDLL_UNABLETOLOAD | -154 | The dialogs could not load the LTCLR dll. |
ERROR_DLG_RESDLL_UNABLETOLOAD | -155 | The dialogs could not load the LTDLGRES dll. |
ERROR_LTDIS_NOT_LOADED | -200 | LTDIS DLL not loaded. |
ERROR_LTFIL_NOT_LOADED | -201 | LTFIL DLL not loaded. |
ERROR_LTANN_NOT_LOADED | -202 | Annotation DLL not loaded. |
ERROR_NO_VIDEO_MODULE | -258 | No video module present on machine. |
ERROR_INV_HANDLE | -261 | Invalid handle. |
ERROR_HOST_RESOLVE | -270 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_CANT_INITIALIZE | -271 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_NO_CONNECTION | -272 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_HOST_NOT_FOUND | -273 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_NOT_SERVER | -274 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_NO_CONNECTIONS | -275 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_CONNECT_REFUSED | -276 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_IS_CONNECTED | -277 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_NET_UNREACH | -278 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_TIME_OUT | -279 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_NET_DOWN | -280 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_NO_BUFFERS | -281 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_NO_FILE_DESCR | -282 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_DATA_QUEUED | -283 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_UNKNOWN | -284 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_CONNECT_RESET | -285 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_TRANSFER_ABORTED | -286 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_DSHOW_FAILURE | -287 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_REGISTRY_READ | -288 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | -290 | The buffer size is too small. |
ERROR_DISK_ISFULL | -295 | Not enough disk space. |
ERROR_DXF_FILTER_MISSING | -309 | The lfDxfU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PAGE_NOT_FOUND | -310 | Page not found. |
ERROR_DELETE_LAST_PAGE | -311 | You cannot delete a page from a file containing only one page. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_CANNOT_CREATE_HOTKEY_WINDOW | -313 | Error creating the hotkey window. |
ERROR_MEDICAL_NOT_ENABLED | -314 | Medical capability is required to use this function Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_JBIG_NOT_ENABLED | -315 | JBIG capability is required to use this function Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_UNDO_STACK_EMPTY | -316 | Undo stack is empty - too many undos. |
ERROR_NO_TOOLBAR | -317 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_MEDICAL_NET_NOT_ENABLED | -318 | Medical Network capability is required to use this function Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_JBIG_FILTER_MISSING | -319 | The lfJbgU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_STILL_IN_PROCESS | -320 | Capture is still in progress. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_INVALID_DELAY | -321 | Invalid delay specified. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_INVALID_COUNT | -322 | Invalid capture count specified. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_INVALID_INTERVAL | -323 | Invalid interval specified. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_HOTKEY_CONFLICTS_WITH_CANCELKEY | -324 | Hotkey Conflicts With Cancelkey. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_INVALID_AREA_TYPE | -325 | Invalid Area Type specified. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_NO_OPTION_STRUCTURE | -326 | Invalid or missing options structure. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_INVALID_FILL_PATTERN | -327 | Invalid fill pattern. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_INVALID_LINE_STYLE | -328 | Invalid line style. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_INVALID_INFOWND_POS | -329 | Invalid info window position. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_INVALID_INFOWND_SIZE | -330 | Invalid info window size. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_ZERO_AREA_SIZE | -331 | Zero Area Size for capture. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_FILE_ACCESS_FAILED | -332 | The specified filename could not be read. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_INVALID_32BIT_EXE_OR_DLL | -333 | The specified filename is not a valid 32bit EXE/DLL. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_INVALID_RESOURCE_INDEX | -335 | The index resource is out of range. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_NO_ACTIVE_WINDOW | -336 | No active window for capture. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_CANNOT_CAPTURE_WINDOW | -337 | Could not capture the window. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_STRING_ID_NOT_DEFINED | -338 | String ID not defined. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_DELAY_LESS_THAN_ZERO | -339 | Delay value cannot be less than zero. |
ERROR_CAPTURE_NO_MENU | -340 | No menu to capture. |
ERROR_WMF_FILTER_MISSING | -349 | The lfWmfU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_BROWSE_FAILED | -350 | PanWindow creation failed. |
ERROR_NOTHING_TO_DO | -351 | There is nothing to do. No items were found. |
ERROR_LVKRN_MISSING | -353 | The lvkrnU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_CMW_LOCKED | -354 | The CMW support is locked Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_CMW_FILTER_MISSING | -355 | The lfCmwU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_CMP_FILTER_MISSING | -356 | The lfCmpU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_FAX_FILTER_MISSING | -357 | The lfFaxU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PDF_FILTER_MISSING | -358 | The ltpdfU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_TIF_FILTER_MISSING | -359 | The lfTifU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_VECTOR_NOT_ENABLED | -400 | Vector capability is required to use this function. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_VECTOR_DXF_NOT_ENABLED | -401 | Vector DXF capability is required to use this function. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_VECTOR_DWG_NOT_ENABLED | -402 | Vector DWG capability is required to use this function. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_VECTOR_MISC_NOT_ENABLED | -403 | Vector Misc capability is required to use this function. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_TAG_MISSING | -404 | Tag not found. |
ERROR_VECTOR_DWF_NOT_ENABLED | -405 | Vector DWF capability is required to use this function. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_NO_UNDO_STACK | -406 | There is no undo stack. |
ERROR_UNDO_DISABLED | -407 | The undo is disabled. |
ERROR_PDF_NOT_ENABLED | -408 | PDF support is locked Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_DIGIT_CHECK | -410 | Invalid error check digit. |
ERROR_BARCODE_INVALID_TYPE | -411 | Invalid barcode type. |
ERROR_BARCODE_TEXTOUT | -412 | Invalid barcode text out option. |
ERROR_BARCODE_WIDTH | -413 | Invalid barcode width. |
ERROR_BARCODE_HEIGHT | -414 | Invalid barcode height. |
ERROR_BARCODE_TOSMALL | -415 | Barcode string is too small. |
ERROR_BARCODE_STRING | -416 | Invalid barcode string for a specified barcode type. |
ERROR_BARCODE_NOTFOUND | -417 | No barcode recognition. |
ERROR_BARCODE_UNITS | -418 | Invalid barcode measurement unit. |
ERROR_BARCODE_MULTIPLEMAXCOUNT | -419 | Invalid multiple max count. |
ERROR_BARCODE_GROUP | -420 | Invalid barcode group. |
ERROR_BARCODE_NO_DATA | -421 | Invalid BARCODEDATA structure. |
ERROR_BARCODE_NOTFOUND_DUPLICATED | -422 | No duplicated barcode. |
ERROR_BARCODE_LAST_DUPLICATED | -423 | Reached the last duplicated barcode. |
ERROR_BARCODE_STRING_LENGTH | -424 | Invalid barcode data string length. |
ERROR_BARCODE_LOCATION | -425 | Invalid barcode area location. |
