Gets or sets the presentation creator's name (content creator's name).
public string ContentCreatorName { get; set; }
The presentation creator's name (content creator's name).
This property corresponds to the (0070,0084) Presentation Creator's Name (Content Creator's Name) of the Presentation State Module.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom;
using Leadtools.Dicom.Annotations;
using Leadtools.Annotations;
using Leadtools.Annotations.Engine;
// This example stores DICOM annotations for two different DICOM instances in the same DICOM presentation file
// The DICOM annotations are then loaded separately for each DICOM instance
// When running this sample, you must pass two different DICOM instances for the same PatientID
// The following DICOM files can be used:
// 1. C:\LEADTOOLSxx\Examples\DotNet\PACSFramework\CS\PACSDatabaseConfigurationDemo\Resources\cr1.dcm
// 2. C:\LEADTOOLSxx\Examples\DotNet\PACSFramework\CS\PACSDatabaseConfigurationDemo\Resources\cr1.dcm
private void DicomAnnotationsUtilities_FromAnnContainerToDataSet2(DicomDataSet dsImage1, DicomDataSet dsImage2, string outfilePresentationState)
// Create an AnnRectangleObject (rotated, filled)
AnnRectangleObject rectangleObject = new AnnRectangleObject();
rectangleObject.Stroke.Stroke = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("red");
rectangleObject.Fill = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("blue");
rectangleObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(100, 100));
rectangleObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(200, 100));
rectangleObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(200, 200));
rectangleObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(100, 200));
rectangleObject.Rotate(45.0, ConvertLeadPointD(150, 150));
// Create a polyline object
AnnPolylineObject polylineObject = new AnnPolylineObject();
polylineObject.Stroke.Stroke = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("red");
polylineObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(300, 100));
polylineObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(400, 200));
// Add them to the AnnContainer
AnnContainer annContainer = new AnnContainer();
annContainer.Mapper = new AnnContainerMapper(96, 96, 96, 96);
// Create a DicomDataSet
using (DicomDataSet dsPS = new DicomDataSet())
dsPS.Initialize(DicomClassType.GrayscaleSoftcopyPresentationState, DicomDataSetInitializeFlags.AddMandatoryModulesOnly | DicomDataSetInitializeFlags.AddMandatoryElementsOnly);
// Delete the empty referenced Series Sequence
DicomElement referencedSeriesSequence = dsPS.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.ReferencedSeriesSequence, true);
if (referencedSeriesSequence != null)
// Add a new Referenced Series Sequence
dsPS.AddPresentationStateImageReference(dsImage1, null, 0);
// Set up the DicomAnnotationsUtilities converter
DicomAnnotationsUtilities du = new DicomAnnotationsUtilities();
// Change the DICOM Unique Identifier Organization Root
// The SOPInstanceUID of the presentation state will start with this prefix
du.DicomUidOrgRoot = "1.2.840.1111.2222.3333";
// Set defaults
du.UseMapper = true;
du.ContainerMapper = annContainer.Mapper;
du.DefaultObject = new DicomTextObject();
du.ImageDpiX = 96.0;
du.ImageDpiY = 96.0;
du.DisplayWidth = 200;
du.DisplayHeight = 200;
du.LayerName = "Layer 0";
// Set up the presentation state module
PresentationStateIdentificationModule ps = new PresentationStateIdentificationModule();
ps.ContentCreatorName = "My Content Creator Name";
ps.ContentDescription = "My Content Description";
ps.ContentLabel = "My Content Label";
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
ps.CreationDate = new DicomDateValue(now);
ps.CreationTime = new DicomTimeValue(now);
ps.InstanceNumber = 123;
du.PresentationStateIdentification = ps;
// Convert LEAD annotations to DICOM annotations
// Note that dsImage1 and dsImage2 must have the same PatientID
// The images can be from different studies and series
// 1. Add annotations for dsImage1
du.FromAnnContainerToDataSet(dsPS, annContainer, dsImage1, string.Empty, string.Empty, FromAnnContainerToDataSetOptions.Create);
// 2. Add annotations for dsImage2
// Create an AnnEllipseObject (rotated, filled)
AnnEllipseObject ellipseObject = new AnnEllipseObject();
ellipseObject.Stroke.Stroke = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("red");
ellipseObject.Fill = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("yellow");
ellipseObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(100, 100));
ellipseObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(200, 100));
ellipseObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(200, 200));
ellipseObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(100, 200));
du.FromAnnContainerToDataSet(dsPS, annContainer, dsImage2, string.Empty, string.Empty, FromAnnContainerToDataSetOptions.Append);
// Save the presentation state
dsPS.Save(outfilePresentationState, DicomDataSetSaveFlags.None);
// Read the annotations for dsImage1 -- there should be two objects
AnnContainer annContainer1 = du.FromDataSetToAnnContainer(dsPS, null, dsImage1);
Debug.Assert(annContainer1.Children.Count == 2);
// Read the annotations for dsImage2 -- there should be one object
AnnContainer annContainer2 = du.FromDataSetToAnnContainer(dsPS, null, dsImage2);
Debug.Assert(annContainer2.Children.Count == 1);
MessageBox.Show("Presentation State Saved: " + outfilePresentationState);
LeadPointD ConvertLeadPointD(double x, double y)
double imageDpi = 96.0;
return new LeadPointD(x * 720.0 / imageDpi, y * 720.0 / imageDpi);