licenseDirectory Field



The directory path where LEADTOOLS looks for the license file (Deprecated).

LTHelper.licenseDirectory = (default value); 
static licenseDirectory: string; 

Field Value

The directory path where LEADTOOLS looks for the license file. Default value is "LEADTOOLS".


This property is deprecated in version 20. Please use RasterSupport instead.

Refer to LEADTOOLS Nag Message for more information on obtaining and using a LEADTOOLS license.

A user may change this field's value from the default string "LEADTOOLS" to any desired string. This string will be interpreted as a directory in which to look for the LEADTOOLS.lic.txt license and LEADTOOLS.lic.key.txt developer key file. The field may be set any number of times before the license is checked.

Changing the default location might be desirable in some situations. For example, if the application is an ASP.NET MVC and all the project resources are to be placed in locations other than the root.


  • This will search for the license in the directory above the project.

    lt.LTHelper.licenseDirectory = "../LEADTOOLS";

  • This will search for the license in [ProjectDir]/Custom/Directory/Here.

    lt.LTHelper.licenseDirectory = "Custom/Directory/Here";

Additional notes:

  • The string provided must not have a trailing "/", as this character is added later.

  • To set the directory to the root directory, pass the empty string "" instead of the keywords. 'null' or 'undefined'.

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