ERROR_BARCODE_1D_LOCKED | -426 | Barcode 1D is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_2D_READ_LOCKED | -427 | Barcode Read 2D (CodeOne) is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_2D_WRITE_LOCKED | -428 | Barcode Write 2D (CodeOne) is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_PDF_READ_LOCKED | -429 | Barcode Read PDF is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_PDF_WRITE_LOCKED | -430 | Barcode Write PDF is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_FOUNDCORRUPT | -431 | Barcode PDF417 symbol is found but cannot read successfully. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_DATAMATRIX_READ_LOCKED | -432 | Barcode Read DataMatrix is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_DATAMATRIX_WRITE_LOCKED | -433 | Barcode Write DataMatrix is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_VECTOR_IS_LOCKED | -500 | Vector handle is locked. |
ERROR_VECTOR_IS_EMPTY | -501 | Vector is empty. |
ERROR_VECTOR_LAYER_NOT_FOUND | -502 | Layer is not found. |
ERROR_VECTOR_LAYER_IS_LOCKED | -503 | Layer is locked. |
ERROR_VECTOR_LAYER_ALREADY_EXISTS | -504 | Layer already exists. |
ERROR_VECTOR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND | -505 | Object is not found. |
ERROR_VECTOR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE | -506 | Invalid object type. |
ERROR_VECTOR_PEN_NOT_FOUND | -507 | Pen is not found. |
ERROR_VECTOR_BRUSH_NOT_FOUND | -508 | Brush is not found. |
ERROR_VECTOR_FONT_NOT_FOUND | -509 | Font is not found. |
ERROR_VECTOR_BITMAP_NOT_FOUND | -510 | Bitmap is not found. |
ERROR_VECTOR_POINT_NOT_FOUND | -511 | Point is not found. |
ERROR_VECTOR_ENGINE_NOT_FOUND | -512 | Vector engine not found. |
ERROR_VECTOR_INVALID_ENGINE | -513 | Invalid vector engine. |
ERROR_VECTOR_CLIPBOARD | -514 | Clipboard error. |
ERROR_VECTOR_CLIPBOARD_IS_EMPTY | -515 | Clipboard is empty. |
ERROR_VECTOR_CANT_ADD_TEXT | -516 | Cannot add text. |
ERROR_VECTOR_CANT_READ_WMF | -517 | Cannot read WMF. |
ERROR_VECTOR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND | -518 | Group is not found. |
ERROR_VECTOR_GROUP_ALREADY_EXISTS | -519 | Group already exists. |
ERROR_NO_THUMBNAIL | -520 | Thumbnail not found. |
ERROR_JP2_FAILURE | -530 | Error in JP2 Box values. |
ERROR_JP2_SIGNATURE | -531 | The header does not match the JP2 signature - not a JP2 file. |
ERROR_JP2_UNSUPPORTED | -532 | JP2 file has a feature that is unsupported. |
ERROR_J2K_FAILURE | -533 | Invalid save options were specified to the encoder. |
ERROR_J2K_NO_SOC | -534 | File header does not contain SOC marker. |
ERROR_J2K_NO_SOT | -535 | File contains complete header but no compressed image data. |
ERROR_J2K_INFORMATION_SET | -536 | Invalid save options were specified or file includes invalid encoded values. |
ERROR_J2K_LOW_TARGET_SIZE | -537 | Compression ratio, target file size, or tile size was too small for encoder. |
ERROR_J2K_DECOMPOSITION_LEVEL | -538 | Specified Wavelet decomposition level was too high. |
ERROR_J2K_MARKER_VALUE | -539 | Decoder could not translate J2K marker - file is corrupt or invalid. |
ERROR_J2K_UNSUPPORTED | -540 | J2K file has image with more than 30 bits per component. |
ERROR_J2K_FILTER_MISSING | -541 | The lfJ2kU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_J2K_LOCKED | -542 | J2K support is locked Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_TWAIN_NOT_INITIALIZED | -562 | TWAIN is not initialized. |
ERROR_TWAIN_CHECK_STATUS | -564 | Check status. |
ERROR_TWAIN_END_OF_LIST | -565 | End of list. |
ERROR_TWAIN_CAP_NOT_SUPPORTED | -566 | Cap is not supported. |
ERROR_TWAIN_SOURCE_NOT_OPEN | -567 | Source is not open. |
ERROR_TWAIN_BAD_VALUE | -568 | Bad value. |
ERROR_TWAIN_INVALID_STATE | -569 | Invalid state. |
ERROR_TWAIN_CAPS_NEG_NOT_ENDED | -570 | Caps neg not ended. |
ERROR_TWAIN_OPEN_FILE | -571 | Open file. |
ERROR_TWAIN_INV_HANDLE | -572 | Invalid handle. |
ERROR_TWAIN_WRITE_TO_FILE | -573 | Write to file. |
ERROR_TWAIN_INV_VERSION_NUM | -574 | Invalid version number. |
ERROR_TWAIN_READ_FROM_FILE | -575 | Read from file. |
ERROR_TWAIN_NOT_VALID_FILE | -576 | File is not valid. |
ERROR_TWAIN_INV_ACCESS_RIGHT | -577 | Invalid access right. |
ERROR_TWAIN_CUSTOMBASE | -578 | Custom base. |
ERROR_TWAIN_DENIED | -579 | Denied. |
ERROR_TWAIN_FILEEXISTS | -580 | File exists. |
ERROR_TWAIN_FILENOTFOUND | -581 | File not found. |
ERROR_TWAIN_NOTEMPTY | -582 | Not empty. |
ERROR_TWAIN_PAPERJAM | -583 | Paper jam. |
ERROR_TWAIN_PAPERDOUBLEFEED | -584 | Paper double feed. |
ERROR_TWAIN_FILEWRITEERROR | -585 | File write error. |
ERROR_TWAIN_CHECKDEVICEONLINE | -586 | Check device on line. |
ERROR_TWAIN_STOP_SCAN | -587 | Stop scan. |
ERROR_TWAIN_CAPBADOPERATION | -588 | Operation not supported by capability. |
ERROR_TWAIN_CAPSEQERROR | -589 | Has dependency on other capability. |
ERROR_PAINT_INTERNAL | -600 | Internal error (Call LEAD). |
ERROR_PAINT_INV_DATA | -601 | Internal error (Call LEAD). |
ERROR_PAINT_NO_RESOURCES | -602 | Internal error (Call LEAD). |
ERROR_PAINT_NOT_ENABLED | -603 | DigitalPaint capability is required to use this function. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_CONTAINER_INV_HANDLE | -630 | Invalid state. |
ERROR_CONTAINER_INV_OPERATION | -631 | Invalid operation. |
ERROR_CONTAINER_NO_RESOURCES | -632 | No resources available. |
ERROR_TOOLBAR_NO_RESOURCES | -660 | No resources available. |
ERROR_TOOLBAR_INV_STATE | -661 | Invalid state. |
ERROR_TOOLBAR_INV_HANDLE | -662 | Invalid handle. |
ERROR_AUTOMATION_INV_HANDLE | -690 | Invalid handle. |
ERROR_AUTOMATION_INV_STATE | -691 | Invalid state. |
ERROR_PDF_FILE_ENCRYPTED | -721 | The Pdf file is encrypted and the Password was not set (no password). |
ERROR_PDF_INVALID_PASSWORD | -722 | Invalid password specified. |
ERROR_PDF_FAX_NOT_ENABLED | -723 | FAX filter is required for this function. |
ERROR_PDF_JPEG_NOT_ENABLED | -724 | CMP and JPEG filter is required for this function. |
ERROR_PDF_INV_DOC_STRUCTURING_COMMENTS | -725 | Invalid Document Structuring comments (PS and EPS). |
ERROR_PDF_FONTS_DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND | -726 | Could not find Fonts directory. |
ERROR_PDF_CANNOT_EDIT_FILE | -727 | Cannot insert, delete, append or replace pages. |
ERROR_PDF_BAD_CONTENT | -728 | File is corrupted. |
ERROR_PDF_BAD_INITIALIZATION_FILES | -729 | Either the files required for initializing the PDF engine were not found or they were found but they are incorrect. |
ERROR_SVG_FILE_SIZE_READ | -770 | SVG File size read error. |
ERROR_SVG_ROOT_NOT_FOUND | -771 | Root element of XML data is not found or not SVG. |
ERROR_SVG_INV_ELEMENT | -773 | Invalid SVG element in the XML data. |
ERROR_SVG_DUPLICATED_ATTRIBUTE | -774 | Duplicated SVG attribute in the XML data. |
ERROR_SVG_INV_ATTRIBUTE | -775 | Invalid SVG attribute in the XML data. |
ERROR_SVG_INV_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE | -776 | Invalid SVG attribute value in the XML data. |
ERROR_SVG_BAD_CSS_PROPERTY | -777 | Bad SVG CSS property in the XML data. |
ERROR_SVG_MISSING_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE | -778 | Missing required SVG attribute in the XML data. |
ERROR_SVG_DUPLICATED_ID | -779 | Duplicated SVG element ID in the XML data. |
ERROR_SVG_INV_COORDINATES_NUMBER | -780 | Invalid SVG coordinates number in the XML data. |
ERROR_SVG_INV_STRING_COMMA | -781 | Invalid SVG string comma. |
ERROR_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND | -782 | SVG Attribute not found in the XML data. |
ERROR_SVG_FILE_NOT_FLAT | -783 | This functionality requires a flat SVG document. |
ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT | -785 | Invalid format. |
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_METHOD | -786 | Method not supported. |
ERROR_OPENING_PROFILE | -787 | Error opening profile. |
ERROR_INVALID_COLOR_PROFILE | -788 | Invalid color profile. |
ERROR_INVALID_STRUCT_SIZE | -789 | The structure size is invalid. |
ERROR_U_V_NOT_MULTIPLES | -791 | U and V are not multiples. |
ERROR_NO_NONPLANAR_VERTICAL_SUBSAMPLING_SUPPORTED | -792 | No non planar vertical sub sampling supported. |
ERROR_PLANAR_ALIGNMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED | -793 | Planar alignment not supported. |
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION | -794 | Unsupported conversion. |
