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ConfigurationDefaults Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ConfigurationDefaults.

Public Fields

Name Description
Public Field CacheFolder The default folder path to where the JpipServer stores its cache data.
Public Field CacheSize The default maximum size of the cache folder, in megabytes.
Public Field ChunkSize The default chunk size of the HTTP packet in bytes.
Public Field ConnectionIdleTimeout The default timeout period before a connected client gets disconnected if no requests are performed, in seconds.
Public Field DivideSuperBoxes The default value that specifies whether to divide meta-data super boxes into sub-boxes.
Public Field EnableLogging The default value that specifies whether the server should generate event logs.
Public Field HandshakeTimeout The default connection handshake timeout, in seconds.
Public Field ImageParsingTimeout The default timeout for parsing a requested image, in seconds.
Public Field ImagesFolder The default folder path where images are stored.
Public Field IPAddress The default IP address to which the JpipServer is listening.
Public Field LogDebug The default value that specifies whether an EventType.Debug event log should be written to the log file.
Public Field LogErrors The default value that specifies whether an EventType.Error event log should be written to the log file.
Public Field LoggingFile The default event log file name.
Public Field LogInformation The default value that specifies whether an EventType.Information event log should be written to the log file.
Public Field LogWarnings The default value that specifies whether an EventType.Warning event log should be written to the log file.
Public Field MaxClientCount The default maximum number of concurrent connected clients.
Public Field MaxConnectionBandwidth The default maximum transmission bandwidth for client connections, in bytes/seconds.
Public Field MaxServerBandwidth The default total transmission bandwidth of the server, in bytes/seconds.
Public Field MaxSessionLifetime The default maximum lifetime of a continuously connected client, in seconds.
Public Field MaxTransportConnections The default maximum number of transport connections.
Public Field PartitionBoxSize The default maximum size of a meta-data box before it is being replaced by a placeholder box, in bytes.
Public Field Port The default port to which the JpipServer is listening.
Public Field RequestTimeout The default receiving timeout for a client request, in seconds.
Public Field ServerName The default name of the JpipServer.

See Also

ConfigurationDefaults Class

Leadtools.Jpip.Server Namespace

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