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SelectiveCommandColorTypes Enumeration

This enumerated type serves as an index into an array of SelectiveColorCommandData classes. The class at the index contains information on the corresponding color.
public enum SelectiveCommandColorTypes   
Public Enum SelectiveCommandColorTypes  
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, LTSelectiveCommandColorTypes) 
public enum SelectiveCommandColorTypes 
public enum class SelectiveCommandColorTypes   
0Red Index into the array of SelectiveColorCommandData classes (ColorsData property or the colorsData parameter of the constructor). The class at this index contains information on the Red values.
1Yellow Index into the array of SelectiveColorCommandData classes (ColorsData property or the colorsData parameter of the constructor). The class at this index contains information on the Yellow values.
2Green Index into the array of SelectiveColorCommandData classes (ColorsData property or the colorsData parameter of the constructor). The class at this index contains information on the Green values.
3Cyan Index into the array of SelectiveColorCommandData classes (ColorsData property or the colorsData parameter of the constructor). The class at this index contains information on the Cyan values.
4Blue Index into the array of SelectiveColorCommandData classes (ColorsData property or the colorsData parameter of the constructor). The class at this index contains information on the Blue values.
5Magenta Index into the array of SelectiveColorCommandData classes (ColorsData property or the colorsData parameter of the constructor). The class at this index contains information on the Magenta values.
6White Index into the array of SelectiveColorCommandData classes (ColorsData property or the colorsData parameter of the constructor). The class at this index contains information on the White values.
7Neutral Index into the array of SelectiveColorCommandData classes (ColorsData property or the colorsData parameter of the constructor). The class at this index contains information on the Neutral values.
8Black Index into the array of SelectiveColorCommandData classes (ColorsData property or the colorsData parameter of the constructor). The class at this index contains information on the Black values.

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Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color Assembly
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