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LineProfileCommand Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by LineProfileCommand.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor LineProfileCommand Initializes a new LineProfileCommand class object with explicit parameters. The RedBuffer, GreenBuffer and BlueBuffer properties are updated with the corresponding color information about the pixels between the points specified in the firstPoint and secondPoint parameters.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method OnProgress Raises the Progress event. (Inherited from RasterCommand)
Public Method Run Runs the image processing command. (Inherited from RasterCommand)
Public Method ToString Overridden. Returns a meaningful name for this class.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property BlueBuffer Array that is allocated and updated with the blue values for the line specified by the FirstPoint and SecondPoint properties.
Public Property FirstPoint Gets or sets the starting point for the line.
Public Property GreenBuffer Array that is allocated and updated with the green values for the line specified by the FirstPoint and SecondPoint properties.
Public Property HasProgress Determines if the command object has a progress event handler set. (Inherited from RasterCommand)
Public Property Length Gets the length for each of the redBuffer, greenBuffer and blueBuffer properties
Public Property RedBuffer Array that is allocated and updated with the red values for the line specified by the FirstPoint and SecondPoint properties.
Public Property SecondPoint Gets or sets the end point for the line.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event Progress Occurs during the image processing command, to provide status on the progress of the command. (Inherited from RasterCommand)

See Also


LineProfileCommand Class

Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color Namespace

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