ERROR_TRUNCATE_HEIGHT | -795 | Truncate height. |
ERROR_TRUNCATE_WIDTH | -796 | Truncate width. |
ERROR_TRUNCATE_WIDTH_AND_HEIGHT | -797 | Truncate width and height. |
ERROR_LAYER_MISSING | -800 | The PSD Layer is missing. |
ERROR_BAD_MARKER | -801 | Bad JPEG marker. |
ERROR_AUDIO_MISSING | -802 | The audio data is not present. |
ERROR_DICOM_NOT_ENABLED | -803 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_FILE_READONLY | -805 | File/stream is read-only. Cannot open file/stream with write access. |
ERROR_BAD_RESYNC_MARKER | -806 | Bad JPEG Resync marker. |
ERROR_LTCLR_MISSING | -807 | The ltclrU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_MARKER_SIZE_TOO_BIG | -808 | The size of the JPEG marker cannot exceed 64K. |
ERROR_MARKER_MISSING | -809 | The required JPEG marker is missing. |
ERROR_EXTENSIONS_MISSING | -810 | This file does not contain EXIF extensions. |
ERROR_MARKER_INDEX | -811 | The marker index is invalid (too big). |
ERROR_NO_PROFILE | -812 | The ICC profile was not found. |
ERROR_DECODING_PROFILE | -813 | An error has occurred while decoding the profile. |
ERROR_NULL_PTR | -814 | A NULL pointer was passed. |
ERROR_NO_OVERLAY | -815 | The overlay does not exist. |
ERROR_OVERLAY_INDEX | -816 | Something is wrong with the overlay index. |
ERROR_CORRUPT_PROFILE | -817 | The ICC profile was invalid. |
ERROR_LTSGM_MISSING | -818 | The ltsgmU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_DCR_FILTER_MISSING | -819 | The lfDcrU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_KDC_FILTER_MISSING | -820 | The lfKdcU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_DCS_FILTER_MISSING | -821 | The lfDcsU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_ABC_FILTER_MISSING | -822 | The lfAbcU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_ABI_FILTER_MISSING | -823 | The lfAbiU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_JB2_FILTER_MISSING | -824 | The lfJb2U.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PNG_FILTER_MISSING | -825 | The lfPngU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_LTCLR_DLL_NOTLOADED | -900 | The LTCLR DLL is not loaded. |
ERROR_LTDLG_COLOR_NOTINITIALIZE | -902 | You must initialize LTDLG using L_DlgInit. |
ERROR_IMAGE_SIZE | -910 | Image size not sufficient. |
ERROR_NO_MESSAGE | -911 | There is no message. |
ERROR_INV_PASSWORD | -912 | Invalid password. |
ERROR_TIFF_COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED | -913 | The specified TIFF command is not allowed. |
ERROR_BAD_TIFF_TAG_VALUE | -914 | Bad TIFF Tag value. |
ERROR_NOT_MULTIPAGE_TIFF_FILE | -915 | Not Multi-Page TIFF file. |
ERROR_DELETE_TIFF_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED | -916 | Not allowed to delete the TIFF file. |
ERROR_COMPACT_ABORTED | -917 | The compact function finished without copying all the pages. |
ERROR_INV_COLORSPACE | -918 | Invalid colorspace. |
ERROR_LTPRO_NOT_ENABLED | -930 | LEADTOOLS Pro Features are not enabled Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_OPT_ABORT | -1100 | Abort the optimization operation. |
ERROR_OPT_SKIPIMAGE | -1101 | Skip optimizing current image. |
ERROR_OPT_INVALID_INPUT_PATH | -1102 | Invalid input path. |
ERROR_OPT_INVALID_OUTPUT_PATH | -1103 | Invalid output path. |
ERROR_OPT_CANNOT_CREATE_OUTPUTPATH | -1104 | Cannot Create Output Directory. |
ERROR_ICC_UNKNOWN_TAG | -1150 | Unknown ICC profile Tag. |
ERROR_ICC_UNKNOWN_TYPE | -1151 | Unknown ICC profile Type. |
ERROR_ICC_UNKNOWN_TAG_AND_TYPE | -1152 | Unknown ICC profile Tag and Type. |
ERROR_INVALID_ICC_PROFILE | -1153 | Invalid ICC profile. |
ERROR_ICC_IMAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED | -1154 | Invalid ICC profile. |
ERROR_DOC_DLL_NOT_LOADED | -1200 | ScanSoft DLLs are not loaded. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_PAGE_INDEX | -1201 | Specified index is not correct. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_FILLMETHOD | -1202 | Invalid fill method. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_RECOG_MODULE | -1203 | Invalid recognition module. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_CHAR_FILTER | -1204 | Invalid character filter. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_ZONE_TYPE | -1205 | Invalid zone type. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_LANGID | -1206 | Invalid language Id. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_SPELL_LANGUAGE | -1207 | Invalid spell language. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_SECTION_ENUMERATION | -1208 | Invalid enumeration section. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_PAGE_COUNT | -1209 | Invalid page count. |
ERROR_DOC_ILLEGAL_CODE | -1210 | Illegal internal code as a parameter. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_PARAMETER | -1211 | Set parameter is not acceptable. |
ERROR_DOC_END_LIST_CODE_PAGES | -1212 | End of list of the available Code Pages. |
ERROR_DOC_LOAD_CODE_PAGE_FILE | -1213 | Error while loading the Code Page Definition file. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_BUFFER_SIZE | -1214 | The length of the exported code exceeds the buffer size. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_CHARACTER_CONVERSION | -1215 | Character conversion is not available for the given character. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_CHARACTER_LANGUAGE | -1216 | Conflict: The selected Code Page does not support some characters in the selected languages. There is no exact code in the Code Page for them. |
ERROR_DOC_INITIALIZE_CODE_PAGE | -1217 | Character Set and Code Pages module initialization error. |
ERROR_DOC_INITIALIZE_ENGINE | -1218 | OCR engine initialization error, or there is no appropriate license. |
ERROR_DOC_TERMINATE_ENGINE | -1219 | OCR engine termination error. |
ERROR_DOC_INITIALIZE_WARNING | -1220 | Module initialization warning. |
ERROR_DOC_PROCESS_USER_ABORT | -1221 | Application has aborted the current process. |
ERROR_DOC_FINISH_PROCESS | -1222 | Application has terminated the current recognition process without losing the recognized text. |
ERROR_DOC_MODULE_MISSING | -1223 | Module is not present. |
ERROR_DOC_MODULE_LOAD | -1224 | OS could not load a module. |
ERROR_DOC_MODULE_MISSING_ENTRY | -1225 | Missing entry in a module. |
ERROR_DOC_MODULE_INVALID | -1226 | Invalid module. |
ERROR_DOC_MODULE_INITIALIZE | -1227 | Module initialization error. |
ERROR_DOC_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED | -1228 | The requested function is not available, or there is no appropriate license. |
ERROR_DOC_GENERAL | -1229 | General error in the engine. |
ERROR_DOC_GPF | -1230 | General Protection Fault in the engine. |
ERROR_DOC_NOT_SUPPORT_OS | -1231 | Not supported operational system. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_SETTING_FILE | -1232 | Syntax error in the specified engine Settings file. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_SETTING | -1233 | Invalid setting. |
ERROR_DOC_ENGINE_BUSY | -1234 | The engine is busy. |
ERROR_DOC_RECOGNITION_TIME_OUT | -1235 | Recognition process Time Out. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_IMAGE_MODULE_SETTING | -1236 | Internal error in image module. |
ERROR_DOC_NO_MEMORY | -1237 | Not enough memory during image processing. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_IMAGE_DIMENSIONS | -1238 | Invalid rectangle dimensions. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_IMAGE_RESOLUTION | -1239 | Non-supported resolution. |
ERROR_DOC_CANNOT_COMPRESS_IMAGE | -1240 | Cannot process compressed image. |
ERROR_DOC_BAD_BITMAP | -1241 | Invalid bitmap address. |
ERROR_DOC_NOT_SUPPORT_BPP | -1242 | Unsupported BitsPerPixel value. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_IMAGE_MODULE | -1243 | Internal error in image module. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_IMAGE_HANDLE | -1244 | Invalid image handle. |
ERROR_DOC_BUFFER_OVERFLOW | -1245 | Buffer overflow during processing the image. |
ERROR_DOC_ACCESS_DENIED | -1246 | Image operation denied. |
ERROR_DOC_NO_MORE_LINES | -1247 | No more lines in defined image area. |
ERROR_DOC_BAD_IMAGE_SIZE | -1248 | Non-supported image size. |
