
Deletes a file that has been uploaded to the services, as well as to delete any resulting files that were produced (such as in the case of a conversion). The method can be called with a POST Request to the following URL:


Request Specific Parameters

Additional parameters available are listed below.

Parameter Description Accepted Values
id The GUID corresponding to the request that was made to the services. A valid GUID.

Status Codes

The following status codes will be returned when the method is called:

Status Description
200 All files have been successfully deleted from the services.
400 The request was not valid for one of the following reasons:

• GUID value was not provided.
• File information provided was malformed.
• Attempting to delete a file that is still undergoing verification, or is currently being processed.
401 The AppID/Password combination is not valid, or does not correspond with the GUID provided.
500 There was an internal error processing your request.


A successful request will return the number of files that were deleted.


JavaScript (Node.js)
//This sample uses the Request NodeJs library. 
const request = require('request'); 
var servicesUrl = ""; 
var RequestID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'; 
var deleteUrl = servicesUrl + 'DeleteRequest?id='+ RequestID;, deleteCallback); 
function deleteCallback(error, response, body){ 
    if(!error && response.statusCode == 200){ 
        console.log("File has been successfully marked to run"); 
        console.log("Failed to Delete: " + response.statusCode); 
function getRequestOptions(url){ 
    //Function to generate and return HTTP request  options. 
    var requestOptions ={ 
        url: url, 
        headers: { 
            'Content-Length' : 0 
        auth: { 
            user:"Enter Application ID", 
            password:"Enter Application Password" 
    return requestOptions; 
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 
using System.Threading; 
using System.Net; 
using System.Net.Http; 
using System.Net.Http.Headers; 
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; 
namespace Azure_Code_Snippets.DocumentationSnippets 
   class CloudServices_DeleteRequest_Demo 
      private string hostedServicesUrl = ""; 
      public async void DeleteRequest() 
         string deleteUrl = string.Format("DeleteRequest?id={0}", Guid.Empty); 
         var client = InitClient(); 
         var result = await client.PostAsync(deleteUrl, null); 
         if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) 
            //Unique ID returned by the services 
            string deletedFiles = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); 
            Console.WriteLine("Returned Message: " + deletedFiles); 
            Console.WriteLine("Request failed with the following response: " + result.StatusCode); 
      private HttpClient InitClient() 
         string AppId = "Enter Application ID"; 
         string Password = "Enter Application Password"; 
         HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); 
         client.BaseAddress = new Uri(hostedServicesUrl); 
         client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); 
         string authData = string.Format("{0}:{1}", AppId, Password); 
         string authHeaderValue = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(authData)); 
         client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", authHeaderValue); 
         return client; 
#This sample uses the requests python library. 
import requests, sys, time 
servicesUrl = ''; 
requestID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'; 
#Your application ID. 
appId = "Enter Application ID"; 
#Your application password. 
password = "Enter Application Password"; 
deleteRequestUrl = '{}DeleteRequest?id={}' 
formattedQueryUrl = deleteRequestUrl.format(servicesUrl, requestID) 
while True : #Poll the services to determine if the request has finished processing 
    request =, auth=(appId, password)) 
    if request.status_code != 202: 
print("File finished processing with return code: " + str(request.status_code) + "\n") 
    $servicesBaseUrl = ""; 
    $requestID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'; 
    $deleteUrl = "%sDeleteRequest?id=%s"; 
    $deleteUrl = sprintf($deleteUrl, $servicesBaseUrl, $requestID); 
    $requestOptions = GeneratePostOptions($deleteUrl); 
    while(true){ //Poll the services to determine if the request has finished processing. 
        $request = curl_init(); 
        curl_setopt_array($request, $requestOptions); //Set the request URL 
        if(!$results = curl_exec($request)){ 
                echo "There was an error queueing the request \n\r"; 
                echo curl_error($request); 
                return false; 
        $httpReponse = curl_getinfo($request, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); 
        if($httpReponse != 202){ 
            break; //The file has finished processing 
        sleep(5); //If the file hasn't finished processing, we will wait 5 seconds before checking again. 
    echo "Delete return response: " . $httpReponse . "\n\r"; 
    function GeneratePostOptions($url) 
        $appId = "Enter Application ID"; 
        $password = "Enter Application Password"; 
        $headers = array( 
            "Content-Length : 0" 
        $postOptions = array( 
            CURLOPT_POST => 1, 
            CURLOPT_URL => $url, 
            CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT => 1, 
            CURLOPT_USERPWD => "$appId:$password", 
            CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE => 1, 
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $headers 
        return $postOptions; 
use base 'HTTP::Message'; 
use LWP::UserAgent (); 
my $servicesUrl = ""; 
my $requestID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'; 
my $appId = 'Enter Application ID'; 
my $password = 'Enter Application Password'; 
my $headers = HTTP::Headers->new( 
    Content_Length => 0 
$headers->authorization_basic($appId, $password); 
#The User Agent to be used when making requests 
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; 
my $deleteUrl = $servicesUrl . 'DeleteRequest?id=' . $requestID; 
    $request = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $deleteUrl, $headers); 
    $response = $ua->request($request); 
    if($response->code != 202){ 
print("File finished processing with return code: " . $response->code . "\n"); 

See Also



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