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ImagePageNumber Property

Gets the page number in the input (image) file name for the current operation
public int ImagePageNumber { get; } 
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger imagePageNumber; 
public int getImagePageNumber() 
property int ImagePageNumber { 
   int get(); 
ImagePageNumber # get  (OcrAutoRecognizeJobOperationEventArgs) 

Property Value

The 1-based page number in the input (image) file name for the current operation. Or 0 if no page is being used.


This member is not valid and will be 0 when the current operation is CreateDocument, PrepareDocument, SaveDocument or ConvertDocument.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Ocr; 
using Leadtools.Document.Writer; 
using Leadtools.Forms.Common; 
using Leadtools.WinForms; 
public void JobOperationExample() 
   string imageFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Ocr1.tif"); 
   string documentFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "JobOperation.pdf"); 
   using (IOcrEngine ocrEngine = OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.LEAD)) 
      ocrEngine.Startup(null, null, null, LEAD_VARS.OcrLEADRuntimeDir); 
      IOcrAutoRecognizeManager autoRecognizeManager = ocrEngine.AutoRecognizeManager; 
      autoRecognizeManager.JobOperation += new EventHandler<OcrAutoRecognizeJobOperationEventArgs>(autoRecognizeManager_JobOperation); 
      IOcrAutoRecognizeJob job = autoRecognizeManager.CreateJob(new OcrAutoRecognizeJobData(imageFileName, DocumentFormat.Pdf, documentFileName)); 
      autoRecognizeManager.JobOperation -= new EventHandler<OcrAutoRecognizeJobOperationEventArgs>(autoRecognizeManager_JobOperation); 
private static void autoRecognizeManager_JobOperation(object sender, OcrAutoRecognizeJobOperationEventArgs e) 
   // We did not pass a zone to the job, so the engine will attempt to do AutoZone unless we 
   // add any zone to the input document. 
   // We can also check for e.PostOperation equals to true and manipulate the zones 
   // found the engine at this point 
   // Add a graphics zone. 
   // If you comment out this code, the result PDF will contain text, but since we will be adding a zone here, 
   // the engine will not auto-zone the document for us. Also, since the zone we are adding is 
   // graphics that takes up the whole page, the result PDF will contain a raster image and no text. 
   if (!e.PostOperation && e.ImagePageNumber == 1) 
      OcrZone ocrZone = new OcrZone(); 
      ocrZone.ZoneType = OcrZoneType.Graphic; 
      ocrZone.Bounds = new LeadRect(0, 0, e.Page.Width, e.Page.Height); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images"; 
   public const string OcrLEADRuntimeDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Bin\Common\OcrLEADRuntime"; 

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