The text overlay XML file is a normal XML file following the XML specifications. However, this format defines a set of tags for use in this filter. Any other tags will be ignored. Tag names are case sensitive; for example: use TOverlay and not Toverlay or toverlay. The file must contain a signature comment before any of the text tags; the signature comment must be: <!--LEAD TextOverlay XML File-->
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!--LEAD TextOverlay XML File-->
<TOverlay Text_Scrolling = "No">
LEAD Technologies, Inc.\nAudio/Video capture, playback and editing using Microsoft Media Foundation technologies.
<Text_Line>Includes fully functional video\ncapture and teleconference demos. </Text_Line>
<Text_Line>Support for AVI, MPEG, WAV, MIDI, SND, AIF files and much more.</Text_Line>
<Text_Line>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</Text_Line>
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!--LEAD TextOverlay XML File-->
<TOverlay Text_Scrolling = "Yes">
<Text_Line>LEAD Technologies, Inc.\nAudio/Video capture, playback and editing using Microsoft Media Foundation technologies.</Text_Line>
<Text_Line>Includes fully functional video\ncapture and teleconference demos. </Text_Line>
<Text_Line>Support for AVI, MPEG, WAV, MIDI, SND, AIF files and much more.</Text_Line>
<Text_Line>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</Text_Line>