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ExternalStoreAddinConfigAbstract Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see ExternalStoreAddinConfigAbstract members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property ConfigurationObject Gets or sets the configuration object that holds all the configuration settings that are unique to this external store add-in.
Public Property EnableAutoClear Gets a boolean value indicating whether this external store add-in supports 'Clear Local' on the External Store settings 'Schedule' tab
Public Property EnableAutoExternalStore Gets a boolean value indicating whether this external store add-in supports 'External Store' on the External Store settings 'Schedule' tab.
Public Property EnableVerifyRetrieveAfterExternalStore Gets a boolean value indicating whether this external store add-in supports 'Verify (Retrieve after external store)' on the External Store settings 'Schedule' tab
Public Property FriendlyName Gets or sets a string value containing the Friendly name displayed in the External Store Settings drop-down list of CSStorageServerManager.exe.
Public Property Guid Gets or sets a string value containing the GUID that uniquely identifies this external store add-in.

See Also


ExternalStoreAddinConfigAbstract Class

Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn Namespace

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