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AdvancedSettings Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AdvancedSettings.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method GetAddInControlType Gets a specific add-in registered control type.
Public Method GetAddInCustomData<T> Gets the add-in custom data.
Public Method GetAddInOption Gets a specific add-in option.
Public Method GetGlobalChannels Gets the list of global channels.
Public Method GetLogger Gets the logger for the specified add-in.
Public Method GetLoggerChannels Gets the logger channels registered with the specific add-in.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB Open Opens the advanced configuration from the specified server directory.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB OpenFromString Opens the advanced configuration from the settings stored in a string.
Public Method RefreshSettings Refreshes the AdvancedSettings.
Public Method Save Saves this the advanced settings.
Public Method SetAddInControl Sets a control option for a specific add-in.
Public Method SetAddInCustomData<T> Adds custom data to the specified add-in configuration.
Public Method SetAddInOption Sets an option for the add-in.
Public Method SetConfigAssemblies Sets the order of configuration assemblies to load in the advanced.config file.
Public Method SetGlobalChannels Sets the global logging channels.
Public Method SetIgnoreType Sets a type to ignore from the loaded add-in's DLLs.
Public Method SetLoggerChannels Sets the logger channels for the specified add-in.

See Also


AdvancedSettings Class

Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn Namespace

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Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn Assembly
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