ERROR_DOC_BAD_ENGINE_MANAGER_MODULE | -1249 | Engine manager module error. |
ERROR_DOC_NO_RECOGNIZED_TEXT_AVAILABLE | -1250 | No recognized text available, either because the zone is empty or the required recognition module has not been initialized properly. |
ERROR_DOC_NO_SELECTED_RECOGNITION_MODULE | -1251 | There is no selected recognition module. |
ERROR_DOC_NO_ZONE | -1252 | There is no zone in the zone list. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_ZONE_INDEX | -1253 | Invalid zone index. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_ZONE_COORDINATES | -1254 | Invalid zone coordinates. |
ERROR_DOC_MOR_INITIALIZE_MODULE | -1255 | MOR recognition module initialization error. |
ERROR_DOC_MOR_BASE_FILE_NOT_FOUND | -1256 | MOR recognition module's knowledge base file not found. |
ERROR_DOC_MOR_BASE_FILE_CORRUPTED | -1257 | MOR recognition module's knowledge base file corrupted. |
ERROR_DOC_MOR_BASE_FILE_VERSION | -1258 | Incorrect knowledge base file version. |
ERROR_DOC_MOR_IMAGE_SIZE | -1259 | Size of image is too large. |
ERROR_DOC_MOR_FILE_CORRUPTED | -1260 | File is corrupted. |
ERROR_DOC_MOR_BAD_RECOG_MODULE | -1261 | Internal error in the MOR recognition module. |
ERROR_DOC_MOR_GPF_MODULE | -1262 | General Protection Fault in the MOR recognition module. |
ERROR_DOC_DOT_RECOGNITION | -1263 | Dot-matrix recognition error. |
ERROR_DOC_OMR_CHECKMARK_RECOGNITION | -1264 | Checkmark recognition error. |
ERROR_DOC_HNR_BASE_FILE__CORRUPTED | -1265 | HNR module's knowledge base file is corrupted. |
ERROR_DOC_HNR_PARAM_OUT_RANGE | -1266 | Parameter is out of valid range. |
ERROR_DOC_RER_MODULE | -1267 | Internal error in the RER module. |
ERROR_DOC_RER_BASE_FILE_NOT_FOUND | -1268 | RER module's knowledge base file not found. |
ERROR_DOC_RER_CHAR_SET_EMPTY | -1269 | Character Set is empty for the RER module. |
ERROR_DOC_RER_CHAR_SET_NOT_SUPPORTED | -1270 | The specified Character Set not fully supported by the RER recognition module. |
ERROR_DOC_RER_MODULE_NOT_FOUND | -1271 | RER specific file not found. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_NO_MEMORY | -1272 | Not enough memory for the SPL module. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_UNINITIALIZED | -1273 | Uninitialized spell object. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_FILE_OPEN | -1274 | Spell file open error. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_FILE_READ | -1275 | Spell file read error. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_USER_DICTIONARY_WRITE | -1276 | User dictionary write error. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_INV_FILE_FORMAT | -1277 | Invalid file format. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_INITIALIZE_MODULE | -1278 | Module initialization error. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_USER_DICTIONARY_CLOSE | -1279 | User dictionary close error. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_ILLEGAL_LANGUAGE_SETTING | -1280 | Illegal language setting. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_NO_MORE_ITEMS | -1281 | No more suggestions/items available. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_CHECK_ERROR | -1282 | Internal checking error. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_ITEM_ALREADY_EXIST | -1283 | Item already exists in the User dictionary. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_ITEM_NOT_EXIST | -1284 | Item does not exist in the User dictionary. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_ITEM_NOT_INSERTED | -1285 | Item was not inserted into the User dictionary. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_SECTION_NOT_EXIST | -1286 | Section does not exist in the User dictionary. |
ERROR_DOC_SPELL_BAD_SYNTEX | -1287 | Regular expression syntax error. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_NOT_INITIALIZED | -1288 | Output format conversion subsystem was not initialized. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_CONVERT_NOT_EXIST | -1289 | No more converters available. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_CONVERT_DLL_NOT_EXIST | -1290 | There is no converter DLL file. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_BAD_PARAMETER | -1291 | Wrong parameter or parameter not found. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_FILE_CORRUPTED | -1292 | TMP file is corrupted. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_FILE_NOT_FOUND | -1293 | TMP file not found. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_CREATE_FILE | -1294 | Cannot create TMP file. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_SEEK_FILE | -1295 | Cannot seek in TMP file. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_READ_FILE | -1296 | TMP file read error. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_WRITE_FILE | -1297 | TMP file write error. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_CLOSE_FILE | -1298 | Cannot close TMP file. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_LOAD_DLL | -1299 | Cannot load the DLL file. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_END_OF_FILE | -1300 | Internal error in ATMTXT module. (End-Of-File detected). |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_NO_MEMORY | -1301 | Not enough memory for ATMTXT/TMP module. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_IMAGE_NOT_AVAILABLE | -1302 | Image is not available for inserting into the output. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_NOT_REGISTER_INFO_ITEM | -1303 | Not enough memory to register an info item. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_FILE_OPEN | -1304 | Output file open error. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_FILE_READ | -1305 | Output file read error. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_FILE_NOT_FOUND | -1306 | Output file not found. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_FILE_WRITE | -1307 | Output file write error. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_INV_COMMAND_SEQUENCE | -1308 | Invalid command sequence in the ICF file. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_CREATE_FILE | -1309 | Cannot create the output file. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_NO_MEMORY | -1310 | Not enough memory for ATMTXT/TXT module. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_INV_DOCUMENT | -1311 | Invalid document type. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_FILE_TOO_LARGE | -1312 | File too large. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_WARNING_OUTPUT_FILE | -1313 | There was a WARNING during the output file conversion. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_OPERATION_CANCELLED | -1314 | Operation canceled. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_ILLEGAL_OPTION | -1315 | Illegal option specified. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_ENCRYPTED_SOURCE | -1316 | Encrypted source. |
ERROR_DOC_TXT_SEEK_ERROR | -1317 | Output file seek error. |
ERROR_DOC_BRAILLE_BAD_INITIALIZATION | -1318 | Braille recognition module initialization error. |
ERROR_DOC_MATRIX_BAD_INITIALIZATION | -1319 | Matrix matching recognition module initialization error. |
ERROR_DOC_MTX_BAD_INITIALIZATION | -1320 | M/TEXT recognition module initialization error. |
ERROR_DOC_NON_IMPLEMENTED_FEATURE | -1321 | Non-implemented feature. |
ERROR_DOC_NOT_FOUND_ZONE | -1322 | Couldn't find specific zone. |
ERROR_DOC_NO_SELECTED_ZONE | -1323 | No available selected zone. |
ERROR_DOC_EXPORT_PAGE | -1324 | Cannot export the specified page. |
ERROR_DOC_LOCK_PAGE | -1325 | Cannot lock the specified page. |
ERROR_DOC_ACTIVE_PAGE | -1326 | Cannot set the specified page to be activated. |
ERROR_DOC_LOCKED | -1327 | The OCR document engine is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_DOC_OUTPUT_PDF_LOCKED | -1328 | Output PDF engine is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_DOC_OMR_LOCKED | -1329 | OMR Options are locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_DOC_ICR_LOCKED | -1330 | ICR Options are locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_DOC_ARABIC_LOCKED | -1331 | The Arabic OCR document engine is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_DOC_TOO_MANY_REGION | -1332 | Too many regions result when layout analysis. |
