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SOPCommonModule Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by SOPCommonModule.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor SOPCommonModule Initializes a new instance of the SOPCommonModule class.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AuthorizationEquipmentCertificationNumber Gets or sets the authorization equipment certification number.
Public Property CodingSchemeIdentificationSequence Gets or sets the coding scheme identification sequence.
Public Property ContributingEquipmentSequence Gets or sets the contributing equipment sequence.
Public Property DigitalSignatures Gets or sets the digital signatures.
Public Property EncryptedAttributesSequence Gets or sets the encrypted attributes sequence.
Public Property HL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequence Gets or sets the HL7 structured document reference sequence.
Public Property InstanceCreationDate Gets or sets the instance creation date.
Public Property InstanceCreationTime Gets or sets the instance creation time.
Public Property InstanceCreatorUID Gets or sets the instance creator UID.
Public Property InstanceNumber Gets or sets the instance number.
Public Property OriginalAttributesSequence Gets or sets the original attributes sequence.
Public Property OriginalSpecializedSOPClassUID Gets or sets the original specialized SOP class UID.
Public Property RelatedGeneralSOPClassUID Gets or sets the related general SOP class UID.
Public Property SOPAuthorizationComment Gets or sets the SOP authorization comment.
Public Property SOPAuthorizationDateAndTime Gets or sets the SOP authorization date and time.
Public Property SOPClassUID Gets or sets the SOP class UID.
Public Property SOPInstanceStatus Gets or sets the SOP instance status.
Public Property SOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the SOP instance UID.
Public Property SpecificCharacterSet Gets or sets the specific character set.
Public Property TimezoneOffsetFromUTC Gets or sets the time zone offset from UTC.

See Also


SOPCommonModule Class

Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Anonymization Namespace

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