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WebImageViewer Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by WebImageViewer.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor WebImageViewer Initializes a new instance of the WebImageViewer class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method ApplyCommand Applies a Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand to the current image in order to process it.
Public Method CenterAtPoint Centers the image display at the specified point.
Public Method Clear Clears the image displayed in the viewer.
Public Method OpenImageUrl Opens the image from an URL or a virtual path and displays it.
Public Method RenderControl Overrides Control.RenderControl

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method OnInit Overrides Control.OnInit method.
Protected Method OnPreRender Overrides Control.OnPreRender method.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property BrowserImageFormat Gets or sets the format of the image to be displayed by the browser.
Public Property CacheFolder Gets or sets the virtual path where the processed images are cached.
Public Property DisableBrowserCaching Gets or sets a value that disables the browser images caching on the client machine.
Public Property DropShadowColor Gets or sets the shadow color of the frame being added to the image.
Public Property DropShadowSize Gets or sets the shadow size of the frame being added to the image.
Public Property Font Overrides WebControl.Font property.
Public Property ForeColor Overrides WebControl.ForeColor property.
Public Property HorizontalAlignMode Gets or sets the horizontal alignment used when displaying the image.
Public Property HorizontalRealScaleFactor Gets the real horizontal scale factor used to display the image.
Public Property ImageBorderSize Gets or sets the number of pixels to leave as buffer between the control and the image.
Public Property ImageFrameColor Gets or sets the color of the frame being added to the image.
Public Property ImageFrameSize Gets or sets the thickness in pixels of the frame being added to the image.
Public Property ImageInfo Gets information about the image currently loaded in the control.
Public Property ImageUrl Gets or sets the URL of the image to be displayed
Public Property InputProfile Gets or sets the URL of the XML file that contains the options to be used as the codecs load options.
Public Property InteractiveZoomPercent Gets or sets the percentage that the property will change when one of the zoom interactive modes is used.
Public Property MaxScrollPosition Gets the max scroll position the image can scroll to.
Public Property MouseInteractiveMode Gets the behavior of the left/right mouse button when interacting with the viewer.
Public Property OutputProfile Gets or sets the URL of the XML file that contains codecs save options for the image displayed by the WebImageViewer.
Public Property ResourcesPath Gets or sets the virtual path where resources(scripts, icons) are located.
Public Property ScaleFactor Gets or sets the zoom factor used to display the image.
Public Property ScrollBarVisible Enables or disables automatically showing the scroll bars if the image width or height exceeds the control client area.
Public Property ScrollPosition Gets or sets the scroll bar position.
Public Property SizeMode Gets or sets how the control displays the image and makes automatic adjustments to the display rectangle.
Public Property TileSize Gets or sets the tile size (width/height) in pixels used when dividing the image into blocks.
Public Property UseDpi Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control uses the image's DPI (Dots Per Inch) to calculate the physical resolution for the image.
Public Property VerticalAlignMode Gets or sets the vertical alignment used when displaying the image.
Public Property VerticalRealScaleFactor Gets the real vertical scale factor used to display the image.
Public Property Visible Overrides Control.Visible property.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event ImageChanged Fires when a new image is loaded into the WebImageViewer control.
Public Event ImageDataChanged Fires if the current loaded image data has changed.
Public Event PropertyChanged Notifies clients that a property value has changed.

See Also


WebImageViewer Class

Leadtools.Web.Controls Namespace

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