ERROR_DOC_NO_HORIZONTAL_BOUNDARY | -1333 | Top or bottom horizontal line not found. |
ERROR_DOC_SLOPE_LINE_TOO_LARGE | -1334 | The slope of the line is too large. |
ERROR_DOC_FRAME_NOT_DETECTED | -1335 | Frame has not been detected, cannot add virtual line. |
ERROR_DOC_TOO_MANY_LINES | -1336 | Too many lines. |
ERROR_DOC_TOO_MANY_PAGES | -1337 | Too many pages in batch processing list. |
ERROR_DOC_NO_TABLE | -1338 | This region is not a table region. |
ERROR_DOC_INVALID_TABLE_DATA | -1339 | This region is a table region but contains no data. |
ERROR_DOC_INVALID_FRAME_LINE | -1340 | This line is not valid (neither horizontal nor vertical or type match). |
ERROR_DOC_TOO_LARGE_ANGLE | -1341 | Angle is too large, cannot rotate image. |
ERROR_DOC_ORIENT | -1342 | Unable to determine orientation. |
ERROR_DOC_INV_RDF_FILENAME | -1343 | Invalid RDF file name. |
ERROR_DOC_LTPDF_DLL_NOT_LOADED | -1344 | LEAD PDF DLLs are not loaded. |
ERROR_DOC_OCR_PDF_LEAD_OUTPUT_LOCKED | -1345 | OCR PDF LEAD Output is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_DOC_ICR_MISSING | -1346 | ICR Module is missing. |
ERROR_DOC_OMR_MISSING | -1347 | OMR Module is missing. |
ERROR_DOC_LANGUAGE_MISSING | -1348 | Languages files are missing. |
ERROR_DOC2_INITIALIZE_ENGINE | -1349 | OCR Module - OmniPage Engine initialization error, or there is no appropriate license. |
ERROR_DOC2_ICR_MISSING | -1350 | ICR Module is missing for OCR Module - OmniPage Engine. |
ERROR_DOC2_OMR_MISSING | -1351 | OMR Module is missing for OCR Module - OmniPage Engine. |
ERROR_DOC2_LANGUAGE_MISSING | -1352 | Languages files are missing for OCR Module - OmniPage Engine. |
ERROR_INV_FILTERNAME | -1353 | Invalid filter name. |
ERROR_DOC2_DOTNET30_OR_LATER_MISSING | -1354 | .NET Framework v3.0 or later is required. |
ERROR_SIGNED_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED | -1360 | Signed image data not supported. |
ERROR_ABC_LOCKED | -1361 | ABC file format is locked Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_JBIG2_LOCKED | -1362 | JBIG2 file format is locked Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_NITF_LOCKED | -1363 | NITF support is locked Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_GRAY32_UNSUPPORTED | -1364 | 32-bit grayscale bitmaps are not supported. |
ERROR_CANNOT_INCREASE_IFD_SIZE | -1365 | Cannot add tags to a IFD selected using SAVEFILEOPTION.IFD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_AZTEC_READ_LOCKED | -1370 | Barcode Read AZTEC is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_AZTEC_WRITE_LOCKED | -1371 | Barcode Write AZTEC is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_MAXI_READ_LOCKED | -1372 | Barcode Read MAXI is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_MAXI_WRITE_LOCKED | -1373 | Barcode Write MAXI is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_MICROQR_READ_LOCKED | -1374 | Barcode Read MICROQR is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_MICROQR_WRITE_LOCKED | -1375 | Barcode Write MICROQR is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_QR_READ_LOCKED | -1380 | Barcode Read QR is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_QR_WRITE_LOCKED | -1381 | Barcode Write QR is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BARCODE_DLL_NOT_FOUND | -1382 | Barcode Engine DLL not found. |
ERROR_WIA_GENERAL_ERROR | -1450 | An unknown error has occurred with the Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) device. |
ERROR_WIA_PAPER_JAM | -1451 | Paper is jammed in the document feeder. |
ERROR_WIA_PAPER_EMPTY | -1452 | The user requested a scan and there are no documents left in the document feeder. |
ERROR_WIA_PAPER_PROBLEM | -1453 | An unspecified problem occurred with the scanner's document feeder. |
ERROR_WIA_OFFLINE | -1454 | The WIA device is not online. |
ERROR_WIA_BUSY | -1455 | The WIA device is busy. |
ERROR_WIA_WARMING_UP | -1456 | The WIA device is warming up. |
ERROR_WIA_USER_INTERVENTION | -1457 | An unspecified error has occurred with the WIA device that requires user intervention. The user should ensure that the device is turned on, online, and any cables are properly connected. |
ERROR_WIA_ITEM_DELETED | -1458 | The WIA device was deleted. It can no longer be accessed. |
ERROR_WIA_DEVICE_COMMUNICATION | -1459 | An unspecified error occurred during an attempted communication with the WIA device. |
ERROR_WIA_INVALID_COMMAND | -1460 | The device does not support this command. |
ERROR_WIA_INCORRECT_HARDWARE_SETTING | -1461 | There is an incorrect setting on the WIA device. |
ERROR_WIA_DEVICE_LOCKED | -1462 | The scanner head is locked. |
ERROR_WIA_EXCEPTION_IN_DRIVER | -1463 | The device driver threw an exception. |
ERROR_WIA_INVALID_DRIVER_RESPONSE | -1464 | The response from the driver is invalid. |
ERROR_WIA_COVER_OPEN | -1465 | No Description available. |
ERROR_WIA_LAMP_OFF | -1466 | No Description available. |
ERROR_WIA_DESTINATION | -1467 | No Description available. |
ERROR_WIA_NETWORK_RESERVATION_FAILED | -1468 | No Description available. |
ERROR_WIA_NO_DEVICE_AVAILABLE | -1469 | There are no WIA hardware devices that match the given specifications. |
ERROR_WIA_NO_DEVICE_SELECTED | -1470 | There is no device currently selected. |
ERROR_WIA_INVALID_STREAMING_VIDEO_DEVICE | -1471 | Selected device does not support streaming video. |
ERROR_WIA_VIDEO_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED | -1472 | WIA video stream No initialized. |
ERROR_WIA_ACCESS_DENIED | -1473 | Access denied. |
ERROR_WIA_NO_ITEMS_AVAILABLE | -1474 | No child items available. |
ERROR_WIA_UNKNOWN | -1475 | Unknown WIA error occurred. |
ERROR_WIA_INVALID_VERSION | -1476 | Invalid WIA version. |
ERROR_JPIP_LOCKED | -1477 | JPIP support is locked Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_FORMS_LOCKED | -1478 | FORMS support is locked Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_LTANN_MISSING | -1479 | The ltannU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_LTIMG_MISSING | -1480 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_BARCODE_XMODULE | -1481 | Incorrect module value it should be >= 0. |
ERROR_LTKRN_MISSING | -1482 | The ltkrnU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_LTFIL_MISSING | -1483 | The ltfilU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_LTDIS_MISSING | -1484 | The ltdisU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_LTDIC_MISSING | -1485 | The ltdicU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_INVALID_LUT_LENGTH | -1486 | The LUT length is invalid. LUTLength should be 1 << (HighBit - LowBit + 1). |
ERROR_INV_VARIANT_TYPE | -1487 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_INV_STRING | -1488 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_INV_DISPATCH | -1489 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_FILE_CREATE | -1490 | Error creating file. |
ERROR_INVALID_DIB | -1491 | The DIB is invalid. |
ERROR_CHANNEL_MISSING | -1492 | The PSD Channel is missing. |
ERROR_DOCUMENT_WRITERS_NOT_ENABLED | -1493 | Document Writers capability is required to use this function Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_MEDIA_WRITER_NOT_ENABLED | -1494 | Media writer capability is required to use this function Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_DOCUMENT_WRITERS_PDF_NOT_ENABLED | -1495 | Document Writer PDF support is locked Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BMP_FILTER_MISSING | -1496 | The lfBmpU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_RAW_FILTER_MISSING | -1497 | The lfRawU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_ANN_OPTION_NOT_ENABLED | -1498 | Annotation option is not enabled. Call L_AnnSetOptions to enable this option. |
ERROR_GDIPLUS_NOT_FOUND | -1499 | Cannot load GDI+. |
ERROR_GDIPLUS_ERROR | -1500 | Generic GDI+ error. |
ERROR_J2K_BOX_NOT_AVAILABLE | -1501 | The required box is not available. |
ERROR_PREPROC_BADSTATE | -1503 | Preprocessing engine is in a bad state. |
