
#include "ILTDVDBurner2.h"

C Syntax HRESULT ILTDVDBurner_getDiscTypeName(pDVDBurner, type, pVal)

C++ Syntax HRESULT GetDiscTypeName(type, pVal)

Retrieves the name of the disc type.


ILTDVDBurner *pDVDBurner

Pointer to an ILTDVDBurner interface.

long type

Value representing the type of the disc for which to retrieve its name. For all possible values, refer to the ILTDVDBurner::get_DiscType function.

BSTR *pVal

Pointer to a character string to be updated with name of the disc type. Possible values are:


Value Meaning
S_OK The function was successful.
<> S_OK An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes.


If the function succeeds, the user is responsible for freeing the retrieved disc type string by calling SysFreeString.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64

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