Value | Member | Description |
0 | Normal | Width is the image width. Height is the image height. |
1 | Stretch | Width is the control's client area width. Height is the client area height. The aspect ratio of the image is not preserved. |
2 | FitAlways | The largest possible width or height is set to the control's client area width or height. The remaining dimension is set proportionally to maintain the aspect ratio of the image. |
3 | FitWidth | Width is the control's client area width. Height is set proportionally to maintain the aspect ratio of the image. If necessary, the control will implement a vertical scroll bar. |
4 | Fit | Same as FitAlways if the image width or height is greater than the viewing area; otherwise, same as Normal. The aspect ratio of the image is maintained. |
The WebImageViewer.SizeMode property controls how the image is displayed.