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Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Editing Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools Dicom Common Editing classes.

Class Description
Class BeforeAddElementEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeAddElement event.
Class DicomPropertyGrid Provides a user interface for editing the elements of a DICOM dataset.
Class DicomAgeValueConverter Provides a type converter to convert DicomAgeValue objects to and from various other representations.
Class DicomPropertyChoiceConverter Provides a type converter to provide a list of choices to a DICOM dynamic DICOM property.
Class EnumValueConverter<T> Provides a type converter to convert Enum object to and from a string.
Class EnumValueListConverter<T> Provides a type converter to convert an Enum object to and from a string.
Class ListTypeConverter Provides a type converter to convert a generic list of a comma separated string list.
Class NullableDicomAgeValueConverter Provides a type converter to convert a nullable DateTimeAgeValue to and from a string representation.
Class NumberListTypeConverter Provides a type converter to convert a list of numbers to a comma separated string list.
Class PersonNameConverter Provides a type converter to convert a PersonName object to and from a string.
Class PersonNameListConverter Provides a type converter to convert a list of PersonName objects to and from a string
Class RasterImageConverter Provides a type converter to convert a RasterImage object to a string.
Class ShortDateTypeConverter Provides a type converter to convert a DateTime to a short date representation.
Class YesNoConverter Provides a type converter to convert objects to and from a 'YES' or 'NO' string representation.
Class DicomEditableObject A custom object that represents a DICOM dataset.
Class DicomEditableProperty Custom dynamic property for editing DICOM dataset.
Class DicomEditablePropertyDescriptor Provides an abstraction for a DICOM element property.
Class PropertyImageInfo Provides additional information that can be associated with a DICOM element property.
Class PropertyInfoEventArgs Provides information for the PropertyInfo event.
Class PropertyValueEventArgs Provides information for the GetElementValue and SetElementValue events.
Class NonInteractiveEditor Provides an editor that does not display an interface.
Class NullableDateTimeEditor Provides a user interface than can edit a nullable date time value.
Class NullableTimeEditor Provides a user interface than can edit a nullable time value.
Class RasterImageEditor Provides a user interface than can edit a RasterImage object time value.
Class SequenceEditor Provides a user interface than can edit a DICOM sequence item.
Help Version 21.0.2021.6.30
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Leadtools.Dicom.Common Assembly
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