ERROR_PREPROC_INIT | -1504 | Preprocessing engine initialization error or no appropriate license. |
ERROR_PREPROC_CANTSCALEEDGESTEPS | -1505 | Preprocessing engine attempted to scale an edge steps format word. |
ERROR_PREPROC_WRONGWORD | -1506 | Preprocessing engine word does not have blobs of that type. |
ERROR_PREPROC_CANTFINDPOINTBAND | -1507 | Preprocessing engine cannot find point band. |
ERROR_PREPROC_UNMATCHEDBLOCKRIGHT | -1508 | Preprocessing engine unmatched block right. |
ERROR_PREPROC_UNMATCHEDBLOCKLEFT | -1509 | Preprocessing engine unmatched block left. |
ERROR_PREPROC_UNMATCHEDBLOCKRIGHTREMAINING | -1510 | Preprocessing engine unmatched block right remaining. |
ERROR_PREPROC_CODESILLEGALSUM | -1511 | Preprocessing engine illegal sum of chain codes. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALSAMPLESIZE | -1512 | Preprocessing engine illegal sample size. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALCIRCULARSPEC | -1513 | Preprocessing engine illegal circular/linear specification. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALESSENTIALSPEC | -1514 | Preprocessing engine illegal essential/non-essential specification. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALMINMAXSPEC | -1515 | Preprocessing engine illegal min or max specification. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALSAMPLECOUNT | -1516 | Preprocessing engine illegal sample count. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALMEANSPEC | -1517 | Preprocessing engine illegal prototype mean. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALVARIANCESPEC | -1518 | Preprocessing engine illegal prototype variance. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALDISTRIBUTION | -1519 | Preprocessing engine illegal prototype distribution. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALSIGNIFICANCESPEC | -1520 | Preprocessing engine illegal significance specification. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALSTYLESPEC | -1521 | Preprocessing engine illegal prototype style specification. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALFLOAT | -1522 | Preprocessing engine illegal float specification. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALNUMSETS | -1523 | Preprocessing engine illegal number of feature sets. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALSHORTNAME | -1524 | Preprocessing engine illegal short name for a feature. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALFEATUREPARAM | -1525 | Preprocessing engine illegal feature parameter spec. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALNUMFEATURES | -1526 | Preprocessing engine illegal number of features in set. |
ERROR_PREPROC_HEAPFULL | -1527 | Preprocessing engine heap size exceeded. |
ERROR_PREPROC_ILLEGALAMBIGUITYSPECIFICATION | -1528 | Preprocessing engine illegal ambiguity specification. |
ERROR_PREPROC_INVALIDUNICODECHARSET | -1529 | Preprocessing engine invalid Unicode character set. |
ERROR_PREPROC_BADOKMODE | -1530 | Preprocessing engine bad OK mode. |
ERROR_PREPROC_BADREJECTMODE | -1531 | Preprocessing engine bad reject mode. |
ERROR_PREPROC_READINGTEMPLATEFILE | -1532 | Preprocessing engine error reading template file. |
ERROR_PREPROC_READINGEDGESFILE | -1533 | Preprocessing engine error while reading edges from file. |
ERROR_PREPROC_CANTOPENCHOICEFILE | -1534 | Preprocessing engine could not open choice file. |
ERROR_LEADPRINTER_NOT_ENABLED | -1535 | LEADTOOLS Printer Driver is required to use this function Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_LEADPRINTER_SERVER_NOT_ENABLED | -1536 | LEADTOOLS Printer Driver Server is required to use this function Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_RTF_FILTER_MISSING | -1537 | The lfRtfU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_MEDICALVIEWER_ACTION_NOT_ADDED | -1538 | The specified action is not added to the Image Viewer Cell. |
ERROR_MEDICALVIEWER_ACTION_ALREADY_ADDED | -1539 | The specified action is already added to the Image Viewer Cell. |
ERROR_PDF_UTL_MISSING | -1540 | The ltpdfutl.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PDF_ENGINE_MISSING | -1540 | The ltpdfutl.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_BITMAP_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED | -1541 | The bitmap format is not supported. |
ERROR_DOC2_ASIAN_LOCKED | -1542 | Asian module is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_CGM_FILTER_MISSING | -1543 | The lfCgmU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_CLP_FILTER_MISSING | -1544 | The lfClpU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_CRW_FILTER_MISSING | -1545 | The lfCrwU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_DJV_FILTER_MISSING | -1546 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_DRW_FILTER_MISSING | -1547 | The lfDrwU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_DWF_FILTER_MISSING | -1548 | The lfDwfU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_DWG_FILTER_MISSING | -1549 | The lfDwgU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_EPS_FILTER_MISSING | -1550 | The lfEpsU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_FIT_FILTER_MISSING | -1551 | The lfFitU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_FLC_FILTER_MISSING | -1552 | The lfFlcU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_GIF_FILTER_MISSING | -1553 | The lfGifU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_HDP_FILTER_MISSING | -1554 | The lfHdpU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_IFF_FILTER_MISSING | -1555 | The lfIffU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_JP2_FILTER_MISSING | -1556 | The ltjp2U.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_JPM_FILTER_MISSING | -1557 | The lfJpmU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_CIN_FILTER_MISSING | -1558 | The lfCinU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_LMB_FILTER_MISSING | -1559 | The lfLmbU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_MIF_FILTER_MISSING | -1560 | The lfMifU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_MNG_FILTER_MISSING | -1561 | The lfMngU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_MSP_FILTER_MISSING | -1562 | The lfMspU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_NTF_FILTER_MISSING | -1563 | The ltntfU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PCD_FILTER_MISSING | -1564 | The lfPcdU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PCX_FILTER_MISSING | -1565 | The lfPcxU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PSD_FILTER_MISSING | -1566 | The lfPsdU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PSP_FILTER_MISSING | -1567 | The lfPspU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_RAS_FILTER_MISSING | -1568 | The lfRasU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_SFF_FILTER_MISSING | -1569 | The lfSffU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_SGI_FILTER_MISSING | -1570 | The lfSgiU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_SGM_FILTER_MISSING | -1571 | The ltsgmU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_SHP_FILTER_MISSING | -1572 | The lfShpU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_SID_FILTER_MISSING | -1573 | The library is missing. |
ERROR_SNP_FILTER_MISSING | -1574 | The lfSnpU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_SVG_FILTER_MISSING | -1575 | The ltsvgU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_TDB_FILTER_MISSING | -1576 | The lfTdbU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_TGA_FILTER_MISSING | -1577 | The lfTgaU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_VEC_FILTER_MISSING | -1578 | The lfVecU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_VPG_FILTER_MISSING | -1579 | The lfVpgU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_WFX_FILTER_MISSING | -1580 | The lfWfxU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_WMZ_FILTER_MISSING | -1581 | The lfWmzU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_WPG_FILTER_MISSING | -1582 | The lfWpgU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_XPS_FILTER_MISSING | -1583 | The lfXpsU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_XWD_FILTER_MISSING | -1584 | The lfXwdU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_ITG_FILTER_MISSING | -1585 | The lfItgU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_VFF_FILTER_MISSING | -1586 | The lfVffU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_JXR_FILTER_MISSING | -1587 | The lfJxrU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_JLS_FILTER_MISSING | -1588 | The lfJlsU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_DCF_FILTER_MISSING | -1589 | The lfDcfU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_KERNEL_EXPIRED | -1591 | LEADTOOLS Kernel has expired. Contact LEAD for an updated runtime license file. |
