Leadtools.Dicom.Scp Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy


Overview and description of Leadtools Dicom Scp classes, delegates, and interfaces.

Class Description
Class CFindClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-FIND request. Implements the ICFindClientSessionProxy interface.
Class CFindResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.CFindResponse event.
Class ClientSession Handles the DICOM communication for client's requests.
Class ClientSessionProxy Provides basic access functionality to a ClientSession. Implements the IClientSessionProxy interface.
Class CMoveClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-MOVE request. Implements the ICMoveClientSessionProxy interface.
Class CMoveResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.CMoveResponse event.
Class CMoveStoreSubOperationEventArgs Provides data for the CMoveStoreSubOperation event.
Class CommandRequestDataSetValidator Concrete implementation of the ICommandRequestValidator.
Class CommandRequestValidationManager Manages a list of ICommandRequestValidator instances.
Class CStoreClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-STORE request. Implements the ICStoreClientSessionProxy interface.
Class CStoreResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.CStoreResponse event.
Class DicomCommandClientSessionProxy Provides information for a Leadtools.Dicom.Scp.Command.DicomCommand about the client request. Implements the IDicomCommandClientSessionProxy interface.
Class NActionClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated an N-ACTION request. Implements the INGetClientSessionProxy interface.
Class NActionResponseEventArgs Provides data for the NActionResponse event.
Class NCreateClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a N-CREATE request. Implements the INCreateClientSessionProxy interface.
Class NCreateResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.NCreateResponse event.
Class NGetClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated an N-GET request. Implements the INGetClientSessionProxy interface.
Class NGetResponseEventArgs Provides data for the NGetResponse event
Class NSetClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a N-SET request. Implements the INSetClientSessionProxy interface.
Class NSetResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.NSetResponse event.
Class ProducerConsumerQueue This class represents a queue of actions/tasks that will be executed in order by background threads.
Class ResponseEventArgs Base class for Providing a DICOM response event's information.
Delegate Description
Delegate ARTimerExpiresHandler Represents the method that will handle the ARTimerExpires event.
Delegate CommunicationIdleTimeoutHandler Represents the method that will handle the CommunicationIdleTimeout event.
Interface Description
Interface ICFindClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-FIND request.
Interface ICFindClientSessionProxy2 Provides the required functionality for communicating with a client that initiated a C-FIND request.
Interface IClientSessionProxy Provides basic access functionality to a ClientSession.
Interface ICMoveClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-MOVE request.
Interface ICMoveClientSessionProxy2 Provides the required functionality for communicating with a client that initiated a C-MOVE request.
Interface ICommandRequestValidator Provides functionality to validate data.
Interface ICStoreClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-STORE request.
Interface ICStoreClientSessionProxy2 Provides the required functionality for communicating with a client that initiated a C-STORE request.
Interface IDicomCommandClientSessionProxy Provides information for a Leadtools.Dicom.Scp.Command.DicomCommand about the client request.
Interface INActionClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated an N-ACTION request.
Interface INActionClientSessionProxy2 Provides the required functionality for communicating with a client that initiated an N-ACTION request.
Interface INCreateClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a N-CREATE request.
Interface INCreateClientSessionProxy2 Provides the required functionality for communicating with a client that initiated a N-CREATE request.
Interface INGetClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated an N-GET request.
Interface INGetClientSessionProxy2 Provides the required functionality for communicating with a client that initiated a N-SET request.
Interface INSetClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a N-SET request.
Interface INSetClientSessionProxy2 Provides the required functionality for communicating with a client that initiated a N-SET request.

See Also


Leadtools.Dicom.Scp Assembly
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Leadtools.Dicom.Scp Assembly
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