AnnBatesStampComposer is the main part for Bates stamping operation as it connects annotations containers with Bates stamp objects.
public class AnnBatesStampComposer : IDisposable
Use this composer to add target containers to apply Bates stamps to.
It allows the addition of AnnBatesStamp objects. Also this composer have ability to save and load the Bates stamp list.
This example will create Bates stamp object with multiple elements then use the composer to attach the Bates stamp to target container.
using Leadtools.Annotations.Engine;
using Leadtools.Annotations.Automation;
using Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering;
using Leadtools.Annotations.WinForms;
using Leadtools.Annotations.BatesStamp;
public void AnnBatesStampComposer_AnnBatesStampComposer()
//Create AnnBatesStamp and set its properties
AnnBatesStamp batesStamp = new AnnBatesStamp();
batesStamp.Font = new AnnFont("Arial", 12);
batesStamp.Foreground = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("Red");
batesStamp.HorizontalAlignment = AnnHorizontalAlignment.Center;
batesStamp.VerticalAlignment = AnnVerticalAlignment.Center;
batesStamp.Logo.Angle = 45;
batesStamp.Logo.Font = new AnnFont("Arial", 14);
batesStamp.Logo.Opacity = 0.5;
batesStamp.Logo.StretchLogo = true;
batesStamp.Logo.Picture = new AnnPicture(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "cannon.jpg"));
//Add some elements to Bates stamp elements list
batesStamp.Elements.Add(new AnnBatesNumber());
batesStamp.Elements.Add(AnnBatesText.Create(" "));
batesStamp.Elements.Add(AnnBatesText.Create(" This is text element"));
//Create AnnBatesStampComposer instance and add the created Bates stamp to it
AnnBatesStampComposer batesStampComposer = new AnnBatesStampComposer();
//Set the rendering engine
AnnBatesStampComposer.RenderingEngine = new AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine();
//Use the main automation object for your application instead of _automation we used here
AnnAutomation automation = _automation;
AnnContainer mainContainer = automation.Container;
//Create Bates stamp container, set its size and mapper and attach it to the composer
AnnContainer batesStampContainer = new AnnContainer();
batesStampContainer.Size = mainContainer.Size;
batesStampContainer.Mapper = mainContainer.Mapper.Clone();
//Apply Bates Stamp to our container
//insert the Bates stamp container below all other containers in the automation
automation.Containers.Insert(0, batesStampContainer);
//print the content of this Bates stamp
Debug.WriteLine(batesStamp.AsString(batesStampContainer)); // the output will be "000001 This is text element"
//Render the containers
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images";