Sets new conversion parameters.
#include "ltwrappr.h"
L_INT LColor::SetConversionParams(pParams);
Pointer to a CONVERSION_PARAMS structure that specifies the conversion parameters to set.
Value | Meaning |
SUCCESS | The function was successful. |
< 1 | An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
If pParams is NULL, this function will fail. A valid color conversion class object is needed. To check the object validity, use LColor::IsValid.
L_INT LColor_SetConversionParamsExample()
L_INT nRet = 0 ;
LColor clr; /*Color Conversion object*/
CONVERSION_PARAMS params; /*conversion options*/
/* Conversion with options. The conversion will be done with the options specified in the params variable*/
/* set the params size */
params.uStructSize = sizeof(params);
/* we want to use the built in ICC conversion method and built in conversion */
params.nMethod = USE_BUILTIN | USE_ICC /* use built in conversion and LEAD ICC Engine*/;
/* set the active conversion method */
params.nActiveMethod = USE_BUILTIN;
/* allocate a D50 white point option */
params.pWpoint = (LPWHITEPOINT)malloc(sizeof(WHITEPOINT));
params.pWpoint->nWhitePoint = CIELAB_D50; /* D50 white point */
/* allocate a cmyk option */
params.pCmykParams = (LPCMYK_PARAMS)malloc(sizeof(CMYK_PARAMS));
params.pCmykParams->uStructSize = sizeof(CMYK_PARAMS);
params.pCmykParams->nMask = CMYK_GCR;
params.pCmykParams->nGcr_level = 175; /* 17.5 % GCR value */
LBitmapBase LeadBitmap; /* Bitmap handle to hold the loaded image. */
/* Load the bitmap, keeping the bits per pixel of the file */
nRet = LeadBitmap.Load(MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("IMAGE1.CMP")), 0, ORDER_BGR);
if(nRet !=SUCCESS)
return nRet;
LBuffer Input(sizeof(L_UCHAR) * (LeadBitmap.GetMemSize()));
LBuffer Output(sizeof(L_UCHAR) * (LeadBitmap.GetMemSize()));
LeadBitmap.GetRowCol(&Input, 0, 0);
L_UCHAR* pInput = (L_UCHAR*)(Input.Lock()); /*input buffer*/
L_UCHAR* pOutput= (L_UCHAR*)(Output.Lock()); /*output buffer*/
L_INT nWidth = LeadBitmap.GetWidth(); /*pixels width*/
L_INT nHeight = LeadBitmap.GetHeight(); /*pixels height*/
/* initialize the color conversion */
nRet = clr.Initialize (CCS_CMYK,CCS_RGB,NULL);
if(nRet !=SUCCESS)
return nRet;
/* convert the image buffer */
nRet = clr.Convert (pInput, /* input buffer */
pOutput, /* output buffer */
nWidth, /*pixels width*/
nHeight, /*pixels height*/
0, /* 0 bytes align*/
0); /*0 bytes align*/
if(nRet !=SUCCESS)
return nRet;
/* change the active method for conversion */
params.nMethod = CHANGE_ACTIVE_METHOD;
/* switch to ICC conversion method */
params.nActiveMethod = USE_ICC;
/* update the conversion state */
nRet = clr.SetConversionParams(¶ms);
if(nRet !=SUCCESS)
return nRet;
/* convert the image buffer */
nRet = clr.Convert (pInput, /* input buffer */
pOutput, /* output buffer */
nWidth, /*pixels width*/
nHeight, /*pixels height*/
0, /* 0 bytes align*/
0); /*0 bytes align*/
if(nRet !=SUCCESS)
return nRet;
/* free the conversion */
nRet = clr.Free ();
if(nRet !=SUCCESS)
return nRet;
/* save the image */
nRet = LeadBitmap.Save (MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("Result.BMP")), FILE_BMP, 24, 0, NULL);
if(nRet !=SUCCESS)
return nRet;
//free bitmap
return SUCCESS;