public void DeleteChildCategory(
IMasterFormsCategory category
The category object to be deleted.
The source code for this interface implementation class is available at <INSTALLDIR>\Examples\Forms\DotNet\AutoMasterFormsRepository
The category directory will be deleted and cannot be restored. If the user wants to do different action he can inherit this class and override this method or do a custom implementation of IMasterFormsCategory. Be advised to have a back up copy of all Master Forms if this used this class, in case you have deleted the wrong Category.
There is no need to call DiskMasterFormsRepository.Refresh since the repository that this category belongs will be updated with this deletion.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Forms.Common;
using Leadtools.Forms.Auto;
using Leadtools.Document;
using Leadtools.Ocr;
using Leadtools.Forms.Recognition;
using Leadtools.Forms.Processing;
using Leadtools.Barcode;
public void AutoFormsDeleteCategory(DiskMasterFormsRepository repository, string name)
DeleteCategory(repository.RootCategory, name);
public void DeleteCategory(IMasterFormsCategory category, string name)
if (category.Name == name && category.Parent != null)
foreach (IMasterFormsCategory childCategory in category.ChildCategories)
DeleteCategory(childCategory, name);