The following tables list the members exposed by PdfDocumentOptions.
Public Constructors
Name | Description | |
PdfDocumentOptions | Initializes a new instance of the PdfDocumentOptions class. |
Public Methods
Name | Description | |
Clone | Creates an exact copy of this DocumentOptions |
Public Properties
Name | Description | |
AnnotationsEnabled | Indicates whether annotations and comments can be added to the resulting PDF document. | |
AssemblyEnabled | Indicates whether pages can be added or removed from the resulting PDF document. | |
Author | Author value to be used in the resulting PDF document. | |
AutoBookmarks | List of the current auto bookmarks options. | |
AutoBookmarksEnabled | Use automatic bookmarking in the final PDF document | |
CenterWindow | Indicates if the initial view should center the document in the window | |
ColoredImageCompression | Type of compression to use on colored images when creating a PDF document. | |
CopyEnabled | Indicates whether the resulting PDF document has access rights to copy text. | |
Creator | Creator value to be used in the resulting PDF document. | |
CustomBookmarks | List of the custom (user) bookmarks to use when creating PDF documents. | |
DisplayDocTitle | Indicates that the initial view should display the document title. | |
DocumentType | PDF file type created using the LEADTOOLS Document Writers. | |
DropObjects | Controls which object types to drop from the final document. | |
EditEnabled | Indicates whether the resulting PDF document can be edited. | |
EncryptionMode | Encryption mode to use when creating the PDF document. | |
FitWindow | Indicates if the initial view should fit the document in the window | |
FontEmbedMode | Font embedding mode used when creating an PDF document. | |
Format | Gets the document format type associated with this options class. | |
HideMenubar | Indicates whether the initial view should hide the menu bar | |
HideToolbar | Indicates whether the initial view should hide the toolbar | |
HideWindowUI | Indicates whether the initial view should hide the window user interface elements | |
HighQualityPrintEnabled | Indicates whether the resulting PDF document can be printed in high quality. | |
ImageOverText | Indicates whether to use a raster image overlay on top of the resulting PDF document. | |
ImageOverTextMode | Indicates how the document writer converts the overlay image (image over text). | |
ImageOverTextSize | Resize options for the overlay image (image over text). | |
InitialPageNumber | Initial view page number to use when creating a PDF document. | |
Keywords | Keywords to be used in the resulting PDF document. | |
Linearized | Create a PDF document that is optimized for fast web viewing. | |
OneBitImageCompression | One bit compression type used to compress one bit per pixel images when creating a PDF document. | |
OwnerPassword | Owner password value to be used in the resulting PDF document. | |
PageFitType | Initial view page fit type when creating a PDF document. | |
PageLayoutType | Initial view page layout type when creating a PDF document. | |
PageModeType | Initial view page mode type when creating a PDF document. | |
PrintEnabled | Indicates whether the resulting PDF document has access rights to allow printing. | |
Producer | Producer value to be used in the resulting PDF document. | |
Protected | Create a protected PDF document. | |
QualityFactor | Degree of loss in the compression process. This applies to JPEG compression only. | |
Subject | Subject value to be used in the resulting PDF document. | |
Title | Title value to be used in the resulting PDF document. | |
TotalBookmarkLevels | Total number of bookmark levels for created PDF documents. | |
UserPassword | User password value to be used in the resulting PDF document. | |
XCoordinate | Initial view X coordinate position of the page to use when creating a PDF document. | |
YCoordinate | Initial view Y coordinate position of the page to use when creating a PDF document. | |
ZoomPercent | Initial view zoom percentage to use when creating a PDF document. |
See Also