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Leadtools.SpeechRecognition Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools SpeechRecognition classes.


Class Description
Class AudioProperties Holds information about the supported or required audio features, such as the SpeechRecognitionEngine's audio properties required by the loaded runtime.
Class ByPassCommandsInterpreter Provides an empty placeholder implementation for ICommandsInterpreter.
Class CommandsInterpreter This class will do some optional post-processing for the transcribed text, including figuring out the voice commands and modifying the output text to include symbols corresponding to the commands inputted.
Class SpeechRecognitionEngine Provides support for speech recognition functionality in LEADTOOLS.
Class SpeechRecognitionResult Contains the result of transcribing an audio stream.
Class SpeechRecognitionWord Represents a word that has been transcribed from an audio source.
Class SpeechRecognizedEventArgs Contains information about the current recognition session.
Class SpeechRecognizer Provides functionalities to transcribe audio using the speech recognition engine.
Help Version 22.0.2022.12.14
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Leadtools.SpeechRecognition Assembly
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