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Generic YUV conversion (Visual Basic)

Generic YUV conversion provides the ability to convert any YUV format to any supported color space, using the YUV_PARAMS structure and adhering to the restrictions listed below. After defining the YUV format, you can proceed with the conversion normally, just like any other conversion. Use L_ClrConvert to perform the conversion and call L_ClrFree to free the conversion handle. Currently the conversion from any color space to Generic YUV is not supported.

Generic YUV conversion currently has the following restrictions:

  1. No sub-sampling of Y is supported

  2. The number of Y elements must be a multiple of both U, and V.

  3. With non-planar formats, vertical sub-sampling of Y, U, and V is not supported.

  4. No alignment supported in planar format; line width must not contain additional bytes.

  5. The horizontal subsampling periods of U, and V must be multiples of each other, and the vertical subsampling periods of U, and V must be multiples of each other.


  1. Converting Y41P to RGB using Generic YUV Conversion:

    Function GenericY41PToRGB(YUVData() As Byte, RGBData() As Byte, nWidth As Integer, nHeight As Integer) As Integer 
        Dim ret As Integer 
        Dim ClrHandle As Long 
        Dim cnvParam As CONVERSION_PARAMS 
        Dim pOff(12) As Long 
        pOff(0) = 1 
        pOff(1) = 3 
        pOff(2) = 5 
        pOff(3) = 7 
        pOff(4) = 8 
        pOff(5) = 9 
        pOff(6) = 10 
        pOff(7) = 11 
        pOff(8) = 0 
        pOff(9) = 4 
        pOff(10) = 2 
        pOff(11) = 6 
        Dim YUVParamas As LPYUV_PARAMS 
        With YUVParamas 
           .uStructSize = Len(YUVParamas) 
           .nMask = 0 
           .nUh = 4 
           .nUv = 1 
           .nVh = 4 
           .nVv = 1 
           .pOffsets = VarPtr(pOff(0)) 
           .nMacroPixel = 8 
           .nRange = YUVRANGE_FULL 
           .bPlanar = 0 
        End With 
        cnvParam.uStructSize = Len(cnvParam) 
        cnvParam.nQuantization = 0 
        cnvParam.nMethod = USE_BUILTIN 
        cnvParam.nActiveMethod = USE_BUILTIN 
        cnvParam.pCmykParams = 0 
        cnvParam.pLabParams = 0 
        cnvParam.pYuvParams = VarPtr(YUVParamas) 
        cnvParam.sInputProfile(0) = 0 
        cnvParam.sOutputProfile(0) = 0 
        ret = L_ClrInit (ClrHandle, CCS_YUV, CCS_RGB, cnvParam) 
        ret = L_ClrConvert (ClrHandle, YUVData(0), RGBData(0), nWidth, nHeight, 0, 0) 
        ret = L_ClrFree (ClrHandle) 
        GenericY41PToRGB = ret 
     End Function 

  2. Converting YVU9 (Planar) to RGB using Generic YUV Conversion:

    Function GenericYVU9ToRGB(YUVData() As Byte, RGBData() As Byte, nWidth As Integer, nHeight As Integer) As Integer 
        Dim ret As Integer 
        Dim ClrHandle As Long 
        Dim cnvParam As CONVERSION_PARAMS 
        Dim pOff(0) As Long 
        pOff(0) = PLANAR_YVU 
        Dim YUVParamas As LPYUV_PARAMS 
        With YUVParamas 
           .uStructSize = Len(YUVParamas) 
           .nMask = 0 
           .nUh = 4 
           .nUv = 1 
           .nVh = 4 
           .nVv = 1 
           .pOffsets = VarPtr(pOff(0)) 
           .nMacroPixel = 8 
           .nRange = YUVRANGE_FULL 
           .bPlanar = 1 
        End With 
        cnvParam.uStructSize = Len(cnvParam) 
        cnvParam.nQuantization = 0 
        cnvParam.nMethod = USE_BUILTIN 
        cnvParam.nActiveMethod = USE_BUILTIN 
        cnvParam.pCmykParams = 0 
        cnvParam.pLabParams = 0 
        cnvParam.pYuvParams = VarPtr(YUVParamas) 
        cnvParam.sInputProfile(0) = 0 
        cnvParam.sOutputProfile(0) = 0 
        ret = L_ClrInit (ClrHandle, CCS_YUV, CCS_RGB, cnvParam) 
        ret = L_ClrConvert (ClrHandle, YUVData(0), RGBData(0), nWidth, nHeight, 0, 0) 
        ret = L_ClrFree (ClrHandle) 
        GenericYVU9ToRGB = ret 
     End Function 

See Also


Bitmap Conversion Options

Color Conversion C API Function Groups

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