bool MenuLoop {get; set;}
True if the menu background loops continuously. False if the menu background video is played only once. This is the default value.
Gets or sets value that indicates whether the menu background loops continuously. Do not set this property to True if the menu background is a still image. If the background is a still image, there is no reason to loop since the image never changes.
Do not use the menu loop if the background contains a very short video. Some DVD drives take some time to restart playing the background and if it is a short video that can cause undesired effects. If you still want to use menu loop with a short video clip, obtain better results by concatenating the clip several times and using the longer clip as a menu. For example: To use a 1-sec clip as the menu in a continuous loop. Concatenate the clip 8 times, creating an 8-sec video clip (the original clip playing 8 times). Now use this 8-sec clip as the background and enable the menu loop.
using Leadtools.Multimedia;
using LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures;
public bool _result = false;
public ConvertCtrlForm _form = new ConvertCtrlForm();
private ConvertCtrl _convertCtrl = null;
private LTDvdWriter _dvdWriter = null;
public void DvdWriterExample()
// reference the convert control
_convertCtrl = _form.ConvertCtrl;
// source files for DVD content
string inFile1 = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "DaDa_CMP.avi");
string inFile2 = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "DaDa_CMW.avi");
string inFile3 = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "DaDa_J2K.avi");
string inFile4 = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "Test_VideoStabilizer.avi");
string backgroundImageFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "cannon.jpg");
string outFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "ConvertCtrl_DvdWriterExample_DVD");
_dvdWriter = null;
_convertCtrl.Preview = true;
_convertCtrl.PreviewVisible = true;
// setup the converter
_convertCtrl.TargetFormat = TargetFormatType.DVD;
_convertCtrl.VideoCompressors.Mpeg2.Selected = true;
_convertCtrl.AudioCompressors.MpegAudio.Selected = true;
// Create a DVD image with 2 titles, each contains 2 chapters:
// Source video
_convertCtrl.SourceFile = inFile1;
// Destination image folder
_convertCtrl.TargetFile = outFile;
// Retrieve the DVD Writer interface
_dvdWriter = _convertCtrl.GetSubObject(ConvertObject.Sink) as LTDvdWriter;
_dvdWriter.MenulessTitlePlay = false;
// Set the TitleBreak property to false.
// This will prevent the title from being written immediately after the conversion
_dvdWriter.TitleBreak = false;
_dvdWriter.AddMenuTitle("Title 1", -1);
// Write the first chapter in the first title
while (_convertCtrl.State != ConvertState.Stopped)
int highPart = 0;
int lowPart = _dvdWriter.GetBytesWritten(out highPart);
Int64 written = highPart << 32 | lowPart;
_convertCtrl.SourceFile = inFile2;
while (_convertCtrl.State != ConvertState.Stopped)
// Prepare for the second title
// Set the TitleBreak property to TRUE, so the current title can be flushed
_dvdWriter.TitleBreak = true;
// Disable Overwrite so the title will be appended to an existing dvd image
_dvdWriter.Overwrite = false;
_dvdWriter.MenulessTitlePlay = false;
// Set the TitleBreak property to FALSE.
// This will prevent the title from being written immediately after the conversion
_dvdWriter.TitleBreak = false;
_dvdWriter.AddMenuTitle("Title 2", -1);
// Write the first chapter in the second title
_convertCtrl.SourceFile = inFile3;
while (_convertCtrl.State != ConvertState.Stopped)
// Write the second chapter in the second title
_convertCtrl.SourceFile = inFile4;
while (_convertCtrl.State != ConvertState.Stopped)
// Close the second title
_dvdWriter.TitleBreak = true;
_dvdWriter.TitleMenu = true;
_dvdWriter.MenuLoop = true;
_dvdWriter.MenulessTitlePlay = false;
// Write the second chapter in the second title
_convertCtrl.SourceFile = backgroundImageFile;
while (_convertCtrl.State != ConvertState.Stopped)
_dvdWriter.TitleMenu = false;
_dvdWriter.Overwrite = false;
// done, free COM object
_dvdWriter = null;
// set the result
_result = true;
catch (Exception ex)
_result = false;
private void ChangeStillImageDuration(double duration)
ILTStlImgRd pStlImgRd;
pStlImgRd = _convertCtrl.GetSubObject(ConvertObject.SourceFilter) as ILTStlImgRd;
if (pStlImgRd != null)
// get the current menu duration
double currentDuration;
currentDuration = _convertCtrl.Duration;
if (currentDuration * 2 <= duration)
pStlImgRd.Loop = (int)(duration / currentDuration + 0.5);
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images";
public const string MediaDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Media";