ERROR_INVALID_IFD | -1592 | Invalid IFD. |
ERROR_MISSING_CLASS | -1593 | Java class not found. |
ERROR_MISSING_CLASS_FIELD | -1594 | Class field missing. |
ERROR_HTM_FILTER_MISSING | -1595 | The lfHtmU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_MOB_FILTER_MISSING | -1596 | The lfMobU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PUB_FILTER_MISSING | -1597 | The lfPubU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_ING_FILTER_MISSING | -1598 | The lfIngU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PDF_BAD_INTERPAGELINKS | -1599 | PDF has internal links which refer to other pages that do not exist. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_LOCKED | -1600 | LEADTOOLS Printer is locked. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_MORE_DATA | -1601 | Allocated memory are not enough to retrieve the required data. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_NO_OPTIONS | -1602 | No previously options set. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_PRINTER_DATA | -1604 | Invalid printer data. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_SET_PRINTER_DATA | -1605 | Can not set printer data. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_CREATE_REG_KEY | -1606 | Can not create registry key. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_SET_REG_VALUE | -1607 | Can not set registry key value. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_ADD_PRINTER | -1608 | Can not add printer. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_PRINTER_NOTFOUND | -1609 | Printer not found. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_ROOTDIR_NOTFOUND | -1610 | Root directory not found. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_CONNECTION_EXE_NOTFOUND | -1611 | Connection file not found. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_SPOOL_FOLDER_NOTFOUND | -1612 | Spool folder not found. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_INVALID_PRINTER_TYPE | -1613 | Invalid printer type. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_INVALID_PRINTER | -1614 | Invalid printer. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_DOC_ALREADY_STARTED | -1615 | Document already started. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_CREATE_TEMP_FILE | -1616 | Can not create temporary file. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_LOAD_DLL | -1617 | Error loading DLL. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_LOADFONT_DATA | -1618 | Fixed palette data not found. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_CANNOT_LOCK | -1619 | Printer Created Without Password. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_ADMINSTRATOR_RIGHTS | -1620 | User has no right to delete a printer. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_PRINTER_LOCKED | -1621 | Printer locked. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_NETWORK_PRINTING_DISABLED | -1622 | Network printing disabled. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_INSTALL_INVALID_PRINTER | -1623 | Printer client installation printer does not exist. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_INSTALL_CANCELLED | -1624 | Printer installation canceled by user. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_INSTALL_KM_DRIVER_BLOCKED | -1625 | The printer driver is not compatible with a policy enabled on your computer. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_INSTALL_REGISTRY_ACCESS | -1626 | Installation cannot access registry. |
ERROR_PRNDRV_INSTALL_FAILURE | -1627 | Installation failed. |
ERROR_LEADPRINTER_NETWORK_NOT_ENABLED | -1628 | LEADTOOLS Printer Driver Network is required to use this function Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_LEAD_EXCEPTION_FIRST | -1700 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_LEAD_EXCEPTION_ARGUMENTOUTOFRANGE | -1700 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_LEAD_EXCEPTION_ARGUMENTNULL | -1701 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_LEAD_EXCEPTION_ARGUMENT | -1702 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_LEAD_EXCEPTION_INVALIDOPREATION | -1703 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_LEAD_EXCEPTION_OCRCOMPONENTMISSING | -1704 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_LEAD_EXCEPTION_LAST | -1704 | Internal or Unrecognized Error. |
ERROR_APP_STORE_NOT_ENABLED | -1750 | LEADTOOLS App Store license is required to use this function Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_BASIC_NOT_ENABLED | -1751 | LEADTOOLS Basic license is required to use this function. You must set a LEADTOOLS runtime license. For more information see |
ERROR_NO_SERVER_LICENSE | -1752 | Requires a LEADTOOLS server license. You are trying to create a server application but your LEADTOOLS runtime license does not unlock server application support. Contact LEAD Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_INCORRECT_WIDTH_ADJUSTED | -1753 | The width seems to be incorrect and has been automatically adjusted. |
ERROR_INV_LICENSE | -1754 | Invalid runtime license. The LEADTOOLS runtime license you provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SERVER_LICENSE | -1755 | Invalid runtime server license. The LEADTOOLS runtime license you provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SERVER_LICENSE_USER | -1756 | Specified user for server license was not registered. |
ERROR_SERVER_LICENSE_APP | -1757 | Specified app for server license was not registered. |
ERROR_SERVER_LICENSE_CONNECT | -1758 | Connection to license server failed. |
ERROR_SERVER_LICENSE_NOT_ACTIVATED | -1759 | Server runtime license has not been activated or machine has changed. If you have moved your application to a new machine, you must de-activate and re-active your server license. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_OCR_NOT_ENABLED | -1760 | OCR not enabled. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_OCR_PDF_NOT_ENABLED | -1761 | OCR PDF not enabled. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_OCR_OMR_NOT_ENABLED | -1762 | OCR OMR not enabled. Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_OCR_ENGINE_NOT_STARTED | -1763 | OCR engine not started. |
ERROR_OCR_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED | -1764 | OCR language not supported. |
ERROR_OCR_COMPONENT_MISSING | -1765 | OCR component missing. |
ERROR_OCR_INVALID_SETTING_NAME | -1766 | Invalid OCR setting name. |
ERROR_OCR_INVALID_SETTING_TYPE | -1767 | Invalid OCR setting type. |
ERROR_OCR_INVALID_SETTING_VALUE | -1768 | Invalid OCR setting value. |
ERROR_OCR_INVALID_ZONE_TYPE | -1769 | Invalid OCR zone type. |
ERROR_OCR_INIT | -1770 | OCR engine initialization error, or there is no appropriate license. |
ERROR_OCR_ERROR | -1771 | OCR generic error. |
ERROR_OCR_SPELLCHECKER_NOT_FOUND | -1772 | Error loading spell checker or one of its dependencies. |
ERROR_PST_FILTER_MISSING | -1773 | The lfPstU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_OCR_MULTIPLE_ASIAN_LANGUAGES_NOT_ALLOWED | -1774 | Enabling multiple Asian languages not allowed. |
ERROR_MEDIA_STREAMING_NOT_ENABLED | -1775 | LEADTOOLS Media Streaming is required to use this function Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD. |
ERROR_XMP_FILTER_MISSING | -1776 | The lfXmpU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_X9F_FILTER_MISSING | -1777 | The lfX9fU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_FILE_SIZE_TOO_BIG | -1778 | The file size is too big for selected format (eg: trying to create a TIFF file > 4GB). |
