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ClientSession Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ClientSession.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor ClientSession Initializes a new instance of the ClientSession class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method ARTimerExpiresHandler Represents the method that will handle the ARTimerExpires event.
Public Method CommunicationIdleTimeoutHandler Represents the method that will handle the CommunicationIdleTimeout event.
Public Method LogEvent Logs an event.
Public Method ProcessCCancelRequest Processes a DICOM C-CANCEL request received from a client and sends a C-CANCEL response to the client.
Public Method ProcessCFindRequest Processes a DICOM C-FIND request received from a client and sends a DICOM C-FIND response.
Public Method ProcessCMoveRequest Processes a DICOM C-MOVE request received from a client and sends a C-MOVE response to the client and stores it to a Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.DicomScp.
Public Method ProcessCMoveStoreSubOperation Performs a C-STORE operation initiated by a C-MOVE request.
Public Method ProcessCStoreRequest Processes a DICOM C-STORE request received from a client and sends a C-STORE response to the client.
Public Method ProcessCStoreRequestSync Processes a DICOM C-STORE request received from a client and sends a C-STORE response to the client.
Public Method ProcessNActionRequest Processes a DICOM N-ACTION request received from a client and sends an N-ACTION response to the client.
Public Method ProcessNCreateRequest Processes a DICOM N-CREATE request received from a client and sends N-CREATE response to the client.
Public Method ProcessNGetMessage Processes a DICOM N-GET request received from a client and sends an N-GET response to the client.
Public Method ProcessNSetRequest Processes a DICOM N-SET request received from a client and sends N-SET response to the client.
Public Method SendCFindResponse Sends a C-FIND response to the client.
Public Method SendCMoveResponse Sends a C-MOVE response to the client.
Public Method SendCStoreResponse Sends a C-STORE response to the client.
Public Method SendNActionResponse Sends an N-ACTION response to the client.
Public Method SendNCreateResponse Sends a C-CREATE response to the client.
Public Method SendNGetResponse Sends an N-GET response to the client.
Public Method SendNSetResponse Sends an N-SET response to the client.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method OnCMoveStoreSubOperation Raises the CMoveStoreSubOperation event.
Protected Method OnSendCFindResponse Raises the SendCFindResponse event.
Protected Method OnSendCMoveResponse Raises the SendCMoveResponse event.
Protected Method OnSendCStoreResponse Raises the SendCStoreResponse event.
Protected Method OnSendNActionResponse Raises the NActionResponse event.
Protected Method OnSendNCreateResponse Raises the SendNCreateResponse event.
Protected Method OnSendNGetResponse Raises the NGetResponse event.
Protected Method OnSendNSetResponse Raises the SendNSetResponse event.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property ARTimerSecondsInterval Gets or sets the timeout value in seconds for the Association Request, Reject and Release Timer.
Public Property Client Gets the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomNet object associated with the client.
Public Property CommunicationIdleMinutesInterval Gets or sets the idle timeout for client communication, in minutes.
Public Property EnableARTimer Enables or disables the Association Request, Reject and Release Timer.
Public Property EnableCommunicationIdleTimer Enables or disables the communication idle timer.
Public Property IsAssociated Gets a value indicating whether the client has a valid association.
Public Property IsConnected Gets a value indicating whether the connection with the client is valid.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event ARTimerExpires Occurs when the Association Request, Reject or Release timer timeout expires.
Public Event CFindResponse Occurs before sending a C-FIND response to a client.
Public Event CMoveResponse Occurs before sending a C-MOVE response to a client.
Public Event CMoveStoreSubOperation Occurs before sending a C-Store request initiated by a C-MOVE request.
Public Event CommunicationIdleTimeout Occurs when the communication idle timer timeout expires.
Public Event CStoreResponse Occurs before sending a C-STORE response to a client.
Public Event NActionResponse Occurs before sending an N-ACTION response to a client.
Public Event NCreateResponse Occurs before sending an N-CREATE to a client.
Public Event NGetResponse Occurs before sending an N-GET response to a client.
Public Event NSetResponse Occurs before sending an N-SET to a client.

See Also


ClientSession Class

Leadtools.Dicom.Scp Namespace

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Leadtools.Dicom.Scp Assembly
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