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AnnAutomationManager Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnAutomationManager.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor static  | Shared in VB AnnAutomationManager Initializes a new instance of the AnnAutomationManager class

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method static  | Shared in VB create Creates a new instance of AnnAutomationManager with the specified rendering engine.
Public Method createDefaultObjects Creates the default automation annotation objects.
Public Method findObject Finds the AnnAutomationObject for a specified AnnObject
Public Method findObjectById Finds the specified AnnAutomationObject by its id.
Public Method loadPackage Loads the automation objects from the specified package.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property automations Gets the collection of AnnAutomation objects in this AnnAutomationManager.
Public Property cancelInactiveDesigners Gets or sets a value indicating whether any designers in an AnnAutomation are automatically canceled when the automation becomes inactive.
Public Property currentObjectId Gets or sets the current automation object ID.
Public Property currentRubberStampType Gets or sets the current automation rubber stamp object type.
Public Property deselectOnDown Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to de-select any objects as soon as the user clicks down with the cursor or taps using touch onthe container outside their boundaries.
Public Property editContentAfterDraw Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the EditContent event should occur automatically after the designer has successfullyfinished drawing a new object.
Public Property editObjectAfterDraw Gets or sets a value that indicates whether newly drawn objects are selected (edited).
Public Property editTextAfterDraw Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the EditText event should occur automatically after the designer has successfullyfinished drawing a new text object.
Public Property enableDeselectObject Gets or sets a value that indicates whether clicking on an already selected object while the MultiSelectModifierKey is pressedshould de-select it.
Public Property enableObjectsAlignment Gets or sets a value that indicates whether you can align selected objects based on one of them.
Public Property enablePartialDrop Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to allow partial drop of annotation objects between multiple containers.
Public Property enableThumbsSelection Gets or sets a value that indicates whether clicking on any of the thumbs of the objects automatically starts editing.
Public Property enableToolTip Gets or sets a value that indicates whether firing the ToolTip event is enabled
Public Property endDrawWhenLostFocus Gets or sets a value indicating whether any designers in an AnnAutomation are automatically canceled when the automation loses focus.
Public Property endEditDesignerBeforeDraw Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to end the current edit designer when the user starts drawing a new object.
Public Property extendedModeModifierKey Gets or sets the extended mode modifier key.
Public Property fontRelativeToImageDpi Indicates whether to take image DPI in consideration when calculating font size.
Public Property forceSelectionModifierKey Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can draw the selection object only when its key modifiers are pressed.
Public Property groupsRoles Gets or sets the AnnGroupsRoles associated with this automation manager.
Public Property hitTestBehavior Gets or sets a value that determine how objects are hit-tested through a selection rectangle.
Public Property maintainAspectRatio Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve the aspect ratio when moving a corner thumb for all AnnEditDesigner derived classes.
Public Property multiSelectModifierKey Gets or sets the multi-select modifier key.
Public Property objects Gets the collection of AnnAutomationObject objects in this AnnAutomationManager.
Public Property platformCallbacks Gets the platform-specific callbacks for this automation manager.
Public Property redactionRealizePassword Gets or sets the password to use for realization of AnnRedactionObject objects.
Public Property renderingEngine Gets or sets the rendering engine associated with this AnnAutomationManager.
Public Property resources Gets or sets the annotations resources used by all the containers used with this automation manager.
Public Property restrictDesigners Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object should be restricted inside the container boundary.
Public Property rotateModifierKey Gets or sets the rotate modifier key.
Public Property runHitTestBuffer Gets or sets the hit test buffer for all AnnRunDesigner derived classes.
Public Property selectionModifierKey Gets or sets the value of the modifier key that must be pressed in order for the user to start drawing the selection object.
Public Property showThumbs Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the thumbs.
Public Property snapToGridOptions Gets or sets the default AnnSnapToGridOptions of this AnnAutomationManager.
Public Property thumbsGap Gets or sets a value that indicates which thumbs to display in a polyline object.
Public Property thumbsHitTestBuffer Gets or sets the hit test buffer for all AnnEditDesigner derived classes.
Public Property useFreehandSelection Indicates whether to use free hand selection.
Public Property usePDFMode Gets or sets if we are annotating a pdf document or no.
Public Property userMode Gets or sets the current user mode.
Public Property useRotateThumbs Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the rotation thumbs when an object is selected.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event static  | Shared in VB currentObjectIdChanged Occurs when the value of the CurrentObjectId property changes.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB currentRubberStampTypeChanged Occurs when the value of the CurrentRubberStampType property changes.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB userModeChanged Occurs when the value of the UserMode property changes

See Also


AnnAutomationManager Class

Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Namespace

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Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Assembly
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