ERROR_FORMAT_MISMATCH | -1779 | File format mismatch (eg: trying to save a TIFF page into a BigTIFF file). |
ERROR_FILEINFO_UPDATED | -1780 | The FILEINFO structure has been updated. The file can be reloaded. |
ERROR_TAG_VALUE_TOO_BIG | -1781 | LONG/SLONG tag value exceeded the 32-bit range (can occur in CompactTIFF when you convert BigTIFF file to regular TIFF). |
ERROR_INVALID_YUV_FORMAT | -1782 | The YUV format is not supported. |
ERROR_INVALID_YUV_SIZE | -1783 | The size of the YUV buffer is incorrect. |
ERROR_LTDRW_MISSING | -1784 | The ltdrwU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_INV_LICENSE_VERSION | -1785 | Invalid runtime license version. |
ERROR_MAX_OPEN_FILES | -1786 | Too many open files. |
ERROR_INV_PAGE_NUMBERS | -1787 | The first or last page number is incorrect. |
ERROR_LTDOCWRT_MISSING | -1788 | The ltdocwrtU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_THREEJS_FILTER_MISSING | -1789 | The lf3jsU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_NO_LICENSE | -1790 | No runtime license was set. You must set a LEADTOOLS runtime license. For more information see: Contact LEAD to obtain a runtime license file. |
ERROR_LTEFX_MISSING | -1791 | The library is missing. |
ERROR_TXT_FILTER_MISSING | -1792 | The lfTxtU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_LCMRC_MISSING | -1793 | The lcmrcU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_LCPDF_MISSING | -1794 | The lcpdfU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_LTCC_MISSING | -1795 | The ltccU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_LTPDF_MISSING | -1796 | The ltpdfU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_CMX_FILTER_MISSING | -1797 | The lfCmxU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_DGN_FILTER_MISSING | -1798 | The lfDgnU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_E00_FILTER_MISSING | -1799 | The lfE00U.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_SANE_UNSUPPORTED | -1800 | Operation is not supported. |
ERROR_SANE_DEVICE_BUSY | -1801 | Device is busy. |
ERROR_SANE_INVAL | -1802 | Data or argument is invalid. |
ERROR_SANE_JAMMED | -1803 | Document feeder jammed. |
ERROR_SANE_NO_DOCS | -1804 | Document feeder out of documents. |
ERROR_SANE_COVER_OPEN | -1805 | Scanner cover is open. |
ERROR_SANE_IO_ERROR | -1806 | Error during device I/O. |
ERROR_SANE_ACCESS_DENIED | -1807 | Access to resource has been denied. |
ERROR_PTK_FILTER_MISSING | -1808 | The lfPtkU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_DOC_FILTER_MISSING | -1809 | The lfDocU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_DOX_FILTER_MISSING | -1810 | The lfDoxU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PPT_FILTER_MISSING | -1811 | The lfPptU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PPX_FILTER_MISSING | -1812 | The lfPpxU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_XLS_FILTER_MISSING | -1813 | The lfXlsU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_XLX_FILTER_MISSING | -1814 | The lfXlxU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PNM_FILTER_MISSING | -1815 | The lfPnmU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_WMP_FILTER_MISSING | -1816 | The lfWmpU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_CUT_FILTER_MISSING | -1817 | The lfCutU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_IMG_FILTER_MISSING | -1818 | The lfImgU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_MAC_FILTER_MISSING | -1819 | The lfMacU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_SMP_FILTER_MISSING | -1820 | The lfSmpU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_XPM_FILTER_MISSING | -1821 | The lfXpmU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_ANZ_FILTER_MISSING | -1822 | The lfAnzU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_SCT_FILTER_MISSING | -1823 | The lfSctU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_TFX_FILTER_MISSING | -1824 | The lfTfxU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_ANI_FILTER_MISSING | -1825 | The lfAniU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_LTDRWMP_MISSING | -1826 | The ltdrwmpU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_GBR_FILTER_MISSING | -1827 | The lfGbrU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_NAP_FILTER_MISSING | -1828 | The lfNapU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PCL_FILTER_MISSING | -1829 | The lfPclU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_PCT_FILTER_MISSING | -1830 | The lfPctU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_AFP_FILTER_MISSING | -1831 | The lfAfpU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_CAL_FILTER_MISSING | -1832 | The lfCalU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_ICA_FILTER_MISSING | -1833 | The lfIcaU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_LMA_FILTER_MISSING | -1834 | The lfLmaU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_STL_FILTER_MISSING | -1835 | The lfStlU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_BARCODE1DWRITE_MISSING | -1836 | The ltbar4U.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_BARCODEPDFWRITE_MISSING | -1837 | The ltbar6wU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_BARCODEDATAMATRIXWRITE_MISSING | -1838 | The ltbar7wU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_BARCODEQRWRITE_MISSING | -1839 | The ltbar8wU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_BARCODE2DWRITE_MISSING | -1840 | The lt2dwriteU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_FILTER_IGNORED | -1841 | The file filter needed to support this format has been marked as ignored. |
ERROR_ECW_FILTER_MISSING | -1842 | The lfEcwU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_FPX_FILTER_MISSING | -1843 | The lfFpxU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_AWD_FILTER_MISSING | -1844 | The lfAwdU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_XBM_FILTER_MISSING | -1845 | The lfXbmU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED | -1846 | Access denied. |
ERROR_FILE_DELETE | -1847 | Error deleting file. |
ERROR_NO_PAGES | -1848 | The document has no pages. |
ERROR_FOLDER_CREATE | -1849 | Error creating folder. |
ERROR_FILENAME_ALREADY_REGISTERED | -1850 | (Internal) Filename already registered. |
ERROR_INV_UNICODE_STRING | -1851 | The Unicode string could not be converted to ANSI because it contains characters not supported by the current ANSI page. |
ERROR_INV_FILE_HANDLE | -1852 | (Internal error) Invalid file handle. |
ERROR_TEMP_FILE_DISK_DISABLED | -1853 | Feature requires physical disk temporary files. |
ERROR_FILE_WRITEONLY | -1854 | File/stream is write-only. Cannot open file/stream with read access. |
ERROR_FILE_READ_DENIED | -1855 | Read access was denied. The operation needs to be able to read from the file/stream. |
ERROR_FILE_WRITE_DENIED | -1856 | Write access was denied. The operation needs to be able to write to the file/stream. |
ERROR_LTWEBKITENGINE_MISSING | -1857 | The ltwebkitengineU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_PLATFORM | -1858 | Support for the requested feature is unavailable on this platform. |
ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED | -1859 | The file format is recognized, but is corrupted. |
ERROR_INV_INDEX | -1860 | Invalid index. |
ERROR_GDI_ERROR | -1861 | Generic GDI error. |
ERROR_LTDOCWRTALTO_MISSING | -1862 | The ltdocwrtaltoU.DLL library is missing. |
ERROR_FORMAT_RECOGNIZED_BUT_OPERATION_FAILED | -1863 | The file format is recognized, but the operation failed. |
ERROR_OPENSSL_DLL_MISSING | -1864 | OpenSSL DLL is missing. |
ERROR_EXTERNAL_PROCESS_TERMINATED | -1865 | The external process was terminated abnormally. |
ERROR_INVALID_ALTOXML_INDENTATION | -1866 | The Alto XML indentation contains invalid (non-space) characters. |
ERROR_OCR_ZONE_OUTSIDE_BITMAP | -1867 | One or more zones is completely outside the bitmap (zones were probably created for a bigger bitmap). |
ERROR_PDF_UTL_INVALID | -1868 | The ltpdfutl.DLL library is invalid or out of date. |